You made me laugh with your post.
The different currencies referred to pre Euro time and the fact that a trip around European countries meant showing ones Passport in the 1980's and 90's
As for delays at Dover, what about bad weather? What about tightened security due to terrorism? What about Induustrial action? All have played a part in long delays.
And finally ..... You ripped apart the character of a well known TV celebrity on our sister forum using a tremendous amount of bile. So please don't lecture me on my language. Just to refresh your memory here is what you said.
"Clarkson is an aged bloated bigot who has to scrape the bottom of the barrel for his latest supercilious, smug hate-filled outpourings. He called for strikers to be executed, and has followed that with his hate speech about a certain female"
I replied to that post by saying a more moderate post would sond less like a mindless rant and you took exception to that. Don't worry, I am not bothered by your words, it is the double standards that let you down in my estimation.