Double jab flu and corvid

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If folk feel strongly or are worried about the vaccines it is their right for them to refuse them
We give medical aid to mass murderers, terrorists, the most evil of people.
Do you really believe that someone who is worried about the vaccine should be treated worse than them.
For the record, I will be having my fourth vaccine next month.

Yes I do!

People who refuse to have the vaccines are putting the lives of my family at risk.

I accept their right to their opinion, I believe they must accept the consequences of their actions.

The same applies to people who don't take out insurance and then expect me to donate when they have a problem.
Yes I do!

People who refuse to have the vaccines are putting the lives of my family at risk.

I accept their right to their opinion, I believe they must accept the consequences of their actions.

The same applies to people who don't take out insurance and then expect me to donate when they have a problem.
So if a member of your family did not get vaccinated, you would be content to watch them dying from covid. And who do you think should take this decision, a medical person, a politician, or someone else.
And please don’t come back and say my family have all been vaccinated, the point I am putting may well be hypothetical, but none the less a member of your family, your wife, a son a daughter, a grandchild could have refused the jab.

People make poor decisions every day, and each and everyone of us have made serious errors. Why not extend this measure to drunk drivers, just let them die by the roadside, or someone who did not follow correct safety procedures, were would this end.

The consequences as you put it of not being vaccinated should be restricted to the disease itself, not draconian measures dished out by those who reckon you have erred in some way.

With regards to insurance some cannot afford insurance, and some cannot get insurance due to living in an area subject to flooding.
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Last year, easy peasy, both of us went to medical centre, both jabs one in each arm, great!
This year, total cock-up, we were given different days for the corvid, and flu jabs on the 22nd October, probably have died from influenza by then!
So if a member of your family did not get vaccinated, you would be content to watch them dying from covid. And who do you think should take this decision, a medical person, a politician, or someone else.
And please don’t come back and say my family have all been vaccinated, the point I am putting may well be hypothetical, but none the less a member of your family, your wife, a son a daughter, a grandchild could have refused the jab.

People make poor decisions every day, and each and everyone of us have made serious errors. Why not extend this measure to drunk drivers, just let them die by the roadside, or someone who did not follow correct safety procedures, were would this end.

The consequences as you put it of not being vaccinated should be restricted to the disease itself, not draconian measures dished out by those who reckon you have erred in some way.

Would you be happy if one of your family was denied treatment because the limited resources were being used on someone who had refused to take sensible precautions.

Clearly we have very different opinions.

You will not convince me that a non-vaxer deserves to receive the same treatment as someone who has done their best to protect themselves and society.

I will not convince you that a non-vaxer should not receive the same treatment.

I do know that non-vaxers expect my daughter (a doctor) to risk her health and the health of my grandson because of a decision they selfishly made.


Would you be happy if one of your family was denied treatment because the limited resources were being used on someone who had refused to take sensible precautions.

Clearly we have very different opinions.

You will not convince me that a non-vaxer deserves to receive the same treatment as someone who has done their best to protect themselves and society.

I will not convince you that a non-vaxer should not receive the same treatment.

I do know that non-vaxers expect my daughter (a doctor) to risk her health and the health of my grandson because of a decision they selfishly made.
What has happy got to do with it.
Yes clearly we do have different opinions, but I don’t want to punish folk who don’t agree with me about vaccination. Like you I don’t understand why they don’t get vaccinated, but then I don’t understand many other viewpoints in todays world either, many of which are the product of being online.

But what you propose is inhumane, the kind of thing I would expect from a country ruled by a despot.

In my honest opinion people who don’t get vaccinated are taking a terrible risk with their health, and that should be the limit of their culpability. To deny someone healthcare because of their beliefs or opinions would be a step to far.

People within the emergency services risk their lives daily to try to save someone who has erred in some way, I hope this practice will never change.

Why not extend your proposal to folk who smoke who then need more medical care due to their habit. They are tying up beds preventing others who don’t smoke from having access to them, should we allow smokers to perish as well.
Were does your proposal end.

Non vaxers would and should expect to be treated in a manner consistent with the terms of the Hippocratic oath which your daughter adheres to. It is not a doctors place to decide wether treatment should be administered based on his or her personal opinion as to why their patient seeks treatment.
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What has happy got to do with it.
Yes clearly we do have different opinions, but I don’t want to punish folk who don’t agree with me about vaccination. Like you I don’t understand why they don’t get vaccinated, but then I don’t understand many other viewpoints in todays world either, many of which are the product of being online.

But what you propose is inhumane, the kind of thing I would expect from a country ruled by a despot.

In my honest opinion people who don’t get vaccinated are taking a terrible risk with their health, and that should be the limit of their culpability. To deny someone healthcare because of their beliefs or opinions would be a step to far.

People within the emergency services risk their lives daily to try to save someone who has erred in some way, I hope this practice will never change.

Why not extend your proposal to folk who smoke who then need more medical care due to their habit. They are tying up beds preventing others who don’t smoke from having access to them, should we allow smokers to perish as well.
Were does your proposal end.
Like I said, neither of us will convince the other to change their mind.

We have different opinions and that is that.
What has happy got to do with it.
Yes clearly we do have different opinions, but I don’t want to punish folk who don’t agree with me about vaccination. Like you I don’t understand why they don’t get vaccinated, but then I don’t understand many other viewpoints in todays world either, many of which are the product of being online.

But what you propose is inhumane, the kind of thing I would expect from a country ruled by a despot.

In my honest opinion people who don’t get vaccinated are taking a terrible risk with their health, and that should be the limit of their culpability. To deny someone healthcare because of their beliefs or opinions would be a step to far.

People within the emergency services risk their lives daily to try to save someone who has erred in some way, I hope this practice will never change.
..... Non vaxers would and should expect to be treated in a manner consistent with the terms of the Hippocratic oath which your daughter adheres to. It is not a doctors place to decide wether treatment should be administered based on his or her personal opinion as to why their patient seeks treatment.
As mentioned, I had my 4th jab yesterday and didn't have any hesitation in doing so.

However .... I do know people who had significant reactions to previous covid vaccines and they are clearly wary of having another for obvious reasons.
I mentioned to my sister yesterday that I had the jab that morning and she told me that she was not going to go for this Winter Booster due to her own reaction to the previous Booster. She analysed the situation and decided as she doesn't tend to associate in groups or go to busy areas she could mitigate her potential exposure and decided on balance not to have it.

I don't know if I fully agree with her as the side-effect she has was relatively short-lived, but it was not me who suffered it and there could well be a concern to her that the next time it could be worse, so I certainly did not try and persuade her as it was a decision not made lightly. If I had that side-effect myself I could well have a different opinion on getting another booster myself.

Why not extend your proposal to folk who smoke who then need more medical care due to their habit. They are tying up beds preventing others who don’t smoke from having access to them, should we allow smokers to perish as well.
Were does your proposal end.
This point is quite interesting personally.
My father was a heavy smoker and drinker, which obviously did his health no good. Towards the end of his life, he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, almost certainly due to his smoking habit, and he got the relevant treatment of Chemo, etc. So even though his illness was self-inflicted he got treatment as people would expect.
However he enjoyed smoking and asked the doctor treating him (how seriously I am not sure) what would happen if he carried on smoking. And he was told in no uncertain terms that if he was caught smoking he would be thrown out the hospital and treatment stopped.
But that I think is also perfectly reasonable - and he stopped smoking there and then (must have decided he liked living more than he liked smoking?)
I wonder if that kind of "tough love" should be employed a bit more and earlier?
Would you be happy if one of your family was denied treatment because the limited resources were being used on someone who had refused to take sensible precautions.

Clearly we have very different opinions.

You will not convince me that a non-vaxer deserves to receive the same treatment as someone who has done their best to protect themselves and society.

I will not convince you that a non-vaxer should not receive the same treatment.

I do know that non-vaxers expect my daughter (a doctor) to risk her health and the health of my grandson because of a decision they selfishly made.
Personalising arguments is just a wee bit daft .
I , like yourself , get really pissed off with anti vaxxers
Of course my judgment goes out the window if it involves a family member. Well , most of them
As mentioned, I had my 4th jab yesterday and didn't have any hesitation in doing so.

However .... I do know people who had significant reactions to previous covid vaccines and they are clearly wary of having another for obvious reasons.
I mentioned to my sister yesterday that I had the jab that morning and she told me that she was not going to go for this Winter Booster due to her own reaction to the previous Booster. She analysed the situation and decided as she doesn't tend to associate in groups or go to busy areas she could mitigate her potential exposure and decided on balance not to have it.

I don't know if I fully agree with her as the side-effect she has was relatively short-lived, but it was not me who suffered it and there could well be a concern to her that the next time it could be worse, so I certainly did not try and persuade her as it was a decision made lightly. If I had that side-effect myself I could well have a different opinion on getting another booster myself.

This point is quite interesting personally.
My father was a heavy smoker and drinker, which obviously did his health no good. Towards the end of his life, he was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, almost certainly due to his smoking habit, and he got the relevant treatment of Chemo, etc. So even though his illness was self-inflicted he got treatment as people would expect.
However he enjoyed smoking and asked the doctor treating him (how seriously I am not sure) what would happen if he carried on smoking. And he was told in no uncertain terms that if he was caught smoking he would be thrown out the hospital and treatment stopped.
But that I think is also perfectly reasonable - and he stopped smoking there and then (must have decided he liked living more than he liked smoking?)
I wonder if that kind of "tough love" should be employed a bit more and earlier?
Your father could have highlighted how much he contributed financially with his habit David. Right now a packet of 20 fags cost north of £10.
I was the only member of my family who did not smoke, my parents and my two sisters all smoked.
On your point regarding the doctor throwing your dad out of the hospital if he smoked, I don’t think that’s the same as simply refusing someone any treatment due to not being vaccinated. What was being proposed in effect meant that anyone was deemed not to have taken effective mitigation measures, they should be allowed to perish. If a patient refuses to help themselves whilst receiving treatment then there may be grounds for that, particularly if that treatment involved the transplanting of a valuable organ.
But the difficulty In your dads situation involved a highly addictive drug, making rational thinking problematic, as is the case for alcoholism and other addictions.
Some people do talk absolute rot, we both had ours this morning, and if required will do again next year.

Why do we keep getting these sensationalist Twitter rubbish posted by people just wanting more followers and publicity and other just spread it
Wow,I cannot believe how gullible you lot on here are,why on earth are you still getting these poisonous jabs

I was informed to never take those compounds, and when it is by the Vice president of vaccine research at Pfizer, I believe him, unlike Billygoats who has made untold millions from the selling of it.
Do you really think all the politicians and their ilk have taken it? Then you must be very gullible. Something that does not stop you from catching it, does not stop you from getting ill, and does not stop you from passing it on. Then requires you to take multiple doses to do the exact same result. It must ring a bell of warning when NOTHING contra to the agenda is allowed to be even mentioned.
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Would you be happy if one of your family was denied treatment because the limited resources were being used on someone who had refused to take sensible precautions.

Clearly we have very different opinions.

You will not convince me that a non-vaxer deserves to receive the same treatment as someone who has done their best to protect themselves and society.

I will not convince you that a non-vaxer should not receive the same treatment.

I do know that non-vaxers expect my daughter (a doctor) to risk her health and the health of my grandson because of a decision they selfishly made.
I don’t know what you mean by someone not having the vaccine putting your family at risk. People who are fully vaccinated still get covid and pass it around and can still end up in hospital. Has your grandson been vaccinated? Kids can have it from age 5.
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