Well set of Monday at noon and drove from near Torrievieja to North of Zaragoza, we were diverted by the police of the motorway to a roundabout, the police were interviewing everyone, but when it was our turn they just waved us through, rejoined the motorway, love seeing the scenery after 5 weeks of been under house arrest, stopped at a service station for the night, it was quite and pieceful, the roads were fairly quiet as well and the weather was good. About 2 hours outside Valencia on the road to Zaragoza we saw a air field and an aircraft hanger in the middle of the country, it wasn't actually an airport as such, but it had an airstrip, there were hundreds of airlines parked up there including some British Airways planes, I presume it is cheaper to store them then than at an airport.
Different story today, set of at 11.00am after cleaning all the bugs of the windscreen from the day before and then the heavens decided to open, it has rained throughout the journey today. We were heading to Dax, 303 Kms away, chose to go through the Somport tunnel, due to the low clouds and rain the scenery was not good over the Pyrenees, visibility was poor, at one point we could see snow at the top of the mountains, got to Dax and decided to carry on a bit further, we have parked up on the Service station on the N10 for the night just North of Bordeaux, heading towards Rouen tomorrow, about 370 miles away, might not get that far, but we will see, far more commercial traffic on the roads in France. It supposed to be dry but cloudy tomorrow and then Sunny on Thursday.
We have stayed off the toll roads so far, filled up with diesel in France €1.16, motorway services cheapest we saw was €126.5, cheapest we saw it in Spain was 0.89.9 cents a litre.
We have booked the channel tunnel for Monday, just for safety incase we broke down on route, I'm hoping if I turn up they will get us on the next available train, after all all the fates are fixed at the same price now at £125.00. we have all the correct forms filled in for going through France, but as yet we have not been stopped or seen any road blocks, even at the border with Spain.