Our entire legal system is based upon "get away with it if you can". The law in the UK does not lay out what we should do but lays out what we shouldn't. Thus if there are glaring loopholes in the "what we shouldn't" bit then it is up to our lords and masters to change the bloody law - don't blame the rest of us for following the law. As for human nature, then there is no disagreement - we are not a very moral or pleasant bunch on the whole - maybe it's time to admit the experiment failed
To say that the our entire legal system is based upon "get away with it if you can".
Is wrong.
English law is based on custom & practise going back before 1215 & 1066.
It is based around the concept that we have common sense. That from the age of 10 we are culpable ie know right from wrong and that we all have a moral conscience and are expected to follow it. By and large this works very well.
However there is always somebody who will try to buck the norm.
The scheme that Carr and others used was already under investigation because although the concept is legal it was being misused & abused by tax shy individuals.
Some of the other points made in this thread:-
"the law is an ass" and it's purpose is to ensure that the working class do the donkey work"
"the brainwashed masses"
"Mr average who pays his tax neither has the intellect or brass to pay less tax"
Sounds like the intro to the chorus of “SHE WAS POOR BUT SHE WAS HONEST”
Altogether perleeze
It's the same the whole world over,
It's the poor what gets the blame,
It's the rich what gets the pleasure,
Isn't it a blooming shame?
