Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance

but some arent . some just dont have very much at all not even very much drinking water . the people should be moved to other countries that have water . but not to worry . who cares . its only tax . like i said earlier only poor people pay tax . rich people run high expenses . thats how you find out how others live . go on expenses . why spend your own money .
We have nothing to trade anymore.

Because our mining and manufacturing base has been practically obliterated it is easy to come to this conclusion - but it is mistaken. We now trade mainly in what are amusingly called "invisibles" - which includes everything from financial services to tourism. We depend even more on trade now than we did in the past because you can't eat money or drive money or wear money. Thus it is even more important to foster trade with what are euphemistically referred to as the developing nations. It is very easy to fall into the trap of assuming we are giving money away but it should more properly be regarded in the same category as advertising and promotion. Not even this government would willingly "give" money away to the gold or diamond producing countries you mention. I don't know what you do for a living but if you are involved in making or selling anything, you know you could not survive without sales staff and promotional material. I think that the "aid" budget should be under the direction of the Department responsible for trade - then it might become clearer.
Because our mining and manufacturing base has been practically obliterated it is easy to come to this conclusion - but it is mistaken. We now trade mainly in what are amusingly called "invisibles" - which includes everything from financial services to tourism. We depend even more on trade now than we did in the past because you can't eat money or drive money or wear money. Thus it is even more important to foster trade with what are euphemistically referred to as the developing nations. It is very easy to fall into the trap of assuming we are giving money away but it should more properly be regarded in the same category as advertising and promotion. Not even this government would willingly "give" money away to the gold or diamond producing countries you mention. I don't know what you do for a living but if you are involved in making or selling anything, you know you could not survive without sales staff and promotional material. I think that the "aid" budget should be under the direction of the Department responsible for trade - then it might become clearer.

...like I already said....we are a million miles away from Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance here, but as you ask, I import products from Spain, Italy and Turkey. You are correct in assuming I need sales staff and promotional material, but in these troubled times none of these things are of any real help. The previous government put the brakes on my business!!
The miners ended their own careers by holding the country to ransom, so don't even get me started on that lot!
Does the name Robert Mugabe mean anything to you? I find it strange that we hunt down and kill Saddam but yet we leave this evil dictator to run free...
anyway...back to Jimmy Carr..
...like I already said....we are a million miles away from Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance here, but as you ask, I import products from Spain, Italy and Turkey. You are correct in assuming I need sales staff and promotional material, but in these troubled times none of these things are of any real help. The previous government put the brakes on my business!!
The miners ended their own careers by holding the country to ransom, so don't even get me started on that lot!
Does the name Robert Mugabe mean anything to you? I find it strange that we hunt down and kill Saddam but yet we leave this evil dictator to run free...
anyway...back to Jimmy Carr..

Conversations wander - that is the joy of them but I don't think anything is to be gained by me rising to the bait of that remark about miners! :scared::lol-053:

I'm not sure either what Mugabe has got to do with it - yes he is a crazy meglomaniac but I have been to Zimbabwe and in general the people there are among the most hard-working and delightful people I have ever met anywhere. If we stopped trading with Zimbabwe, who do you think would suffer most - Mugabe or his downtrodden people?
Conversations wander - that is the joy of them but I don't think anything is to be gained by me rising to the bait of that remark about miners! :scared::lol-053:

I'm not sure either what Mugabe has got to do with it - yes he is a crazy meglomaniac but I have been to Zimbabwe and in general the people there are among the most hard-working and delightful people I have ever met anywhere. If we stopped trading with Zimbabwe, who do you think would suffer most - Mugabe or his downtrodden people?

I find myself nodding at your remark about Zimbabwe.
I also find myself wondering what you mean about not rising to the bait about miners? Do you not remember the power cuts in the 70's?
Then, I seem to remember...."Give us more money" they cried...
Maggie stood strong...who's crying now??
I call it greed....which brings me neatly back to....Jimmy Carrs tax arrangements....:rolleyes:
Maggie stood strong...who's crying now??
I call it greed....which brings me neatly back to....Jimmy Carrs tax arrangements....:rolleyes:

I think it is evident we come from different sides of the political divide but I will say this - Thatcher didn't invent greed but she certainly made it acceptable. Which is, in my opinion, where the rot set in. Over to you.............................:lol-061:
I think it is evident we come from different sides of the political divide but I will say this - Thatcher didn't invent greed but she certainly made it acceptable. Which is, in my opinion, where the rot set in. Over to you.............................:lol-061:

Clearly you are on the left side of common sense:lol-053:
You will no doubt be soooo grateful to the senseless lot who messed up the country over the last 10 years or so? (Go on Jimmy Carr, keep doing what you are doing...sod the lot of em!)
Clearly you have never run your own business...no I thought not, you would have a much more educated view on the economy if you had.
Even Milliband has apologised on his views on immigration, lets face it JOHN H, your lot really buggered up this country didn't they!
What did the loony left ever do right for us?:lol-049:

Enough said on this matter....I have made my point....Jimmy Carr has not done anything illegal, even you JOHN H would try and pay as little tax as possible if you earned it the hard way like some of us!!
Not a teacher by any chance are you? Just an (educated guess) but you sound like you could be!:lol-061:

Has anyone ELSE got any views on Jimmy Carr 'cos I am really bored with my accidental & unintentional disagreement about world politics with my new friend JOHN H. No offence JOHN H, but this thread is all about Jimmy Carr and as you will notice, I have tried to get back 'on topic' as I have seen all this sort of thing end in tears before.
I don't mind, so long as Phil doesn't, opening a thread called LEFT 'v' RIGHT and all the things in-between, Miners 'v' Maggie for example, should be interesting, what do you think? I don't claim to know an awful lot about politics, only what works for me and my world but I am willing to listen to your views as long as it doesn't end in someone wanting to rip someones head off!!
Well I have been a Miner AND run my own business. As stated earlier I also paid no tax for a long time.

I will never get into a debate with someone who appears to use the Daily Mail as the fount of all his knowledge.

Sorry Alf. :eek:
I think it is evident we come from different sides of the political divide but I will say this - Thatcher didn't invent greed but she certainly made it acceptable. Which is, in my opinion, where the rot set in. Over to you.............................:lol-061:

True,she stopped giving m.ps nice hefty wage increases and instead hid the hike in income in a guise called bonuses,unfortunatly this idea kind of caught on didnt it.
Well I have been a Miner AND run my own business. As stated earlier I also paid no tax for a long time.

I will never get into a debate with someone who appears to use the Daily Mail as the fount of all his knowledge.

Sorry Alf. :eek:

HA-Ha-Ha.... The Daily Mail....PLEASE maingate, give me some credit, where oh where did you assume that nonsense?? I don't have time to read newspapers, they all full of lies, I believe all of what I see and nothing of what I hear.
I note you run your own business, still do I assume?
A friend of JOHN H i also assume? Just an educated guess from the miner 'link' (another leftie I think?) They are all coming out of the woodwork now with my 'dig' (see what I did there?) at the miner thing
True,she stopped giving m.ps nice hefty wage increases and instead hid the hike in income in a guise called bonuses,unfortunatly this idea kind of caught on didnt it.

Totally agree Coolasluck....
We are both thinking "BANKS" aren't we?
Thanks Labour....Thanks VERY much!
coming from a long line of miners .and i mean deep mining . i am the first generation not to go and work the mines . my father had a crushed leg , my granfathers died of silicousis etc . i have seen the open cast mines in east germany and poland . seen a line of 13 drag cranes working a open surface mine right on ther border beyween the two countries .it did go through my mind why did my family go so far down and across . risking life and limb . this open mining is fairly cheap and not alot of risk to life. i know the quality isnt the same .
yes they started as tin miners and went north to help in the first deep mines near durham . they didnt know better then .but having seen the mines in europe i can see that uk coalmines had to close .costs etc really didnt make them worth having . we already had a declining industrial problem so who was going to buy the coal. plus the green side was begining to want clean air etc . it was destined to fail . unfortunately doesnt matter who we blame it was going to end .
i,m glad my father took me away from the coal mining area .as a child in the sixties . at least it gave me a life not based on coal.
i find it all very interesting and here in cornwall we have the countries first deep mines and the mining of deep coal could not of happened if it wasnt for the cornish tin miners . first the tin disapeared then the coal. but it as left lots of history here. lets be honest deep mining is really not nice for the workers anyway.
but never mind alf will hook them in or have i spelt his name wrong .nice one alf .hee hee .
Clearly you are on the left side of common sense:lol-053:
You will no doubt be soooo grateful to the senseless lot who messed up the country over the last 10 years or so? (Go on Jimmy Carr, keep doing what you are doing...sod the lot of em!)
Clearly you have never run your own business...no I thought not, you would have a much more educated view on the economy if you had.
Even Milliband has apologised on his views on immigration, lets face it JOHN H, your lot really buggered up this country didn't they!
What did the loony left ever do right for us?:lol-049:

Enough said on this matter....I have made my point....Jimmy Carr has not done anything illegal, even you JOHN H would try and pay as little tax as possible if you earned it the hard way like some of us!!
Not a teacher by any chance are you? Just an (educated guess) but you sound like you could be!:lol-061:

Has anyone ELSE got any views on Jimmy Carr 'cos I am really bored with my accidental & unintentional disagreement about world politics with my new friend JOHN H. No offence JOHN H, but this thread is all about Jimmy Carr and as you will notice, I have tried to get back 'on topic' as I have seen all this sort of thing end in tears before.
I don't mind, so long as Phil doesn't, opening a thread called LEFT 'v' RIGHT and all the things in-between, Miners 'v' Maggie for example, should be interesting, what do you think? I don't claim to know an awful lot about politics, only what works for me and my world but I am willing to listen to your views as long as it doesn't end in someone wanting to rip someones head off!!

Well, shake a Tory and they really get mad, don't they? It never ceases to amaze me that people like you, Alf, rely on knee-jerk reactions rather than facts. If you had bothered to find out about me before trying to insult me you will have discovered that I am no apologist for Blair and his ilk; that I have consistently defended Jimmy Carr and anyone else who operates within the law; and that I have also said that anybody (including me) would have acted similarly if they had his money to play with. One thing you did get right (presumably by looking up my profile) is that I was a teacher and I would be fascinated to hear you justify the statement that you have earned your money the hard way and I have not.
Well, shake a Tory and they really get mad, don't they? It never ceases to amaze me that people like you, Alf, rely on knee-jerk reactions rather than facts. If you had bothered to find out about me before trying to insult me you will have discovered that I am no apologist for Blair and his ilk; that I have consistently defended Jimmy Carr and anyone else who operates within the law; and that I have also said that anybody (including me) would have acted similarly if they had his money to play with. One thing you did get right (presumably by looking up my profile) is that I was a teacher and I would be fascinated to hear you justify the statement that you have earned your money the hard way and I have not.

Ah Haa, so you are/were a teacher, thought so! And no, I didn't look at your profile, I am not THAT bored yet.
MAD? Not yet....I am a long way off mad, just enjoying the banter, do you take offence at that JH?
Trying to insult you, I haven't even started going down that route yet and ...really don't want to, like I have said before it (you) ends in tears!!
And lastly...Teachers earn money the HARD way??:lol-061::lol-049::raofl::confused:
Are we talking about the same teachers who, like the miners, want to strike because, they think that they aren't paid enough? Another lot who think they can hold the country to ransom.
I would have them all put on litter picking duties on the motorways and give their jobs to someone who WANTS to work! Remember JOHN H it is the Private sector (ME) who pay the public sector (you) and you still want more!
Back on topic.....GREED!
Ah Haa, so you are/were a teacher, thought so! And no, I didn't look at your profile, I am not THAT bored yet.
MAD? Not yet....I am a long way off mad, just enjoying the banter, do you take offence at that JH?
Trying to insult you, I haven't even started going down that route yet and ...really don't want to, like I have said before it (you) ends in tears!!
And lastly...Teachers earn money the HARD way??:lol-061::lol-049::raofl::confused:
Are we talking about the same teachers who, like the miners, want to strike because, they think that they aren't paid enough? Another lot who think they can hold the country to ransom.
I would have them all put on litter picking duties on the motorways and give their jobs to someone who WANTS to work! Remember JOHN H it is the Private sector (ME) who pay the public sector (you) and you still want more!
Back on topic.....GREED!

Well, if you're not mad you're certainly giving a very good impression! :D

I see we're back to the stale old chestnut about private being wonderful and public being lazy, nasty and evil. Ho hum........I (or the people who buy your products) pay your wages. I pay the wages of the people who make the van I drive, the food I eat and the clothes I wear. I also pay the wages of the police, the nurses, the sewage workers, the teachers and the army. I'd like to see how long you and people who think like you could survive without the services provided by the people you seem to despise. The reality (something you seem far removed from) is that we all depend on both the private and public sectors and that there are both lazy and hard-working people in all jobs. Let us have a debate by all means but let us also keep it sensible.

As a matter of interest, you're not from the north are you? And do you favour large pies by any chance? Just wondered.........
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I tend to avoid modern political debates now as I don't think there's actually that big a difference between left and right anymore, just slightly either side of centre. That was not always the case and made / makes for interesting debates.

My dad was the first in our family to escape the pits - his dad disowned him as he felt it brought shame on the family. It was made even worse when, afetr National Service, he went to Oxford University.

I remember hearing Arthur Scargill speak in Barnsley one Saturday morning during the miners' strike. I did not necessarily agree with all he did, but what a fantastic, passionate speaker. Words said with real feeling and understanding.

You don't get that now. People who feel really passionately about anything vaguely political seem to be stamped on now, and politics, local and national seems corrupt and incestuous.

Alf, I used to share your political persuasion. I've run my own business and I've also been a Headteacher. I can tell you teaching was harder and more stressful. Sadly I can no longer do either.

If you really want to know the truth of politics, go back and watch 'Yes Minister'. It is surprising how many politicians of all persuasions have said how near to the truth that really is. Perhaps the fact it was an excellent comedy speaks volumes about governments?
Well, if you're not mad you're certainly giving a very good impression! :D

I see we're back to the stale old chestnut about private being wonderful and public being lazy, nasty and evil. Ho hum........I (or the people who buy your products) pay your wages. I pay the wages of the people who make the van I drive, the food I eat and the clothes I wear. I also pay the wages of the police, the nurses, the sewage workers, the teachers and the army. I'd like to see how long you and people who think like you could survive without the services provided by the people you seem to despise. The reality (something you seem far removed from) is that we all depend on both the private and public sectors and that there are both lazy and hard-working people in all jobs. Let us have a debate by all means but let us also keep it sensible.

Superb JOHN H
YOU pay all these wages don't YOU!
I see you don't have a reasonable argument for Public 'v' Private. All I see at the moment is Teachers and now Doctors that want more more more, can't they see the world is in a mess? GREED, that is what all this boils down to...can't you understand this JH? Don't you see this too?
Now, JOHN H, tell me, where in ANY of my previous messages did I mention "despising" anyone? However, I do despise greedy people who want to go on strike because their pensions aren't worth as much as they once were....wake up...the whole world is in a mess, brought on by greed, maybe we all have to work until we are 70...so what? We can't go on like this can we, someone has to come up with an alternative, I wonder what YOURS would be JH?
Yes, you are correct, we ALL depend on the public and private sectors, I never said anything to oppose that did I?
I am in total agreement, there are bad apples in ALL sectors. I have employed some, I managed to get shut of them too, and the common denominator?? GREED!

I am being sensible, take a look at your previous rants, you seem to make it up as you go along...I don't mind a debate, but try a little harder would you? Or don't bother!

Anyone got anything else to say about Jimmy Carr?
I like Jimmy Carr - I think he is funny. (but I would feel like this even if it was someone I didnt like!)

I dont think he should of been forced into making an apology as what he was doing was legal - don't most people want to pay less for something rather than pay more???

It is the system that is wrong, if someone told you that you could pay less for something would you say no????

...he shouldnt of been singled out, there are many others doing the same thing.

..... not just for tax, with everything in life.
it is open for everyone to do it .everyone on paye .could start their own business and have high expenses be vat registered etc . but you do have to get the paperwork right. its up to the individuals .do they want to pay less .if so do it . you off set the loss on your business against your tax you pay as a paye . its really easy if you want to do it .
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