Extend Schengen Area time to 180 days

If you read post #31 that is exactly what I am saying! But we plan to save receipts to substantiate when we arrive and leave Portugal in case of being asked. We don't know how they will react at French border if we cross after say, six months. So better to be prepared until we know. As there is a rule in place and , let's face it, the French can be pretty quick to fine.
I see no grey areas, your passport will be scanned when you enter the Schengen and again when you leave so the dates will tell the tale? it was always known how long you had been out of the UK when on our Jollies by the same method? seems simple enough to me?
We did not loose, the majority vote was upheld,
'We', I meant channelcrosser and myself as I presumed from his/her post that they would have chosen to stay. The rest of my post surely makes it clear that I accepted the majority vote. It was not a political statement in any form
I see no grey areas, your passport will be scanned when you enter the Schengen and again when you leave so the dates will tell the tale? it was always known how long you had been out of the UK when on our Jollies by the same method? seems simple enough to me?
The problem REC has if they have right to reside in Portugal, but not right to go beyond 90 days in rest of Schengen area, this means they can legally enter France on say 1st Nov, drive down to Portugal, spend 6 months there, then drive back to UK, the question then is if they get picked up as overstaying in Schengen.
I see no grey areas, your passport will be scanned when you enter the Schengen and again when you leave so the dates will tell the tale? it was always known how long you had been out of the UK when on our Jollies by the same method? seems simple enough to me?
Sorry, don't get what you are saying...maybe read the previous posts?
For the vast majority they will know exactly where and for how long you are wherever. Most carry a spy in their pocket. Its not difficult for the authorities to access it.
This is what you posted.

I may have misunderstood your point, as in USA and Oz(as examples) you can get tourist visa's for 6 months travel, and for the US one you can extend it, much better than the 90 day EU stay.

The US B1B2 visa costs a heap of money and requires a face to face interview and filling out a 20 page online application. It often counts time spent in Canada and Mexico as having been spent in the US. The Schengen 90 days is essentially free and you can easily pad it out as much as you want by including non-schengen countries.

But good luck with your petition as then they would have to extend it to a lot of other loyal countries

I just started the petition "Extend 90 day schengen area stay" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.

This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:


Thank you!

P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter:
If you want to visit US or Oz it's 90 days if using visa waiver, or 6 months if getting a full visa.
AFAICT, there is no visa waiver for Oz -- at least none that Jan and I have been able to use for our regular pre-covid visits. We've always needed to obtain eVisitor visas at a minimum. These permit an unlimited number of stays, each of up to 3 months, in a twelve month period. Pity Schengen isn't the same.

FWIW, the Aussies really have got this one sorted as each year we applied online and my visa grant notification was invariably in my inbox before I'd finished applying for Jan's! Hopefully, we'll soon have CANZUK, with the same movement rights to Oz as we used to have with the EU. I say that because there's currently a waiting time of over thirty years for non-contributory aged parent visas :(
AFAICT, there is no visa waiver for Oz -- at least none that Jan and I have been able to use for our regular pre-covid visits. We've always needed to obtain eVisitor visas at a minimum. These permit an unlimited number of stays, each of up to 3 months, in a twelve month period. Pity Schengen isn't the same.

I clumsily tacked on Oz with US, it should be, US 90 days with 'visa waiver' plus you can get full visitor visa for longer periods. Australia visa with 6 months at a time. The point being both allow longer visits, something which EU won't allow for tourists around Schengen area.
I clumsily tacked on Oz with US, it should be, US 90 days with 'visa waiver' plus you can get full visitor visa for longer periods. Australia visa with 6 months at a time. The point being both allow longer visits, something which EU won't allow for tourists around Schengen area.
That's not quite true as you can apply for long-stay visas (e.g. This from the French Government). That said, I have no requirement to stay in EU for more than 90 days in any year and so haven't investigated this rigorously...
Let’s be honest, it ain’t happening, you can sign all the petitions you want but you’re still going to have to live with 90/180. All you lucky folk with motorhomes who used to spend long periods roaming around mainland Europe can say goodbye to that now. The good news is that when things get back to normal (normal?) if any of you should venture down this way you’re welcome to a hot shower, a beer/cup of tea and a chat. Smokers welcome :)

The OP and my post is about the Schengen area, not visa's for specific EU states.
This is why I wrote "not quite true". If your wish is to spend more than 90/180 in a specific country, the Schengen 90/180 rule doesn't prevent this provided you can get a long-stay visa.

Each of those specific EU states are within the Schengen area. So, you can spend three months touring generally and then up to the remainder of a year in one or more specific countries. For example, AFAICT, you can apply for long stay visas in both France and Spain and happily move between the two. Because there are no border controls within Schengen, you could (albeit illegally and at risk) also travel anywhere within the Schengen area and your documentation would still be in order on the way home because of your long stay visa in a specific EU state.
That's not quite true as you can apply for long-stay visas (e.g. This from the French Government). That said, I have no requirement to stay in EU for more than 90 days in any year and so haven't investigated this rigorously...
Yes you can apply for a long stay visa but it is not cheap and not easy - with no guarantee that you will be accepted (especially if you try it more than once).
Yes you can apply for a long stay visa but it is not cheap and not easy - with no guarantee that you will be accepted (especially if you try it more than once).

I found a visa "wizard" on this site so I started filling in the application for France.

I am not sure what the Pre requisite travel document is. I presume it means your passport. The travel insurance might be a bit pricey, I always relied on the EHIC card but I guess its just another additional cost we will have to bear. The stumbling block for many might be the proof of residency in France. I dont think putting down a campsite will work. Fortunately I think I could conjure up a couple of close friends who live in France to get round that one. Then there is just the fee I guess. I am sure I Read something about it all having to be translated by an official translator into French but I havent got that far yet. Just wanted to test the procedure.

France would be my choice as its where we spend the majority of our time. If I could get a 180 or 365 Visa we could do a long six month Trip into Europe but what a carry on! :( I guess we will have to wait until someone actually tests the water for real.

I found a visa "wizard" on this site so I started filling in the application for France.

I am not sure what the Pre requisite travel document is. I presume it means your passport. The travel insurance might be a bit pricey, I always relied on the EHIC card but I guess its just another additional cost we will have to bear. The stumbling block for many might be the proof of residency in France. I dont think putting down a campsite will work. Fortunately I think I could conjure up a couple of close friends who live in France to get round that one. Then there is just the fee I guess. I am sure I Read something about it all having to be translated by an official translator into French but I havent got that far yet. Just wanted to test the procedure.

France would be my choice as its where we spend the majority of our time. If I could get a 180 or 365 Visa we could do a long six month Trip into Europe but what a carry on! :( I guess we will have to wait until someone actually tests the water for real.

As I said - complicated! :) The Spanish one also asks for a criminal record check and all the documents have to be translated professionally, so the costs soon mount up and none of it is refundable if they refuse you. We have friends in France but I don't think I would want to put them in an impossible situation by lying about where we are going to be. Also, what on earth does "proof of your socio-economic situation" mean? I think I'd rather take my 3 months in the EU and then jet off to Egypt or Thailand or somewhere else cheap and warm.
As I said - complicated! :) The Spanish one also asks for a criminal record check and all the documents have to be translated professionally, so the costs soon mount up and none of it is refundable if they refuse you. We have friends in France but I don't think I would want to put them in an impossible situation by lying about where we are going to be. Also, what on earth does "proof of your socio-economic situation" mean? I think I'd rather take my 3 months in the EU and then jet off to Egypt or Thailand or somewhere else cheap and warm.

I would hope there is a way, especially for France. They probably have not considered motorhomers on the forms but when you think about it would be to their advantage to figure out some kind of long term travelling visa for motorhomers. I spend on average about £1000 a month when touring and there are thousands of us that go long term touring. Its not big bucks but its guaranteed positive income to the French economy. Why would they turn that away? The British Government I imagine will see it the other way. They would rather we spend our money here I would imagine but stuff that, I want to go touring Europe and I want to do it like I did before for up to or beyond six months, a complete, Spring, summer and autumn.

It will be a while before thats possible anyway but where there is a will there will be a way.
I would hope there is a way, especially for France. They probably have not considered motorhomers on the forms but when you think about it would be to their advantage to figure out some kind of long term travelling visa for motorhomers. I spend on average about £1000 a month when touring and there are thousands of us that go long term touring. Its not big bucks but its guaranteed positive income to the French economy. Why would they turn that away? The British Government I imagine will see it the other way. They would rather we spend our money here I would imagine but stuff that, I want to go touring Europe and I want to do it like I did before for up to or beyond six months, a complete, Spring, summer and autumn.

It will be a while before thats possible anyway but where there is a will there will be a way.
I'd like to think you are right but I won't hold my breathe :)

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