Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance

Surely greed makes the world go round, why else would anyone work, if it wasn't for the want of "things" 99% of the economy would disappear.
Food and shelter are all we need, anything else is selfish greed.

Carry on the good work,this has been fun to read.:wacko:
I like Jimmy Carr - I think he is funny. (but I would feel like this even if it was someone I didnt like!)

I dont think he should of been forced into making an apology as what he was doing was legal - don't most people want to pay less for something rather than pay more???

It is the system that is wrong, if someone told you that you could pay less for something would you say no????

...he shouldnt of been singled out, there are many others doing the same thing.

..... not just for tax, with everything in life.

I agree with you Rach. I'd like to see a few of the other famous tax avoiders put on TV for a few minutes each to see if they all seemed so "guilty" or apologetic as Jimmy Carr.

And "Alf", reading your full username quickly, would I be correct in thinking that you came here just to try and wind a few members up? I almost took some of your views and comments seriously, so well done! For a while I also suspected that you were related to (or was an alias of) another one of our long-time members who has been a little quiet recently. His name escapes me, but he is also a small businessman from northern parts! :)
Tax avoiders like Jimmy Carr don't bother me, it's up to the government to close down those tax loopholes, the tax dodgers who annoy me are the ones like the shifty little creep who called to quote me for a new garage roof and said it would be cheaper if I paid cash and no receipt. Before you can get the big tax avoiders those small time crooks have to be dealt with.
Pon my soul, this thread seems to have livened up last night while I was sleeping off the affects of an excellent dinner & the last litre from my 5 litre container of Super U Merlot.

Private v public sector workers. I have worked in both & I agree with Keith Waterhouse when he said "nobody in the Country works harder than the self employed"

but you do get to keep a greater bulk of your earnings.( Which is where we started)

Public sector usually has a greater responsibility with regards to human life, saving, looking after, educating etc.

That being the case I do not see how one can make a reasonable comparison between the two.

Dezi :pc:
I agree with you Rach. I'd like to see a few of the other famous tax avoiders put on TV for a few minutes each to see if they all seemed so "guilty" or apologetic as Jimmy Carr.

And "Alf", reading your full username quickly, would I be correct in thinking that you came here just to try and wind a few members up? I almost took some of your views and comments seriously, so well done! For a while I also suspected that you were related to (or was an alias of) another one of our long-time members who has been a little quiet recently. His name escapes me, but he is also a small businessman from northern parts! :)

I'm sure you can't be referring to me as there is no way that I can be described as a 'long-time member'. But, just in case you are, I've been quiet because I've been in Slovenia and Croatia for just over five weeks. My first post for some time on Friday evening was from Calais as I used up the last few megabytes of my European data allowance. I have looked at the forum occasionally and the administrator can very easily check that my log-in IP was in one of those countries. He can also check Alf whatsit's IP address as well and confirm that I am not him. I'm very forgiving and willing to accept an apology from those jumping to the wrong conclusions. Perhaps they simply can't imagine that more than one person disagrees with their view of things from the left?
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it is open for everyone to do it .everyone on paye .could start their own business and have high expenses be vat registered etc . but you do have to get the paperwork right. its up to the individuals .do they want to pay less .if so do it . you off set the loss on your business against your tax you pay as a paye . its really easy if you want to do it .

What planet did you run a business on? First of all business expenses have to be reasonable. No decent accountant will let you put through anything that isn't necessary for the running of your business and, even if you find one who will, the first tax inspection that you get will end up with you repaying the lot plus a hefty fine.

As for the second part, if you have a limited company, which is the only way that you'd still be on PAYE (as an employee of the company) there is no way that you can offset the company's losses against your personal income tax.

But as you say, starting your own business is easy. All you have to do is take out a second mortgage on your house, invest the money in setting up a company, run it as well as you can against all the established competition and pray that, at the end of the year, the bottom line is black. If it's not there's no real problem, you just sell your house to pay off the bank (who'll have a charge on it) and rent somewhere or go motorhoming full time. Couldn't be simpler really, beats me why everyone doesn't do it!
Pon my soul, this thread seems to have livened up last night while I was sleeping off the affects of an excellent dinner & the last litre from my 5 litre container of Super U Merlot.

Private v public sector workers. I have worked in both & I agree with Keith Waterhouse when he said "nobody in the Country works harder than the self employed"

but you do get to keep a greater bulk of your earnings.( Which is where we started)

Public sector usually has a greater responsibility with regards to human life, saving, looking after, educating etc.

That being the case I do not see how one can make a reasonable comparison between the two.

Dezi :pc:

I like to call them..."Non-Constructive Operatives" :lol-053:
I agree with you Rach. I'd like to see a few of the other famous tax avoiders put on TV for a few minutes each to see if they all seemed so "guilty" or apologetic as Jimmy Carr.

And "Alf", reading your full username quickly, would I be correct in thinking that you came here just to try and wind a few members up? I almost took some of your views and comments seriously, so well done! For a while I also suspected that you were related to (or was an alias of) another one of our long-time members who has been a little quiet recently. His name escapes me, but he is also a small businessman from northern parts! :)

Hello Scampa

Regarding my name... You are sharp.
My intentions were never to wind anyone up, as you put it. You will note my opinions, followed by other (mainly JH) opinions. Does he wind you up?
I am glad you took my views seriously, Thank you, there were meant to be.
It would seem the mystery NORTHERNER has spoken...were you thinking of him?
Keep reading, don't let my feelings wind YOU up, I appear to be doing enough winding up of JH!! (Unintentionally, may I add!) JH has his views, some I have to agree with, but sadly, as a teacher, he has never lived in the real world.
Tax avoiders like Jimmy Carr don't bother me, it's up to the government to close down those tax loopholes, the tax dodgers who annoy me are the ones like the shifty little creep who called to quote me for a new garage roof and said it would be cheaper if I paid cash and no receipt. Before you can get the big tax avoiders those small time crooks have to be dealt with.

I think there is good greed (Jimmy Carr) and bad greed...your garage roof man.
FANTASTIC...at last... a realist's view.
You should be running the country, I would vote for you. In fact, can I be part of your "Common Sense Party?"
Superb JOHN H
YOU pay all these wages don't YOU!
I see you don't have a reasonable argument for Public 'v' Private. All I see at the moment is Teachers and now Doctors that want more more more, can't they see the world is in a mess? GREED, that is what all this boils down to...can't you understand this JH? Don't you see this too?
Now, JOHN H, tell me, where in ANY of my previous messages did I mention "despising" anyone? However, I do despise greedy people who want to go on strike because their pensions aren't worth as much as they once were....wake up...the whole world is in a mess, brought on by greed, maybe we all have to work until we are 70...so what? We can't go on like this can we, someone has to come up with an alternative, I wonder what YOURS would be JH?
Yes, you are correct, we ALL depend on the public and private sectors, I never said anything to oppose that did I?
I am in total agreement, there are bad apples in ALL sectors. I have employed some, I managed to get shut of them too, and the common denominator?? GREED!

I am being sensible, take a look at your previous rants, you seem to make it up as you go along...I don't mind a debate, but try a little harder would you? Or don't bother!

Anyone got anything else to say about Jimmy Carr?

You really do have difficulty in following an argument, don't you - even your own! :lol-061:

I made the point about us all paying each others wages in response to your rant about you paying for the public sector.

I also despise greed - wherever it appears - but why do you single out public sector workers? What about your own greed - unless you are the one person in the world who doesn't have it. Humans are a selfish group and that will never change without a miracle pill - but we can learn to recognise it - and to not keep blaming others (whether they be miners, teachers, foreigners, gypsies or whatever) for our own failings.

Finally.......it is you, isn't it, Rob? Still enjoying the pies? :lol-049::wave::lol-049:
Hello Scampa

Regarding my name... You are sharp.
My intentions were never to wind anyone up, as you put it. You will note my opinions, followed by other (mainly JH) opinions. Does he wind you up?
I am glad you took my views seriously, Thank you, there were meant to be.
It would seem the mystery NORTHERNER has spoken...were you thinking of him?
Keep reading, don't let my feelings wind YOU up, I appear to be doing enough winding up of JH!! (Unintentionally, may I add!) JH has his views, some I have to agree with, but sadly, as a teacher, he has never lived in the real world.

Sorry to have to correct you Alf, but nothing on this thread has wound me up. I find some of it interesting and entertaining, but a lot of the "same old same old" political point scoring a little tedious and insulting to others! If you notice, I said "I almost took some of your views and comments seriously", meaning that for a moment I thought you actually believed them yourself! The amount of "spin" that you've applied to my comments reminds me of why I don't take any political speakers seriously!

(And in case you were wondering, I am neither a "Lefty" a "Righty" nor an "Inbetweeny", but more of a "Think for myselfy"!) :)
An interesting thread.Maybe its hitting the 40 barrrier that made me see things and life in a differing light.Part of my reasoning for packing in work ,selling up and hitting the road to go fulltime in a motorhome is not only that of a lifestyle change but also being sick and tired of the way that my hard earned cash has been wastefully squandered,the way consumerism and capitalism has made us all into a grab grab society.
It truly sickens me to see the way humans can behave,particularly when these people will never go hungry and always have a roof over their heads,but still they need more whilst millions have none of the above.Somethings have never changed goverments are akin to the kings of yesteryear in medieval brittain,money would be spent on fighting and wars,whilst we are then charged with yet more unfair taxes to fund the goverments or kings coffers.very little changes and has changed.
Human nature is all about greed,the more money one earns it seems the greedier we become,and with more and more money the easier it is to employ accountants and money people with whom can tie up all your money in a myriad of ways,hiding and becoming more and more genius with your money.I would agree that the system is what needs to change,greedy people will always be that,maybe they are just like the rest of us who disagree with how the money and taxes are wastefully spent,the simple fact of the matter is the system will not be changed because the people in control of this country are benefiting from the system being the way that it is.
The richer will always get richer and the gap between richer and poorer will continue to expand.
An interesting thread.Maybe its hitting the 40 barrrier that made me see things and life in a differing light.Part of my reasoning for packing in work ,selling up and hitting the road to go fulltime in a motorhome is not only that of a lifestyle change but also being sick and tired of the way that my hard earned cash has been wastefully squandered,the way consumerism and capitalism has made us all into a grab grab society.
It truly sickens me to see the way humans can behave,particularly when these people will never go hungry and always have a roof over their heads,but still they need more whilst millions have none of the above.Somethings have never changed goverments are akin to the kings of yesteryear in medieval brittain,money would be spent on fighting and wars,whilst we are then charged with yet more unfair taxes to fund the goverments or kings coffers.very little changes and has changed.
Human nature is all about greed,the more money one earns it seems the greedier we become,and with more and more money the easier it is to employ accountants and money people with whom can tie up all your money in a myriad of ways,hiding and becoming more and more genius with your money.I would agree that the system is what needs to change,greedy people will always be that,maybe they are just like the rest of us who disagree with how the money and taxes are wastefully spent,the simple fact of the matter is the system will not be changed because the people in control of this country are benefiting from the system being the way that it is.
The richer will always get richer and the gap between richer and poorer will continue to expand.

I pressed the "like" button and then realised how inappropriate that word is! I certainly AGREE with the sentiment, however. ;)
in reply you can call people greedy .but it could be that alot of people are too stupid to see that they can use the system just as much as well.
there isnt one system for the rich and one for the poor .we all use the same system . you can get books that explain it all. even the inland revenue man can explain lots of ways to avoid paying too much tax . try visiting one it can be very beneficial.
humans are their own worst enemy .nobody makes you buy ,borrow etc .its up to the individual how or why he does what he does . you cant blame anyone else .but bitterness does seem to creep out from the ones that dont get it right or wont be told . start your own business use the system to its full potential .nobody is stopping you. only yourself.
But to make the most of the system means you have to go self employed,you know me alan my old freind,bitter i may be for now,but when i do hit the road i can leave it all behind me and freeload on your driveway too eating your pies and drinking the cartons of wine as we go,now thats the kind of system i like:cool1:
as the system is now anyone even if you are on paye can also have a self employed status as well.
lots do .even a car booter could register it as another form of employment .claim for vehicles clothes etc . all legal.
Pardon me as I did not bother reading every word of your diatribe (as I know what it will be).

You describe me as a leftie :rolleyes2:. Yes I admit that I am slightly left of Attila the Hun. Like Alf the Great (or should that be grate?) I have no time for the lazy, feckless and criminal. That does not mean that I would put everyone in the workhouse, jail or detention camps. The difference is that people should have the opportunity to better themselves and a good push in that direction is to make them less dependant on benefits.

You keep bragging about travelling the world. If you are trying to impress me, you are failing badly. I once reckoned up that I had been in 55 countries and then I did a few more. You have a long way to go to catch up. :D

What really annoys me about people with your attitude is this. I have an IQ that puts me in the top 2% of the population. It is no big deal to me but my Father was the same, a highly intelligent man who had no choice but to work for 48 years down a Coal Mine because of people like you who want to keep people in poverty, without any hope.
I am alright Jack is your real attitude. You have a shallow, nasty attitude to your fellow man and it shows on this forum.

Now go away.
Just a few points:

"Greed" means wanting more than you need. It isn't good for the individual or the community, in the long run.


OK, ain't too difficult - even for those, who, like, me despised the teacher (on the few occasions I met up with him):p - is it?

Right, man is a social animal. We benefit from living in communities.
To live in a community means that folk within follow certain guidelines and rules.

All this is fine up to a TRIBAL level.
When there is further expansion and overflow, or, interaction with different tribes, things start to go wrong, and all may not be rosy in the garden.

The basic THREE ESSENTIALS of human life are generally said to be FOOD, CLOTHING, and SHELTER.

Now, most of my life - till an accident at work in a tunnel ( I was a miner) I worked at what I like to call a
PRODUCER. I was self-employed, so got f a..

Basically, even today, humans depend on what is produced from the Earth and the Sea. There ain't no where else yet, but perhaps some of the clever fkrs on here can conjure up something tasty out of fresh air.
The industries involved are
FARMING ( including forestry and fishing)
MINING and QUARRYING and Mineral Extraction by any means ( oilwells etc)

These are the fundamentals. Sounds a bit simplistic, but, in today's world, a lot of folk ain't got a clue. That's why they start braying like donkeys and soccer hooligans, instead of copping on to the reality of life.

Now, at tribal level, there are mostly PRODUCERS, and a minority of NON-PRODUCERS.
At this level, the non-producers can be offer good value by providing important services that help and please the tribe. Hence, throughout history, musicians , poets and storytellers have been respected and, in some cases, excused the chore of producing. ( Jimmy Carn't, perhaps?)

Right, that's enough for now. Too much learning can be non-productive and self-defeating because of over-kill.

I explained in an earlier post that most tax goes to pay for WAR and PENSIONS.
When folk find, as they will in the next few years, that their pensions - state and private - ain't much to live on,
they should remember Thatcher/Reagan, Blair/Brown/Bush, Biffo/Enda, and Dave, Barack, and Jimmy.
They'll all be fine, but will you? ;)

sean rua.
Now, at tribal level, there are mostly PRODUCERS, and a minority of NON-PRODUCERS.

sean rua.

Just to bring your summary up to date, in modern society this ratio is reversed and there are fewer producers than non-producers, which brings us to the ultimate dilemma:

We now live longer thanks to the efforts of those non-producers (be they sewage workers or doctors) but we all become non-producers (pensioners) as a result. It doesn't take Einstein to know that the money won't stretch and eventually the s**t will hit the fan. Human greed and selfishness means that nobody wants to give up the pensions they were promised (if the non-doctors on here were doctors, they would be on strike with the rest of them, even though we all know the situation is unsustainable - greed is not confined to either the rich or the poor). Perhaps the solution is to ban the public sector, all die younger and save the state lots of money? On the other hand.............;)

Btw, sorry you had a bad experience with your teachers but we are not all like that - honest :wave:

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