Ah Haa, so you are/were a teacher, thought so! And no, I didn't look at your profile, I am not THAT bored yet.
MAD? Not yet....I am a long way off mad, just enjoying the banter, do you take offence at that JH?
Trying to insult you, I haven't even started going down that route yet and ...really don't want to, like I have said before it (you) ends in tears!!
And lastly...Teachers earn money the HARD way??:lol-061::lol-049::raofl:

Are we talking about the same teachers who, like the miners, want to strike because, they think that they aren't paid enough? Another lot who think they can hold the country to ransom.
I would have them all put on litter picking duties on the motorways and give their jobs to someone who WANTS to work! Remember JOHN H it is the Private sector (ME) who pay the public sector (you) and you still want more!
Back on topic.....GREED!