Double jab flu and corvid

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So just to put this straight I saw a thread on covid and as I am very keen on the truth behind over hyped danger of the virus I put a link up,not the one I meant to and I have no idea who David Cullen is
The link I meant to post is the safe and effective video which is all from personal experiences
And on my personal experience I am once again surrounded by sick family members who test positive for Covid again,whilst I have no such illness
The protocol for these jabs was only that they reduce symptoms and that was all they needed to get EUA
I would like to point out that antibiotic resistance came about because they are used to much
so just be careful about the amount of these toxins you have
Bivaliant Covid Jab is 2
quadrivelent flu jab is 4
I would say be careful not to catch covid with no resistance due to being unvaccinated, many have died due to this. I am sure that those who have developed the various vaccines, and the countries who have tested them have been extremely careful.
Just thinking about those who are not vaccinated.
First, that’s your right not to be vaccinated, I would never encourage it, as a matter of fact I have talked two friends into getting vaccinated. One of my friends may well have died if she had not been vaccinated. She finished up on oxygen therapy. The doctors reckon without the vaccine she would have needed a ventilator, and with her other issues she would probably have died.

Just ask yourself this question how many have died through being vaccinated worldwide. Well the figure I got was 1645. Then ask how many worldwide have died from covid, it’s just under 7 million.

Also there seems to be confusion as to how a vaccine works.
What vaccines do is allow a population to more safety build up heard immunity.
By allowing more and more people to contract the virus after being vaccinated you build up heard immunity. This makes it harder for the virus to spread, eventually this will all but eradicate the virus, and reduce significantly those who need medical intervention, allowing normality to return.
I would say be careful not to catch covid with no resistance due to being unvaccinated, many have died due to this. I am sure that those who have developed the various vaccines, and the countries who have tested them have been extremely careful.
Ha ha yeah
i did catch it a few months ago,my family wouldn’t let my grandchildren visit in case they infected me,so I had a test and it showed that I did have it and it lasted 36 hrs
So i now have an immune response from being infected
Just thinking about those who are not vaccinated.
First, that’s your right not to be vaccinated, I would never encourage it, as a matter of fact I have talked two friends into getting vaccinated. One of my friends may well have died if she had not been vaccinated. She finished up on oxygen therapy. The doctors reckon without the vaccine she would have needed a ventilator, and with her other issues she would probably have died.

Just ask yourself this question how many have died through being vaccinated worldwide. Well the figure I got was 1645. Then ask how many worldwide have died from covid, it’s just under 7 million.

Also there seems to be confusion as to how a vaccine works.
What vaccines do is allow a population to more safety build up heard immunity.
By allowing more and more people to contract the virus after being vaccinated you build up heard immunity. This makes it harder for the virus to spread, eventually this will all but eradicate the virus, and reduce significantly those who need medical intervention, allowing normality to return.
That was until the definition of a vaccine was changed,they also changed the definition of a pandemic too
But Im just pointing out that too much intervention is never a good thing and what I have noticed in my family and people close to me is that they are always coming down with colds it takes weeks for some to recover
I have had all vaccines flu and covid and pneumonia when needed but I have to plan when I have them and here is why

What Happens When You Take Rituximab and Get a Vaccine
Rituximab depletes B cells, which are a key part of the immune system that help to create antibodies. Antibodies recognize germs and foreign invaders in order to help the body get rid of them before they infect or harm you.

A portion of these B cells have an extended lifespan — termed memory B cells — that are important in having an effective vaccine response, especially over time. So it stands to reason that if you take rituximab, your body won’t mount as full a response in creating antibodies after receiving a vaccine.

While we don’t yet have data about how people on rituximab fare after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, there is evidence from other kinds of vaccines, such as those for flu and pneumonia.
So timing is key for me but I don’t know if the unvaccinated pose a greater risk to me
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That was until the definition of a vaccine was changed,they also changed the definition of a pandemic too
But Im just pointing out that too much intervention is never a good thing and what I have noticed in my family and people close to me is that they are always coming down with colds it takes weeks for some to recover
Thought I had a head cold Sunday and felt ropey for couple of days .
Woke up last night and couldn't breathe. Quite scary .
Tested positive this morning but feel a lot better.
Like to think vaccines have helped
Nobody knows for certain how ill they will be if getting CV-19 when unvaccinated, or even what symptoms they will get, they also don't know what ongoing problems it might cause.
So take me, living in one of the first areas to see a big outbreak before anyone fully realised quite how bad it would get, how it was transmitted, or even the full range of symptoms. I was ill for just a few days with little if any coughing, a non event you might think, it was only later in the year the full extent of what it did to me became evident. I showed (fortunately minor) heart damage, and became pre diabetic. Note it was not until quite some time later that diabetes became recognised as an outcome of CV-19. Several older friends and relatives died before the vaccine was rolled out. Since the roll out several older friends and relatives who where not in best of health caught CV-19 but it would appear the vaccine reduced the problems they had.
I personally think the older you are, or if you have problems, then you should get vaccinated. However my gut feeling is that younger people who are healthy should never in their lifetime have the vaccination as the population needs to build up natural immunity just as we have to other coronaviruses.
Ha ha yeah
i did catch it a few months ago,my family wouldn’t let my grandchildren visit in case they infected me,so I had a test and it showed that I did have it and it lasted 36 hrs
So i now have an immune response from being infected
As mentioned elsewhere I got it when I had the stents done, and I did wonder what effect it would have on me catching it again I assume I gave it to Liz as well as we spend 24/7 together.
Ha ha yeah
i did catch it a few months ago,my family wouldn’t let my grandchildren visit in case they infected me,so I had a test and it showed that I did have it and it lasted 36 hrs
So i now have an immune response from being infected

According to this you will have some immune response but you would have twice the immune response if you were vaccinated. Also Omincron reinfections are ten times more likely than the older Delta variant but of course its "usually" a milder disease.

Long and the short of it is you are less likely to get infected or reinfected with a vaccine whether you have had Covid before or not.

I know a fair few people now who have had it at least twice.

So timing is key for me but I don’t know if the unvaccinated pose a greater risk to me
Annie, if you are fully vaccinated and meet someone who is not, you actually pose a much greater threat to them than you do from them. As I have already stated vaccines initially do little to stop the spread of a virus. Their main function is to limit the symptoms to such an extent that in the vast majority of cases no medical intervention is required. Obviously there’s a tiny minority who even when fully vaccinated will require medical intervention. You are just as likely to catch covid from a fully vaccinated person as you are from a non vaccinated person.
So if you pass covid on to someone who is unvaccinated they run a much higher risk of medical intervention.
That was until the definition of a vaccine was changed,they also changed the definition of a pandemic too
But Im just pointing out that too much intervention is never a good thing and what I have noticed in my family and people close to me is that they are always coming down with colds it takes weeks for some to recover
I have just checked the diary and “they” have not changed the definition of the word vaccine.
I have also checked to see if the definition of the word pandemic has changed again no change.
What is ”to much intervention” and who defines what that is you, its certainly not WHO or any government body from any country.
Finally taking a small group of people and attempting to use this as the basis for any argument on this subject is not appropriate. But whilst we are on the subject it’s generally recognised that those who suffer most from the vaccine, would most likely have suffered most from covid. Hence why it’s important that they get the required boosters.
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I have just checked the diary and “they” have not changed the definition of the word vaccine.
I have also checked to see if the definition of the word pandemic has changed again no change.
What is ”to much intervention” and who defines what that is you, its certainly not WHO or any government body from any country.
Finally taking a small group of people and attempting to use this as the basis for any argument on this subject is not appropriate. But whilst we are on the subject it’s generally recognised that those who suffer most from the vaccine, would most likely have suffered most from covid. Hence why it’s important that they get the required boosters.
Check again.

Now, it can be argued the change was valid, but changed it was.

Or I suppose we can split hairs over the meaning of the word "change" fair enough, everythings up for grabs these day.

Links to a fact checker won't cut the mustard, common knowledge the fact checkers need fact checking.
Check again.

Now, it can be argued the change was valid, but changed it was.

Or I suppose we can split hairs over the meaning of the word "change" fair enough, everythings up for grabs these day.

Links to a fact checker won't cut the mustard, common knowledge the fact checkers need fact checking.
Mark what was changed the definition of pandemic or vaccine. Or are you claiming that both have been changed. And can you please inform who “they“ are who have changed these definitions, and do the changes apply worldwide or just here in the U.K.

But here’s what I found from a 2021 definition of pandemic

“an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”.

And here is an up to date definition of the word vaccine.
Possibly you could claim that this differs from what I have been posting, and from what we have been told. My understanding is that it provides limited immunity from the worse symptoms, not the actual virus. But that difference would not initiate any change in acceptance of taking the vaccine.

a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.
"every year the flu vaccine is modified to deal with new strains of the virus"
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That was until the definition of a vaccine was changed,they also changed the definition of a pandemic too
But Im just pointing out that too much intervention is never a good thing and what I have noticed in my family and people close to me is that they are always coming down with colds it takes weeks for some to recover
Since having the vaccine I've not had one cold, and also not had hay fever, so there we are 100% proof that the vaccine cures colds and hay fever. :rolleyes:
I had to go to bed i felt so bad this afternoon, shaking, skin very sensitive even my hands awful headache, and sore throat, this is on top of a cough runny hooter and sneezing at the weekend, Liz was bad yesterday but apart from her arm she feels better.
Ha ha yeah
i did catch it a few months ago,my family wouldn’t let my grandchildren visit in case they infected me,so I had a test and it showed that I did have it and it lasted 36 hrs
So i now have an immune response from being infected
Only to that strain, like colds/flu you can catch many strains.
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