I think it's pretty clear which forum members have a disabling inferiority complex that causes them to constantly give themselves a pat on the back to try bolster their confidence.
When there isn't much substance to them, sarcastic snobbery - so beloved by the English middle-class - seems to get trotted out at every opportunity, regardless of the topic under discussion.
'Tis classic "little man trying to act big" and has been seen in many of the tyrants of history throughout the ages.
The irony is that these folk usually make themselves look like absolute bellends while all the time accusing all and sundry of being total pillocks and ignorami when, in all probability, it is they who are the ignoramuses.
I no longer waste my time on politics and the Law, as the harsh reality is that we are at a critical cross-roads on the path of socio-economic development.
Basically, in effect that means that both Ireland and the UK are falling to pieces economically and socially. That is the crux of the matter; survival is the name of the game.
In the survival stakes, the pratt with a thousand paper qualifications is not the man we look to for help. Indeed, the person we need in this scenario is the humbled, much-maligned GARDENER.
For, thoughsome may protest with wails and screams, 'tis the man who can put food on the table that we want, not the twerps and twits dribbling over reams of print-outs of ridiculous upper-class menus and recipes, written not in the language of their upbringing.
The two salient points to remember here are
a) "the fly off the dung-heap flies the highest"
b) food, clothing and shelter are essential.
The basic drives of sex and hunger have to be satisfied first, and then it is time for the comforts and niceties that distinguish humans from other animals.
I will go into those distinctive characteristics on another occasion.
Suffice it to say for the time being that, in my experience all over this planet, the percentage of so-called doctors who can actually do anything constructive and helpful is no more than 5% of the grand total of pretentious, under-achieving, quacks out there.
That is one important reason why there is so much alcohol and drug abuse among the medical profession. This, of course, is accompanied by the inevitable poor mental health and high suicide rates that are so prevalent in practices across Britain and Ireland.
Good luck to all who actually get out there and do something!
I have stated on another motorhome forum, that, in my opinion, the Pareto principle has almost been turned on its head nowadays: I contend that 20% of the population of Western Europe and North America are actually trying to support the other 80%!
Obviously, this ratio is NOT sustainable, and is a major factor in the collapse of modern society and its economy.
Personally, I do not automatically despise or hate this 80% of non-producers that have to be carried by those who can and do produce, but, if ever I encounter any of them trying to put me or mine down, I will and do resist.
There is no perfection in reality, but live and let live is my watchword.
sean rua.