Deleted member 967
Exactly - Roma and others are afforded protection under the Race Relations Act (as indeed they should be) but the reply you quote makes no mention of human rights legislation which gives us ALL the same rights.
Quote from the Council website I pointed people to:
Can the Council remove Gypsies/Travellers from their land immediately?
No, the Council must:
•show that the Gypsies/Travellers are on the land without consent;
•make enquiries regarding the general health, welfare and children's education;
•ensure that the Human Rights Acts 1998 has been fully complied with;
•follow a set procedure in terms of proving ownership of land and details of the illegal encampment that will enable them to successfully obtain the necessary authority from the Courts to order the Gypsies/Travellers to leave the site.
We have no human right to ignore rules and regulations set for everyone else to obey. Unless of course those rules themselves are unlawful.
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