Just a few points:
"Greed" means wanting more than you need. It isn't good for the individual or the community, in the long run.
OK, ain't too difficult - even for those, who, like, me despised the teacher (on the few occasions I met up with him)

- is it?
Right, man is a social animal. We benefit from living in communities.
To live in a community means that folk within follow certain guidelines and rules.
All this is fine up to a TRIBAL level.
When there is further expansion and overflow, or, interaction with different tribes, things start to go wrong, and all may not be rosy in the garden.
The basic THREE ESSENTIALS of human life are generally said to be FOOD, CLOTHING, and SHELTER.
Now, most of my life - till an accident at work in a tunnel ( I was a miner) I worked at what I like to call a
PRODUCER. I was self-employed, so got f a..
Basically, even today, humans depend on what is produced from the Earth and the Sea. There ain't no where else yet, but perhaps some of the clever fkrs on here can conjure up something tasty out of fresh air.
The industries involved are
FARMING ( including forestry and fishing)
MINING and QUARRYING and Mineral Extraction by any means ( oilwells etc)
These are the fundamentals. Sounds a bit simplistic, but, in today's world, a lot of folk ain't got a clue. That's why they start braying like donkeys and soccer hooligans, instead of copping on to the reality of life.
Now, at tribal level, there are mostly PRODUCERS, and a minority of NON-PRODUCERS.
At this level, the non-producers can be offer good value by providing important services that help and please the tribe. Hence, throughout history, musicians , poets and storytellers have been respected and, in some cases, excused the chore of producing. ( Jimmy Carn't, perhaps?)
Right, that's enough for now. Too much learning can be non-productive and self-defeating because of over-kill.
I explained in an earlier post that most tax goes to pay for WAR and PENSIONS.
When folk find, as they will in the next few years, that their pensions - state and private - ain't much to live on,
they should remember Thatcher/Reagan, Blair/Brown/Bush, Biffo/Enda, and Dave, Barack, and Jimmy.
They'll all be fine, but will you?
sean rua.