Fuel Price

Hi *****
I suppose the answer to that one is US the punter, the mug, the bottom of the food chain. They just pass on the increase to the customer.

Anyone want to start a new thread on how we put the squeeze on the big retailers?

But, yes ***** you are right they are the boys to put the squeeze on the Government instead of wineing about the fall in proffit cause the public arent spending.

As this thread has moved onto the topic of "alternative" fuels, I hope no one minds if I post this regarding some of the terminology used. Unfortunatly I often find that use of the wrong terms can lead to confusion and create difficulties when trying to understand someones point. Can I also add that this is a genuine attempt to make this subject easier to understand and is certainly not a dig at anyone who may have used the terms differently.

Here are what I believe to be the generally accepted usages.

Biofuel:- A generic term that includes all non mineral derived fuels.

Biodiesel:- A specific type of Biofuel refered to as a F.A.M.E. Fatty Acid Methyl Ester. see here.


Although usualy derived from vegtable oil can actualy also be made from animal fats and even algie, by using a process known as transesterification. Pump diesel now contains between 2 & 5% biodiesel as the need to reduce sulpher content, the lubricant in mineral diesel, means that an alternative lubricant was required, a function Biodiesel performs very well.

This I believe is the most missused term, often used when refering to Biofuels or Vegtable oils.

Vegtable oil:- This can be split into 2 catagories S.V.O. Straight Vegtable oil, the stuff you buy from Tesco Asda etc. and W.V.O. Waste Vegtable Oil, ex chip shop oil filtered and cleaned.

The main difference between V.O. and Biodiesel is that a component part of V.O. is Glycerin. It is this that causes the oil to become "sticky" when cold and generally causes the problems, W.V.O. is worse in this respect.

It is this that the transesterification process removes in order to make Biodiesel. This is why I believe that using the correct terminology is important as many of the so called problems caused by Biodiesel are actualy caused by using Vegtable Oil.

Having said that however many diesel engines will run quite happily on V.O. providing they are at opporating temperature and the oil is heated to around 80'c.

For anyone who has got this far without being bored silly here are a couple of sites you may find of interest.




Hi Geoff well that sorted that out:D nice post and is clear annough.

Iwas told the older diesel engines struggle with alternative fuel type but modern deisel engines are ok for boi-veg-duel and maney more but who would take a chance unless it is at the pump:eek:
there's an organisation called pipeline, 500,000 members
I dont know if you are aware of it
the main aim is to get the price of fuel down
its free to join and they are looking for more members
its maybe worth a look

i have been in it since it started they still seem no further ahead than the first day i think its been going nearly 2 years
i think the dutch idea of a privatly run fuel card works well over there but untill we ALL get more militant thats ALL comercial users including ourselves we will not get anywhere close to fighting the price rises
the french seem to do it right i remember being stuck in allencon during the time the french were going to hipe the price of fuel we were stuck for one whole day all the truck drivers and farmers blocked all the roundabouts in france at the same time by the end of the day the government gave in
it did delay us for the ferry but we still gained the price of fuel stayed down
i have been in it since it started they still seem no further ahead than the first day i think its been going nearly 2 years
i think the dutch idea of a privatly fuel card works well over there but untill we ALL get more militant thats ALL comercial users including ourselves we will not get anywhere close to fighting the price rises
the french seem to do it right i remember being stuck in allencon during the time the french werr going to hipe the price of fuel we were stuck for one whole day all the truck drivers and farmers blocked all the roundabouts in france at the same time by the end of the day the government gave in
it did delay us for the ferry but we still gained the price of fuel stayed down

You have to admire the French as they will stick together!:cool:
Did you know that the Gendarme are in the same union and that is why they never break up the blockades, but the CRS are a different kettle of fish as they will wade in heavy handed:eek:
A letter to Chancellor Alistair Darling, signed by 400 businessmen and women, warned that British hauliers are finding it increasingly difficult to compete with their European rivals because of the level of fuel taxes in this country.

So thats another 2p per litre due in April.

Its a revolution that we need.

fuel prices

there's an organisation called pipeline, 500,000 members
I dont know if you are aware of it
the main aim is to get the price of fuel down
its free to join and they are looking for more members
its maybe worth a look

been a member of pipelinecard since it started its a good idea but it dosnt seem to be getting any where fast. at the end of the day this goverment does what it wants and allows other companies do the same with prices ie gas . electricity. theyve all gone up but we still pay as they no we need these things and we will still buy it .
Try this then, a quote from this site, "Your search for Tarbert found 2 petrol stations within 10 miles.
Including your 2 closest stations: Harris Garage Co Ltd (National), and Ardhasaig Filling Station (Gleaner).
Unleaded Diesel LRP Super LPG see the cheapest stations
The Highest price in this area: 112.8p 118.6p n/a n/a n/a
The Average price in this area: 112.8p 118.6p n/a n/a n/a
The Lowest price in this area: 112.8p 118.6p n/a n/a n/a "

This is what we are charged in an area where a car is essential and where people starting work may have to drive a round trip of 60 miles a day on wages much lower than down south.
Some of us live here to maintain vital services, I had an urgent call last week which involved a round trip of 124 miles - do I say to them, "well you chose to work here, but it's too expensive to come to you"? Fine for the cycle and minimum use of car lobby, but what do they expect when they come here on holiday?
Obviously hotels, guesthouses, shops, garages,ferries and all the things they need and people living here to provide those services.

Is'nt it a fact of life wherever there is a custom and no competition the price will rise as high as can be bourne. Thats free market capitalism, I don't see the Scotland government rushing to subsidise its rural and far flung citizens. Much more publicity in abolishing prescription charges. I lived for 18 years in North Devon, it was the same there in the winter even the choice of shops halved and you had to pay way over the odds just to keep them in business. Just to keep a shop near at hand.
In my opinion, it's time for the hauliers union,tanker drivers and farmers to get together again and challenge this government on fuel tax duties.
The last time this happened the government nearly S**T itself after the country nearly ground to a halt after only 2 weeks.
This was shortly after the government had succeeded in bringing down the miners union after several months of strike action.
Thing is ,the hauliers took some stick from the misguided public and the despute was shortlived. We need to support them, otherwise we will be hammered with more fuel tax.

The yanks would'nt have it:(
In my opinion, it's time for the hauliers union,tanker drivers and farmers to get together again and challenge this government on fuel tax duties.
The last time this happened the government nearly S**T itself after the country nearly ground to a halt after only 2 weeks.
This was shortly after the government had succeeded in bringing down the miners union after several months of strike action.
Thing is ,the hauliers took some stick from the misguided public and the despute was shortlived. We need to support them, otherwise we will be hammered with more fuel tax.

The yanks would'nt have it:(

Sorry Lenny, but as a Truck Driver I can assure you that the majority of the public will never back the truckers!:eek:
As soon as they couldn't buy their favourite goods from the supermarket, they would turn on us:eek:
They can't even give us the time of day on the roads.
I am generalizing of course:D
The roads are jam packed with an unnecassary volume of traffic,the school run is an escalating joke, (I've seen a car follow the icecream man cos he missed him and he'd moved around the corner) Joe public is addicted to his car and life without it would'nt be worth living.
So they cue up in the Tax collection points(Garages) and pay whatever it costs.

Oh and my biggest bugbear are the drivers that pull up outside a house with music blairing and fog lights blinding then blast their horn to let everyone know they are there.
I can't find a smilie to show how I feel:mad:
Now you've got me started.

The last few posts all point to the same fundamental problem:-


Unfortunatly for much too long now this country has encouraged and promoted greed and selfishness over honesty fairplay & intelegence, and now we have a country run by the greedy and selfish, kept there by the will of those who aspire to even greater greed.

All I can say is


(Rant over).
Now you've got me started.

The last few posts all point to the same fundamental problem:-


Unfortunatly for much too long now this country has encouraged and promoted greed and selfishness over honesty fairplay & intelegence, and now we have a country run by the greedy and selfish, kept there by the will of those who aspire to even greater greed.

All I can say is


(Rant over).
You're so right ,Geoff, you're so right:mad:
Now you've got me started.

The last few posts all point to the same fundamental problem:-


Unfortunatly for much too long now this country has encouraged and promoted greed and selfishness over honesty fairplay & intelegence, and now we have a country run by the greedy and selfish, kept there by the will of those who aspire to even greater greed.

All I can say is


(Rant over).

Here Here that man. My own sentiments exactly.

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