Benefit cuts proposed.

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I wonder why Dave is being so age specific ? Perhaps next the ones who can't get jobs will be forced into national service, just in time to be trained well enough to go and get blown up in Iran.
Problem solved at minimum cost to the tax payer and an absolute godsend to the oil companies.
And to do that he will distort the facts, hide the truth, and whip the silent majority up into a frenzy of indignation using emotive language and half truths.

If trying to see the good in someone or feeling the sense of needing to give someone some support or guidance or encouragement in order for them to be able to move forward and help themselves to improve their life makes me an apologist of a social worker, then so be it. At least I can walk with my head high, knowing that I have done my best to give someone less fortunate than me a leg up, when so many other people would walk past, and indeed a fair proportion of people would take the opportunity to give them a good kick as they walk past.

As it happens I'm not a social worker but I work in another field with people who suffer from great discrimination and prejudice, mental health. I work as a trainer delivering courses in mental health awareness to the public sector, currently NHS staff but the programme will be rolled out to police and prison service next year, specifically challenging stigma and discrimination, a national initiative to tackle society's inherent need to pass negative judgement on any one who doesn't fit the "normal and acceptable" box.
I wish people would stop complaining about us under 25's, I'm beginning to develop a complex!! :)
although,to be fair,if i came from a wealthy privileged background,and had no idea what fighting for survival,or taking **** from an employer to feed the family meant,i'd probably condemn anyone who didn't think exactly like me
I wish people would stop complaining about us under 25's, I'm beginning to develop a complex!! :)

I hope you are not so upset that you go out and impregnate some young woman. :cry:

Or even worse ...... sh*g her. :mad1:
A couple years ago i worked on a homeless project for under 25's, one girl came to us aged 18, she was wearing a wig, why was she was wearing a wig? because all her hair had fell out, why? because at the age of 8 she was abused by her father, and his pals, she was forced into prostitution, by her own father, she was locked in her room for weeks on end to satisfy her fathers needs, and his drunken mates, do you think she asked for that lifestyle, at 8 years of age? i think not.

Can't wait for the next election, Gerem out, lets have RT, MTM, Scampa and FF running the country, :dance:
A couple years ago i worked on a homeless project for under 25's, one girl came to us aged 18, she was wearing a wig, why was she was wearing a wig? because all her hair had fell out, why? because at the age of 8 she was abused by her father, and his pals, she was forced into prostitution, by her own father, she was locked in her room for weeks on end to satisfy her fathers needs, and his drunken mates, do you think she asked for that lifestyle, at 8 years of age? i think not.

Can't wait for the next election, Gerem out, lets have RT, MTM, Scampa and FF running the country, :dance:

And me and you behind the scenes telling them what to do and how to do it :idea-007:
stop it you're frightening me! the only person capable of running this country is ---- ME and i can't be arsed
We might let you join us, you can be in charge of the


or we could be or indegreenpendent :dance::dance::dance:

"The Indegreenpendent Troll" Party KP could do our marketing literature, :dance:
A couple years ago i worked on a homeless project for under 25's, one girl came to us aged 18, she was wearing a wig, why was she was wearing a wig? because all her hair had fell out, why? because at the age of 8 she was abused by her father, and his pals, she was forced into prostitution, by her own father, she was locked in her room for weeks on end to satisfy her fathers needs, and his drunken mates, do you think she asked for that lifestyle, at 8 years of age? i think not.

Can't wait for the next election, Gerem out, lets have RT, MTM, Scampa and FF running the country, :dance:

There are always tragic and very true instances such as the poor girl you describe or some of the people WVW has worked with, sadly there always will be.

I grew up in the 50-60's in the back streets of Liverpool and had very little, we were poor, not the worst by any means, but money was tight.

Yes, there were some girls who became pregnant, and to a degree it was hushed up, it was frowned upon, this was before abortion was legal.

One thing that stopped us being sexually active at an early age was the worry about getting someone pregnant and the stigma that was attached to it. Also, we weren't constantly confronted with sex in magazines, papers etc. The dirty mags of the time might show a girls breasts, but even then, some mags placed a little star over the nipples.

One thing that was expected was that you would work for what you wanted, never expect to be given things.

Forward to today, expectations are so high, especially amongst the youth and young adults.

It's not necessarily their "fault" as their parents or their friends parents have been caught up in the fashion of "give them anything they ask"

I know of people who haven't got anything, doing a bit on the side so they can buy designer underpants, pack of three for £72.00, you can't even see them, but they're worth it!!

But, if it's made tougher for people generally to get benefits, maybe people will think twice about letting themselves become pregnant. I've spoken to girls who quite openly admit that they don't take precautions because they'll get looked after by the state if they get up the duff.

There's always the exceptions, who through no fault of themselves find that they're pregnant, but I would suggest that they are in the minority.

PS, don't plan your cabinet just yet, there won't be any election.

Personally I'd go Monster Raving Looney.... :banana:

I'm actually FB friends with a Monster Raving Looney candidate. King Arthur Pendragon of Stonehenge fame... the most important thing is a really unsusual or silly name. After that you just make everything up as you go along :lol-053:
My memory is not so good but where do i mention Labour???? if you read the post at the end i am injecting some humour. Are you being judgmental David?
Take a look at this graphic:

It shows that in terms of personal freedom and economic policy, Tony Blair's New Labour shifted so far to the right and to a State control authoritarian stance, it became simply another Tory party.

So it is not a question of just Tory versus Labour. Being anti-Cameron does not necessarily imply Labour support because with the current set up, you'll just get more of the same with New Labour. You have to go back to the 70's or 80's before you get a caring Labour Party.

Interesting to note from the previous graphic I posted, that Ted Heath's 1972 Gov was much softer than today's New Labour, and also the BNP is actually to the left of New Labour (fiscally speaking).
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Benefit Cuts

The benefit system was never meant to be used to give a "start" to anyone. It was conceived as a safety net to help those who fell on hard times through no fault of their own.

The way to start out in life is to work and save, go without, make do and mend, decide your priorities and work towards them. Not just expect society to magically produce everything for you.

If you cant afford it this year, tough. Work and save, and maybe next year you will be able to afford it. Simple!
It doesn't seem all that long ago we were a very prosperous country then we joined the common market and all our technology and industry was given away. We now have large swathes of barren land where our factories once stood that provided income and stability for our families. What have our young generation got to look forward to now, not every one can get a job at B&Q or McDonnalds. This once proud country is f-----d and will never be the same again, the so called politicians have sold us down the river and all they can do is divert their attention to penalising the people they represent by taxing us to the hilt so that what income we have buys less and less.
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