Double jab flu and corvid

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Wow,I cannot believe how gullible you lot on here are,why on earth are you still getting these poisonous jabs

David Cullen! If you believe a thing this piece of scum writes you are extremely gullible, right from the start of the pandemic he made claims which have all subsequently been shown false, he does get a lot of backing from religious nutcases with their 'god will sort it' philosophy.
Wow,I cannot believe how gullible you lot on here are,why on earth are you still getting these poisonous jabs

If ever a post serves to highlight the damage that the internet is doing it’s this.
First if you don’t agree with the poster you are gullible.
We are then taken to a place where someone reckons that governments worldwide are deliberately poisoning their citizens with vaccines.
Several years ago this type of thing would have been rare, but in todays world were scepticism has been replaced with conspiracy and views are polarised to the extent that normal debate is all but impossible, it’s much more common. Just look at the post you are gullible if you don’t agree with their view. Any normal rational person would surely dismiss this for what it is. But then what is normal in todays world.

If you believe that the island of Arran will sink below the sea, or that the moon is made of cheese, you will find someone purporting to be an expert on the subject putting forward the very views that you wish to confirm as fact.
Some people do talk absolute rot, we both had ours this morning, and if required will do again next year.

Why do we keep getting these sensationalist Twitter rubbish posted by people just wanting more followers and publicity and other just spread it
Plenty of rot talked by extremes of both anti and pro sides.

I put them all in Hillary's basket of deplorables. :)
I don’t know what you mean by someone not having the vaccine putting your family at risk. People who are fully vaccinated still get covid and pass it around and can still end up in hospital. Has your grandson been vaccinated? Kids can have it from age 5.
Vaccines do little to prevent the spread of a virus, that is not their main purpose.
What vaccines do is to mitigate greatly the symptoms of a virus, so that WHEN you contract the virus (which the vast majority will do) the vaccine prevents the vast majority from requiring medical intervention. Basically the vaccine introduces a safe version of the virus to your immune system in order that it can mitigate its symptom's more effectively than would have been the case if you were either unvaccinated or your vaccines effectiveness had been reduced due to not having a booster when required.

This creates a safer environment for normal life to be resumed, as has happened since the introduction of the various vaccines.
Not sure about Arran, but I've know that the Moon is made of cheese since I was a cub..

the internet is full of people with an agenda, or are paranoid about this that or the other it's all ballcocks, best is to believe what you like but keep it to yourself, we all have ideas that may or may not be sound, some one said it is best to keep silent and let them think you are a fool that to speak out and remove all doubt.

Anyway I have to go now, the voices are really loud today, and the nurse are looking at me funny again.

Some days it's just not worth gnawing through the straps.
If ever a post serves to highlight the damage that the internet is doing it’s this.
First if you don’t agree with the poster you are gullible.
We are then taken to a place where someone reckons that governments worldwide are deliberately poisoning their citizens with vaccines.
Several years ago this type of thing would have been rare, but in todays world were scepticism has been replaced with conspiracy and views are polarised to the extent that normal debate is all but impossible, it’s much more common. Just look at the post you are gullible if you don’t agree with their view. Any normal rational person would surely dismiss this for what it is. But then what is normal in todays world.

If you believe that the island of Arran will sink below the sea, or that the moon is made of cheese, you will find someone purporting to be an expert on the subject putting forward the very views that you wish to confirm as fact.

Get called gullible by some on one side, get medical services stopped by some on the other side.

Besides who cares if some numpty calls you gullible, it's not like they are calling for people who do have side effects to be not given any medical treatment.
Not a perfect comparison but it will do for now. :LOL:

Another thing, people referring to people who have issues with the covid vaccines as "anti vaxers" need to read more too.
Get called gullible by some on one side, get medical services stopped by some on the other side.

Besides who cares if some numpty calls you gullible, it's not like they are calling for people who do have side effects to be not given any medical treatment.
Not a perfect comparison but it will do for now. :LOL:

Another thing, people referring to people who have issues with the covid vaccines as "anti vaxers" need to read more too.
Yes Mark have you read my posts yesterday trying to defend “the other side” from such draconian inhumane treatment, far worse than how we treat the very scum in society, and merely for having an opinion. It astounds me that some believe that the government are trying to poison them, but it appals me that some reckon it’s acceptable to refuse medical intervention because they have seen fit to take such a course as to not take the vaccine.

Polarisation creates anti-vaxers, and views were its acceptable to let people die.
And sadly polarisation of views and intolerance is becoming the new norm.
Whatever your personal convictions to get a complete view you need to research both viewpoints. Europe and report loads of stuff that you won't find in the mainstream media.
Jab or no jab is a personal thing, I don't care to be told if I should or should not get one, it's my decision, there may be a case for both points of view, but I take a wider stance and I would prefer not to spend time with anyone who hasn't had all the jabs, and I would not expect anyone to spend time with me if I hadn't had all the jabs, it is our individual responsibility to contain this awful virus, so many people have died before we got any sort of handle on it and it seems a waste of their lives not to do our best to protect others.
Jab or no jab is a personal thing, I don't care to be told if I should or should not get one, it's my decision, there may be a case for both points of view, but I take a wider stance and I would prefer not to spend time with anyone who hasn't had all the jabs, and I would not expect anyone to spend time with me if I hadn't had all the jabs, it is our individual responsibility to contain this awful virus, so many people have died before we got any sort of handle on it and it seems a waste of their lives not to do our best to protect others.
Pudsey someone who is unvaccinated poses little or no threat to you, you actually pose a much greater threat to them.
I assume from your post you were concerned for your safety.
However if you are worried about those who you are unvaccinated then your point stands.
Yesterday I dropped gf off at hospital then went to a 'walk in' vaccine centre, it would have been a 3 hour wait so gave up on that, booked online for tomorrow morning.
gf on otherhand is wary of yet another jab, she got her last (4th) booster three months ago and as with all of them didn't feel well for couple of days, if as expected the infection rates raise a lot over winter she may well get another booster later.
David Cullen! If you believe a thing this piece of scum writes you are extremely gullible, right from the start of the pandemic he made claims which have all subsequently been shown false, he does get a lot of backing from religious nutcases with their 'god will sort it' philosophy.
So just to put this straight I saw a thread on covid and as I am very keen on the truth behind over hyped danger of the virus I put a link up,not the one I meant to and I have no idea who David Cullen is
The link I meant to post is the safe and effective video which is all from personal experiences
And on my personal experience I am once again surrounded by sick family members who test positive for Covid again,whilst I have no such illness
The protocol for these jabs was only that they reduce symptoms and that was all they needed to get EUA
I would like to point out that antibiotic resistance came about because they are used to much
so just be careful about the amount of these toxins you have
Bivaliant Covid Jab is 2
quadrivelent flu jab is 4
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