Is it worth becoming a Full Member?

This site apart from being just excellent has saved us a fortune. How?

well apart from the excellent POI set and now the water points which to our minds are even more important... is the savings we have made on insurance which we found via the site.

We not only insure the vehicle but 7 properties as well and they have been very good insurers, cost effective and efficient.

This is a truly excellent forum and many thanks from us to MR Admin, an outstanding individual in our view.

We would thoroughly recommend the modest annual fee as a very good investment.

7 PROPERTIES where did i go wrong :confused:
Great value for the money for the POIs alone, apart from the community, support, and all the other priceless benefits. Best investment we have made after buying the motorhome!
Only been a member for 2 months, but have used POIs in Scotland and North Yorks Moors, great to be able to go up a road and know that there is something there, some of the roads you wouldn't dream of going up without this knowledge. Well worth the money.
Great site altogether. Just hope I haven't already posted that on this thread!
Just a heads up from info gleaned after the MIL passed away.

Her husband and his father between them ran a 5 acre small holding and from that raised the cash to buy the property. They after full pit shifts double dug at least 2 acres and at that twice a year shifting by my calcs some 2000 tonnes a year of soil. Amazing amount of work. :)

I do not even think of the annual subscription as a cost as it is minimal compared to the value you get. The POIs are excellent for planning and during a trip. Also on occasions whenever advice has been requested this has come in abundance and greatly assisting in resolving whatever the issue or query was at the time. In view of the minimal cost and great value I wonder why there even is a Free Member category? If the Free category is for attracting new members then perhaps this should be offered for a limited time.
well worth joining. we saved more at the meet last weekend to cover several years subs.

We havn't been able to use POIs yet but that's down to us being crap with techno stuff. Hoping to meet someone with a brain next time to help us out.

Merry Christmas all.

Trish and Fred
I have only just "discovered" this site (I must've been blind!) but as soon as I did, and saw the depth of coverage, the POIs, and the lively Postings I thought this must be worth joining. I joined immediately.

If you view all this on a "value for money" basis, then judging from other people's responses it clearly is "worth it". But I view it more as helping to keep a "community" going and alive. If my subscription supports a "wild camping community", I'm all for it. Discounts, POIs, etc., are just a bonus.

Yes its worth the fees just to know that you are not on ADMINS pruning /culling list of free non active members means you can sleep easy in your vans knowing your not a potential badger.
:help: :help: :help: :danger: :danger: :danger: :angel: :angel: :angel: :lol-049: :lol-049: :lol-049:
Yes its worth the fees just to know that you are not on ADMINS pruning /culling list of free non active members means you can sleep easy in your vans knowing your not a potential badger.
:help: :help: :help: :danger: :danger: :danger: :angel: :angel: :angel: :lol-049: :lol-049: :lol-049:

Goodness :scared: I'd best join!!! Where's my purse :D I'm in!
Well done meggypenny now you can really enjoy the forum and have some great fun and value for money:wave::wave::banana::banana:
Well worth it. Even for someone who thinks (perhaps mistakenly) that there is life to be lived other than in or about motorhoming!

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