Mental health

๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹I always knew you were a wreck on this inside and had this suit of armour on and it has taken the death of a good friend and husband to put a chink in your it but you now need to go through the grieving process to come out the other side and you will in your own good time and I will be here ready to plan our next adventure.
I feel slightly sheepish now I've kind of bared my soul, and as most of you know I don't post often!
But I'm deeply humbled by all of your responses, those that I know and those I don't.
I don't normally look for public sympathy or recognition but all of you have made me feel valued xxx
๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹I always knew you were a wreck on this inside and had this suit of armour on and it has taken the death of a good friend and husband to put a chink in your it but you now need to go through the grieving process to come out the other side and you will in your own good time and I will be here ready to plan our next adventure.

My armour is off.....I will be what I will be...( not sure that will be a good thing but it will be me worts an all)
Chris here Sue.

We love you Sue....warts and all!!!

Itโ€™s always easy to think the grass is greener on the other side and that other people have it all.....not so.

Youโ€™re so brave,baring your soul like that...most of us just keep our โ€˜failingsโ€™ and unhappiness behind a mask..very convincing masks at times.

Hope you find the strength,and it is there, to get through these dark days and back to you.....the one we all love.

You knowI am here for you if you need me and also you have many,many Wildy friends who love you.

Take care my love and hope to see you soon...when you are ready.

Lots of love Chris xxx
My armour is off.....I will be what I will be...( not sure that will be a good thing but it will be me worts an all)

that's it sue, go for it remember ONE DAY AT A TIME

hi Sue- i've seen you drunk and sober- you're alright , better than most, don't beat yourself up about your feelings , none of us know how to behave , we're all still learning and bumbling along. life gives us varying degrees of s hit to handle , you've had more than your share and handled it well , that i've seen

always a spot in my garden if you fancy
hi Sue- i've seen you drunk and sober- you're alright , better than most, don't beat yourself up about your feelings , none of us know how to behave , we're all still learning and bumbling along. life gives us varying degrees of s hit to handle , you've had more than your share and handled it well , that i've seen

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always a spot in my garden if you fancy

So true Mr Brown, still trying to work that one out lol
Sue you really are valued and loved you know, ya dafty Hug.png Don't know if you realise but you and Annie are my inspirations in this camping mularky... I figure if you two can do all this alone then I can too. In my eyes you are a gorgeous, fun, lively and confident woman but I do know some of what you've been through and that just makes you all the more inspirational. I realise you've got extra problems to deal with that most of us can only imagine but I promise that at least half the things on your list apply to any one of us... they're just part of everyday human frailty. None of us are anything like as confident or together as we may appear and most of us are riddled with insecurities that we keep behind the mask... I'll grab a fresh toilet roll and write a list of mine for you one day :rolleyes:

The thing is you really are brave... you may not think so but you obviously feel the fear and do it anyway - that's the definition of bravery in my book. As my daughter said to me after Martin died when every little thing seemed so difficult and pointless... instead of fearing what you can't do, start celebrating every little vicitory, every single day, and be rightly proud of that success until you learn to believe in yourself again. No idea how she got to be so wise :raofl:
Thankyou Jenny for those lovely sentiments, I think I'm just having a wobble in life and I'm sure I'll get there.
I just need to make changes to make me a better person x
Sue I guess you know I would pop up like a bad penny.

Today is the first part of your recovery by identifying things don't seem right.

I have very little time for so called professionals, but briefly my journey, Alcoholic, suffer long term depression and anxiety that only today .. a friend worried social services involved no idea whats what and too add the health not good. I too had bereavement of a parent , become frankly unemployable and the ex pissed off with my daughter

So I think I have the tee shirt,

It is a long haul , it is bloody difficult, your self worth becomes non existent, you feel frankly just a drain and in reality socially isolated ?

You have made the right step, I am not far away if you ever fancy a chat and coffee Maureen my moped needs no excuse, What I am suggesting is I really get the gig and non judgemental.

Selfish part possibly helps me too, if my experiences can help in just one situation then good comes from adversity I hope I make sense

Mental illness is so under estimated in the UK it is beyond a joke, access to any service is extremely difficult I know from experience ....anyway don't be a stranger if you need a confidential chat drop a pm

To paraphrase from one of my pubs... What is said between the two green doors remains between the two green doors ,

Good luck and warmest wishes whatever route you follow

Hi Sue,
Sad to hear your feeling like sh*t about what's gone on in your life. It's not a nice way to feel, but if its any consolation, you've plenty mates. I think most of us look at others and see the happy face they show the world, but I bet most are feeling as insecure as the rest of us. You are a clever articulate person though you might not believe it. I may be wrong, usually am, but it strikes me that you've spent your life Looking out for everybody else but not yourself. Time to put yourself first, give yourself the love and care you give to others. I know it's easy to say but a dammed sight harder to do. You've made a start by talking about how you feel. Hope to see you soon, if we get out again.

Hi Sue, goodness that was a sad first post. I thought you had been quiet lately but thought it was the crap weather keeping you quiet. We have had some great days and nights out usually fuelled by a few beers, but we always enjoyed the times. You have had to put up with a lot in your life and Geoff going was probably the straw that broke the camels back. You have been an inspiration to everyone of us wilders with your none stop whit and laughter. I am no expert but I don't think enjoying a few drinks brings depression on, but does help to lighten gloomy moods. We have been together and had far to much to drink, and really enjoyed our times. We have had a few hangovers and had no drink but still kept smiling. You and Annie have had some great journey's together. I think and hope that when the spring comes and a bit of sunshine appears we will hit the road again and normal service will resume. See ya soon XX . :cheers: ..
.... Tom ....
I struggle to reply to your brave original post Sue, desperately wanting to say something which might help in a small way but not knowing what. I can only say that I and I know many others have great affection for you and great admiration for how you get on with travelling and camping in spite of your problems physically.
I think that it's great that you've realised that alcohol is a problem and not a problem solver. Well done for posting about your feelings, I know you've got loads of support here to help you feel better.
You are a lovely person Sue, you just need to believe it more. As everyone says one day at a time, even an hour at a time. I have my craft room where I can escape - just need an outlet (not for everybody - but it keeps me sane and alive). Many hugs (and I am not a huggy person) and lots of love and as said you are a Loverly person. :wave: Also to overcome the all your problems believe me you are a brave person who does not give in. :wave:
yet again mr b to the rescue with a spot in his garden has helped me through some dark day sue do know what well think i do going through hence why i started whos awake couldnt sleep and still dont sleep that well with it always here at the end of a phone line if only to say boo the worse days are where you get up and dont do nothing andwonder what day it is is it going to be any different to yesterday
Hi Sue
i think everybody that's replied to your post has said it all.
you were the first person to include us in the gang I find it hard to mix in groups but you really helped.
your a lovely lady drunk or sober and an inspiration to others. Hope this is just a little dip in life's road for you:heart::heart:
Can't think of anything useful to say that hasn't been said will come out the other side in the end, the journey is tough but you will get there, and we will all be cheering you on.
Thankyou Jenny for those lovely sentiments, I think I'm just having a wobble in life and I'm sure I'll get there.
I just need to make changes to make me a better person x

As a person You are better than many; You are also admired, respected, adored. Any changes that you make can only enable You to better perceive this.


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