Hank the Tanks Dodgy battery and solar system

i used a reciprocating saw with a blade i’d sharpened on the grinder quite scary how easily it went through the mastic ! under the brackets
i used a reciprocating saw with a blade i’d sharpened on the grinder quite scary how easily it went through the mastic ! under the brackets
they go through the steel on a panel van quickly as well Ken lol
i used a reciprocating saw with a blade i’d sharpened on the grinder quite scary how easily it went through the mastic ! under the brackets
I did exactly the same with an old multi tool blade, ground the teeth off and got a really sharp edge on it with a belt sander, great for removing/ cutting silicone. Ive had to remove panels in the past and they've been a right sod to get off so the last time I fitted the panels to be the van roof I put a small bead of silicone about 2 mm deep onto the face of the brackets first and let that set overnight before fixing them down on a full bed of silicone the next day, the theory is if I need to remove them in the future then I'll be able to get a blade in under the brackets easier next time.🤞
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