Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance

I haven't ploughed through all 8 pages, so apologies if this has already been said. Isee David Cameron has now back pedalled fast (clearly a man of conviction then) out of fear ministers may, quite rightly, come under scrutiny.

People can make moral judgements all they like, but Jimmy Carr has done nothing wrong and should not be singled out from the thousands of others that do it. It's even been suggested it was only said as a diversionary tactic to something else going on now - possibly a somewhat unpopular bill coming up for debate on Monday or Tuesday, I forget which.

I make no secret of the fact I am poor. I had money, lost my health, and thus my salary, got into debt and have got out of it again, but at a price. I am now so passionate about consumer things I've set up my own debt advice charity which is a huge success. I'm not allowed to work, so this is my little contribution.

Many times, I have spent the last of my money to help someone else, so no real danger of tax avoidance for me. If I could legally pay less, I would. What I would prefer is to pay my tax, as I do, but be able to choose where it goes more.

David Cameron's own family made their money from tax evasion - who is he to judge others?

At times, despite their supposed education, they appear to have plenty of intelligence but no common sense. Mabe they've never needed it?

I say good luck to those that can do it legally. Of course another genuine route to avoid tax is to give to charity, but they're not judged badly for doing that!
For anyone who's interested, Jimmy Carr is on channel 4 at 10pm tonight in his quiz show "8 out of 10 cats", where I hear that his fellow "celebrities" try to embarrass him over his tax affairs.

And as I suspected, todays' press has been full of stories of poor Camerons' family and friends who have great experience in tax avoidance. Very embarrassing for him if you ask me! :)

Very funny programme (and with probably twice as many viewers as normal!) but I was a little surprised at all the "mea culpa" stuff and his refusal to condemn Cameron. Has he been promised a knighthood to make it all go away? :D Did very much like the joke that he was now officially a member of Take That!
I'm not critcizing his morality, merely saying I find him an irritating little prat - like most so called 'comedians' these days - but he and "Woss" are head and (rounded, in Carr's case) shoulders above the rest. All the good comedians are long dead; once we had wit instead of this edgy, sarcastic, insulting stuff. Come back Kenneth Horne and company!
I'm not critcizing his morality, merely saying I find him an irritating little prat - like most so called 'comedians' these days - but he and "Woss" are head and (rounded, in Carr's case) shoulders above the rest. All the good comedians are long dead; once we had wit instead of this edgy, sarcastic, insulting stuff. Come back Kenneth Horne and company!

He ain't no Tommy Cooper, that's for sure
Jimmy Carr has admitted tax avoidance, all legal apparently, good for him, if a legal loophole is there why not use it, Dave [ Cameron ] says he is morally wrong to avoid tax, that sounds good coming from him, If the Dipsticks in the Tax Offices and Government allow these loopholes they should expect them to be used , wish I had found them earlier.:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:[/QUOTE

Well .I seem to have got a good debate going on this one,poor old Cameron , should have kept his mouth shut, What!
All the good comedians are long dead; once we had wit instead of this edgy, sarcastic, insulting stuff. Come back Kenneth Horne and company!

We all have different tastes. I happen to think that Carr is funny and I also think there are plenty of dead comedians who were not. That's life - but I think you'll find that there was no "edgier" bunch of comedians than those on "Round the Horne" (sarcastic and insulting too at times - and very funny).
I think you'll find that there was no "edgier" bunch of comedians than those on "Round the Horne" (sarcastic and insulting too at times - and very funny).

OOOh, get her! No need to get your riah in a twist, duckie!:)
Jimmy Carr has admitted tax avoidance, all legal apparently, good for him, if a legal loophole is there why not use it, Dave [ Cameron ] says he is morally wrong to avoid tax, that sounds good coming from him, If the Dipsticks in the Tax Offices and Government allow these loopholes they should expect them to be used , wish I had found them earlier.:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:

I agree with you, it's legal and no doubt there are 100's if not 1000's of others getting away with it. If our taxes stayed in the UK it wouldn't be such a touchy subject for me, however, we send billions of our hard earned money abroad, any avoidance to feed the rest of the world before sorting out our own problems is fine by me.
Of course, I know I will be slaughtered by some of you on this site for my comments, all I will say is, you keep paying your tax and watch it leave these shores, if that's what makes you happy, I will avoid at all costs, now...off to google K2 tax avoidence..:D
I agree with you, it's legal and no doubt there are 100's if not 1000's of others getting away with it. If our taxes stayed in the UK it wouldn't be such a touchy subject for me, however, we send billions of our hard earned money abroad, any avoidance to feed the rest of the world before sorting out our own problems is fine by me.
Of course, I know I will be slaughtered by some of you on this site for my comments, all I will say is, you keep paying your tax and watch it leave these shores, if that's what makes you happy, I will avoid at all costs, now...off to google K2 tax avoidence..:D

We could embark on a lengthy debate about rich countries sharing some of their wealth with poor countries but if anyone thinks that any government - especially the current one - is sending aid abroad for altruistic reasons then they really don't know how the system works. There is a reason why Cameron has ring-fenced the aid budget and it is not because he approves of government charity. All aid packages these days are tied to economic or political deals. It might be that we agree to give £x million to build a dam/factory/whatever on condition that the money is used to employ British materials in the construction and that when production starts there is a binding x year trade deal (at advantageous rates to us). Or it might be that we are buying influence in a strategic part of the world that protects, say, oil routes. I know that much of the aid ends up in the hands of corrupt officials but that is often the way we get economic advantage in these countries. I am not saying that it is moral - or even very pleasant - but that is the way the world seems to operate. Nothing to do with charity.
We could embark on a lengthy debate about rich countries sharing some of their wealth with poor countries but if anyone thinks that any government - especially the current one - is sending aid abroad for altruistic reasons then they really don't know how the system works. There is a reason why Cameron has ring-fenced the aid budget and it is not because he approves of government charity. All aid packages these days are tied to economic or political deals. It might be that we agree to give £x million to build a dam/factory/whatever on condition that the money is used to employ British materials in the construction and that when production starts there is a binding x year trade deal (at advantageous rates to us). Or it might be that we are buying influence in a strategic part of the world that protects, say, oil routes. I know that much of the aid ends up in the hands of corrupt officials but that is often the way we get economic advantage in these countries. I am not saying that it is moral - or even very pleasant - but that is the way the world seems to operate. Nothing to do with charity.

Who said the UK was a rich country?
When We give to Africa, for example...it is a case of poor people giving to a rich country, not a rich country giving to poor people.
There is not a single Country on this planet that is poor. All Countries are extremely rich, it is only that most of the peoples of these countries are poor.
Who said the UK was a rich country?
When We give to Africa, for example...it is a case of poor people giving to a rich country, not a rich country giving to poor people.

I think you missed the point of my post :)
There is not a single Country on this planet that is poor. All Countries are extremely rich, it is only that most of the peoples of these countries are poor.

True, David - and since this country has always depended on trade, we need to establish good economic relations with as many of those countries as possible. Hence the reason why all governments have invested in promoting that trade (they call it aid to make themselves feel good but it is really "greasing the palm" of potential trade partners).
you could also say that africa isnt a country .its a continent . some of the countries in it are richer than others but dont exactly help there fellow continental friends /or enemies .
True, David - and since this country has always depended on trade, we need to establish good economic relations with as many of those countries as possible. Hence the reason why all governments have invested in promoting that trade (they call it aid to make themselves feel good but it is really "greasing the palm" of potential trade partners).

I agree with SOME of what you say JOHN, we DEPENDED on TRADE, now we DEPEND on cheap imports! We have nothing to trade anymore. It appears we simply grease the palms of the leaders of other countries who have the possibility of oil for example. (or go to war with them with uncle sam!!)
you could also say that africa isnt a country .its a continent . some of the countries in it are richer than others but dont exactly help there fellow continental friends /or enemies .

Correct me if I am wrong, but, is the continent of Africa rich in minerals such as Gold...Diamonds and other equally valuable items? So why do we send the place millions of our hard earned??
We have slightly gone off Jimmy Carr and his tax avoidance haven't we?:eek:fftopic:

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