Good morning, Happy Campers All! :wave:
I've starting reading these threads backwards now, and, as there's some good racing on today ( weather-permitting) I'm scrambling this rambling off in a rush. Hopefully, some of it may be helpful and increase the "feel-good factor".
You're one hundred percent on the money, me ould mush! Nice succinct post, imo.
I think you must be a fireman or the like, as you make some very level-headed and sensible , pragmatic, posts, imo. Thank you.
" It is like my old mum a few years ago she employed a nce firm of travelling roofers !
They kindly took her to the bank and helped her empty her account of all her savings !
Police response was to send the neighbourhood home security people around to put a sticker up and advise her on not leaving doors unlocked ????
She cannot even remember the name of a yoghurt some days so that was real helpful ."
I was sorry to read this, B.
It was probably some time ago as door-to-door sales have now been largely banned in GB by legislation possibly designed to protect the vulnerable.
Whatever, if the roof is still faulty, please let me know the address and I'll arrange to have it fixed with no further cost to your mother.
Just send me details of type of roof ( slate, tile, tarred felt, etc) and we'll get it sorted at your convenience.
To prevent future problems, here's what folk should do when they have elderly relatives who are left alone. First, draw up what they call "
Powers of Attorney" with the legal people.
This will enable you to keep tabs on your mother's affairs. Basically, you want it so that nobody can do any deal with your mother, WITHOUT YOU.
Certainly, no bank worth their salt ( yes, I know there aren't many, are there:sad

will proceed without your sanction.
So, there you go, that's the way to prevent this sort of thing in future. I'll be happy too, as it's just the sort of thing the Murdoch papers and the Daily Mail seemingly trot out month after month.
It reinforces the negative stereotype which they want to portray, and it's silly really as it's so easily prevented with a few sensible and caring measures that are quite simple to follow.
I hope this helps.
One thing about our lot, we don't get so much of the problems relating to the elderly, as our families tend to be the old style , tight-knit, extended sort. The old are respected and treated with care and respect, and we see it as our duty to look after them, just like some non-travellers have similar feelings about their children.
Anyway, let us know about the roof, and, we'll see what can be done.:goodluck:
Security and Dangers at Home:
a) My guess is that the figures show most folks die in bed, and most folk die at home.
b) My guess is that most of the actual bombers ( as opposed to suspects) in Great Britain are in fact British born.
The day after the London bombings, I saw some coppers shining torches under the platforms as I was making my way from London to a racecourse in the Home Counties.
I told them that they'd be far better shining their torches into the British colleges and universities, if they wanted to catch terrorists. They smiled and agreed, but kept on shining ( wasting time some folk will say, I suppose).
The problem could be fixed a lot quicker, imo.
Happy debating! I'm off to the races! :beer::goodluck::boat::drive::wacko::danger:
sean rua.
" Ignorance is treatable; Arrogance is Terminal."