A couple years ago i worked on a homeless project for under 25's, one girl came to us aged 18, she was wearing a wig, why was she was wearing a wig? because all her hair had fell out, why? because at the age of 8 she was abused by her father, and his pals, she was forced into prostitution, by her own father, she was locked in her room for weeks on end to satisfy her fathers needs, and his drunken mates, do you think she asked for that lifestyle, at 8 years of age? i think not.
Can't wait for the next election, Gerem out, lets have RT, MTM, Scampa and FF running the country, :dance:
There are always tragic and very true instances such as the poor girl you describe or some of the people WVW has worked with, sadly there always will be.
I grew up in the 50-60's in the back streets of Liverpool and had very little, we were poor, not the worst by any means, but money was tight.
Yes, there were some girls who became pregnant, and to a degree it was hushed up, it was frowned upon, this was before abortion was legal.
One thing that stopped us being sexually active at an early age was the worry about getting someone pregnant and the stigma that was attached to it. Also, we weren't constantly confronted with sex in magazines, papers etc. The dirty mags of the time might show a girls breasts, but even then, some mags placed a little star over the nipples.
One thing that was expected was that you would work for what you wanted, never expect to be given things.
Forward to today, expectations are so high, especially amongst the youth and young adults.
It's not necessarily their "fault" as their parents or their friends parents have been caught up in the fashion of "give them anything they ask"
I know of people who haven't got anything, doing a bit on the side so they can buy designer underpants, pack of three for £72.00, you can't even see them, but they're worth it!!
But, if it's made tougher for people generally to get benefits, maybe people will think twice about letting themselves become pregnant. I've spoken to girls who quite openly admit that they don't take precautions because they'll get looked after by the state if they get up the duff.
There's always the exceptions, who through no fault of themselves find that they're pregnant, but I would suggest that they are in the minority.
PS, don't plan your cabinet just yet, there won't be any election.