Yep, voice of experience... I fell into a deep slump over a year after I lost Martin and just after my worse time of year - Christmas and New Year. Grief and loss and loneliness hit me like a punch in the gut again, as raw as if he'd just died. It was like a dawning realisation that he really wasn't coming back, that I'd lost my best friend, I had no-one to share everything with anymore, this wasn't a temporary thing but really was my life now and I just didn't like it... not one tiny little bit. I did the whole hibernating thing. closed the curtains, gradually didn't bother to get dressed, didn't answer the phone or the door and eventually didn't get out of bed or eat for several days. I had the holiday of a lifetime to look forward to... a six week visit to my daughter in Australia with lots of adventures planned but I didn't give a damn and couldn't even think about it or make a start on packing a case or anything. After a week or so, I obviously knew this just wasn't me and it wasn't right and Martin would hate to see me like this but I couldn't do anything about it on my own, so I chose to get some anti-depressants. They helped keep me out of the deep lows and gradually climb out of the spiral. Within a few weeks I was feeling much more like the cheerful eternal optimist I've always been and began planning and making lists and packing and really looking forward to my trip and seeing my daughter. By the time I got back from that amazing trip in the April, I felt totally myself again and ready to tackle anything... bring it on world, I can handle it! I took the pills for the full six months and would go back on them in a heartbeat if ever I ever feel that way again.