Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance

So expecting people to know right from wrong, be responsible their actions and have some common sense is looking at the World with a rose tinted view is it?

No - but assuming the law of the land is based on that view is! Our law is quite clearly based on letting people do what they like and then banning some of it when we decide that it is not very nice to do those things after all (and our view of what is not very nice changes over time). Nothing in this is absolute - not even the view of society in relation to murder - so to say that there is a moral code underlying the law is definitely to don those specs.

Btw, what I have experienced on my "extensive" travelling is one of the reasons why I am so cynical about the future of mankind - people are the same the whole world over and they are all the same whether they are rich or poor - people are selfish. I am a socialist but I realise that socialism will never succeed unless somebody invents a pill to change human nature. Until then, every revolution and every change of government simply brings to power people who use the same system to enrich themselves instead of trying to change that system to make things fairer for everybody. And before you say it, I am just as selfish as the rest (although I hope that if anyone was unwise enough to make me president I would be not quite as selfish as the rest).
i think john is spot on . he see,s it as it is . the more you travel the more you can see all things arent what they seem . if anyone needs a wake up its definately not john this time . i may not always agree with him but in this case . i second his views .
It's the same the whole world over,
It's the poor what gets the blame,
It's the rich what gets the pleasure,
Isn't it a blooming shame?" " : Dezi.


Yes, it is, Dezi.
That's why I do something about it.

I know Dave, Enda, Barak, or any of them will never help me and my kind, so we help ourselves. We fight the Law and the Law usually wins.

The reason they win is because they are in receipt of millions of taxpayers' money, which they use to pay the police and the prison service and the military services.
These powerful organisations are ALL FUNDED by TAXPAYERS.

Yes, I know it's convenient to forget this fact, just like it's convenient to forget that all the poor folk on the dole, on the sick, or on the pension, are also FUNDED BY THE TAXPAYERS.

Personally, I pay the Man as little as I can, but I ain't hypocritical enough to not be grateful for hospitals and schools and roads.

Some folk always think 'tis others that cause all the problems in the world, and that they themselves are some sort of super guys or gals that never take a dump that stinks.
As has been pointed out, the System is rotten, so 'tis true that we are probably all guilty. Dave is almost certainly as bad as this other pratt, but, hey, so long as his supporters can get those of us in the great "Unwashed" to waste our time quibbling over which one is the biggest turd,
then, I very much doubt that they give a monkey's.:D

Though I'm really too old and weary to be bothering my arse about it, the next time I read some gobsh ite slagging off the Travelling people or running down the ordinary folk, I may just go on that Rant and Rave section
to remind him/her about this here thread. :D:angel:

There's a lot of middleclass folk here who seem determined to have their cake and eat it. Well, let me just give ye a friendly bit of free advice ( no solicitor's fees or "consultant's charges):
that cannot be done.

Good luck to all who try, anyway! :D

Btw, is this Carr fella a good singer or soccer player or what?

sean rua
In a world where murderers, terrorists and the like have "rights",
Someone who has won a TV on "Sale of the century" can become a "Celebrity",
Pictures sell for thousands of pounds that look like a child of 6 painted them,
Art can be a pile of old junk,
Singers that just talk and cannot sing,
Music with no melody.
Kids that can run wild and then be rewarded with holidays or cars to be played with.
Life support means having a mobile phone permanently plugged in your ear,
EVERYONE loves football,
Millions spent on crazy sports,
Millions spent on "Royals"
Non smokers are immortal,
The pope is a god who condemns birth control and abortion with excommunication but allows the use of guns and explosives.

Why should we worry about taxes, they are as inevitable as death!
No - but assuming the law of the land is based on that view is! Our law is quite clearly based on letting people do what they like and then banning some of it when we decide that it is not very nice to do those things after all (and our view of what is not very nice changes over time). Nothing in this is absolute - not even the view of society in relation to murder - so to say that there is a moral code underlying the law is definitely to don those specs.

Btw, what I have experienced on my "extensive" travelling is one of the reasons why I am so cynical about the future of mankind - people are the same the whole world over and they are all the same whether they are rich or poor - people are selfish. I am a socialist but I realise that socialism will never succeed unless somebody invents a pill to change human nature. Until then, every revolution and every change of government simply brings to power people who use the same system to enrich themselves instead of trying to change that system to make things fairer for everybody. And before you say it, I am just as selfish as the rest (although I hope that if anyone was unwise enough to make me president I would be not quite as selfish as the rest).

I apppear to by lying at the bottom of a very deep dark hole. That seems to be a familiar concept, what does it remind me of? Ah, I remember - life!

Compliments of Douglas Adams.

Dezi :pc:

Btw, is this Carr fella a good singer or soccer player or what?

sean rua

Actually he's a very funny comedian who tells it as it is......and holds up a mirror to his audiences, in my humble opinion!

feckin good post by the way Sean Rua!

Wish I had enough money to pay tax.

I moan about road tax let alone any other tax.

I think Jimmy Carr is about as funny as bowel cancer, a sloping-shouldered irritating little midget who makes me change channel the moment his rat-like face appears on my screen. Cameron was wrong to attack him personally, though - instead, he ought to ensure the system doesn't allow such avoidance. He'll surely live to regret his comments when we learn about the fiddles his front-bench colleagues, family and friends have been up to.

But you can't blame Carr when you consider what this government wastes money on - £7bn on bombing Libya, £3bn on foreign aid for countries like India with space programmes and nuclear weapons, untold £bn on Afghanistan, Europe and baling out our own useless bankers - the list is endless.
I apppear to by lying at the bottom of a very deep dark hole. That seems to be a familiar concept, what does it remind me of? Ah, I remember - life!

Compliments of Douglas Adams.

Dezi :pc:

Oh dear. Poor wee Desmond.

Do you know what separates us from wild animals?

Answer ..... very little.

Some of us try to hang on to high standards but methinks it is a losing battle.

The me,me,me culture accelerated in the 1980's. Greed is good was the rallying cry.

Turn into a cynical old git Desmond, it takes the edge off things. :D
The Treasury figures show that the top one percent of tax payers pay 28% of the total tax revenue. If they are avoiding paying tax as is claimed by many on here, they're not doing a very good job. The lowest 50% of earners pay a tiny percentage of the tax bill, less than the annual housing benefit costs.

Yes, the super rich may employ complex schemes to pay less tax but ordinary high earners and companies simply cannot avoid paying tax. If you draw your profits as income you end up giving the state over half of what your firm has to award you. If company owners doesn't draw it as income they pay corporation tax but when they eventually take it as income, they pay income tax like everyone else.

If I have £10,000 to pay myself as a bonus, I end up with about half when all the relevant taxes and N.I. contributions have been deducted. If I then spend the remaining amount on a new car, or some other taxable item the state takes about 17% of the retail price in VAT!

With punitive rates such as this everyone has a duty to pay as little tax as possible. Give the government even more money and more and more of it will go on the work shy and the feckless and I'm sick to death of propping them up.

It would appear that we should all be very grateful to the rich. If it wasn't for them the bulk of the tax burden would fall on ordinary people. And whilst some of the super rich may be paying ten percent of their income in tax, let's not forget that 10% of hundreds of millions means that they are still paying vast amounts.

Jimmy Carr should have told them to bugger off and left his dosh in Jersey!
Thank you, Rubbertramp, for your kind comments. Not that they will help us in any way. They won't, I fear.

Obviously, the Rich will always try to justify their privileges, and, of course, most of us will fall for their line.
For those who haven't yet worked this out, here's a tip.

Never pay any heed to a rich man who's talking down to you.
Really rich folk, like the Queen of England, won't even say a word to you. People who do try to justify themselves often aren't quite as good as they pretend and they attempt to bolster their ego with bombastic bullsh ite.
Nothing new; it happened over the millenia.

Here's a little snippet to mull over:

" the 1,000 richest persons in the UK have increased their wealth by so much in the last 3 years – £155bn – that they themselves alone could pay off the entire UK budget deficit and still leave themselves with £30bn to spare which should be enough to keep the wolf from the door. The second, even more staggering, is that whilst the rest of the country is being crippled by the biggest public expenditure and benefits squeeze for a century, these 1,000 persons, containing many of the bankers and hedge fund and private equity operators who caused the financial crash in the first place, have not been made subject to any tax payback whatever commensurate to their gains."

It might even be the truth, :)

sean rua


as ever, few of these mushes are Brits, yet they pretend to live here for tax reasons and bc they're wannabee limeys.
They are no more commendable than the thousands of Brits who aren't even man enough to live on this Godforaken island yet are always telling those of us that do how good they are and what pratts we are.

Don' it make your brown eyes blue?:)
Oh dear. Poor wee Desmond.

Do you know what separates us from wild animals?

Answer ..... very little.

Some of us try to hang on to high standards but methinks it is a losing battle.

The me,me,me culture accelerated in the 1980's. Greed is good was the rallying cry.

Turn into a cynical old git Desmond, it takes the edge off things. :D

Bonjour Matalot,

The Douglas Adams quote was aimed at John with his constant “Everybody in the World is selfish & nobody loves me “attitude.

I have absolutely no problem on the cynical old git front, But fortunately I have been blessed with a great sense of humour & a tendency to see the best in people, even northerners.

Dezi :pc:
Bonjour Matalot,

The Douglas Adams quote was aimed at John with his constant “Everybody in the World is selfish & nobody loves me “attitude.

I have absolutely no problem on the cynical old git front, But fortunately I have been blessed with a great sense of humour & a tendency to see the best in people, even northerners.

Dezi :pc:

Well, you could have fooled me re Northerners. :nospam:
Bonjour Matalot,

The Douglas Adams quote was aimed at John with his constant “Everybody in the World is selfish & nobody loves me “attitude.

I have absolutely no problem on the cynical old git front, But fortunately I have been blessed with a great sense of humour & a tendency to see the best in people, even northerners.

Dezi :pc:

Just to set things straight - I don't give a toss whether or not anybody loves me (apart from my family and close friends in the real world!) but you are right about the "everybody is selfish" bit. I defy anyone to come up with a more appropriate characteristic of the individual human being than "selfish".

As for Northerners - when I found out that his view on the Jimmy Carr thing and mine were so very close, I nearly changed my mind......:lol-053: (load of nonsense about the work-shy and feckless, though - there are proportionately just as many wealthy lazy sods as poor ones).
For anyone who's interested, Jimmy Carr is on channel 4 at 10pm tonight in his quiz show "8 out of 10 cats", where I hear that his fellow "celebrities" try to embarrass him over his tax affairs.

And as I suspected, todays' press has been full of stories of poor Camerons' family and friends who have great experience in tax avoidance. Very embarrassing for him if you ask me! :)
Hi, I have to say that I am a little saddened, but not overly surprised by the majority of comments here.

The reason that I am not really surprised is that when you have been married for many, many, many, years to a chartered accountant who spent twenty five years

running her own company specialising in tax compliance then you tend to experience every nuance, connivance & misunderstanding from both sides.

Dezi :pc:

isn't marriage a means of tax avoidance?

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