Alko Chassis greasing


Full Member
Just going through all the documentation on our new to us 2015 Swift Esprit 496 and in the Alko booklet it does of course mention getting the chassis greased every 20000kg or annually which ever comes first. Might just be a generic manual. My guess is I bet its never been done. Although reading various threads online some it seems on more modern vans are sealed for life. Its off getting its Scooter rack fitted first thing Monday morning at Armitage trailers so I have emailed them to see if they can do it. I know I got my old one done regularly but not the past few years. Anyone know which axles are sealed and which require greasing?
Just going through all the documentation on our new to us 2015 Swift Esprit 496 and in the Alko booklet it does of course mention getting the chassis greased every 20000kg or annually which ever comes first. Might just be a generic manual. My guess is I bet its never been done. Although reading various threads online some it seems on more modern vans are sealed for life. Its off getting its Scooter rack fitted first thing Monday morning at Armitage trailers so I have emailed them to see if they can do it. I know I got my old one done regularly but not the past few years. Anyone know which axles are sealed and which require greasing?
Every 20000kg Hmm, that'll be fun.
I have emailed the garage who serviced it to see if they ever did it. I bet they didn't. I would imagine most motorhomes never get it done and the owners oblivious but as we are sticking a fair chunk of weight on the back I would say its important.

We found out the hard way in 2010 with Hank 1. Rear axle leafs started to snap but it was the much older type. I think I got it done in 2011, new Axle and it was about £2800 then. It was fine ever after though.
As you are unable to bend over, never mind get down on your knees, you will have to get Michelle to check for grease nipples. They are just inboard of the wheels and easily found ..... unless you are an overweight, flabby rock god with dodgy knees. :giggle:

I can crawl under the van just about. Will have a look tomorrow. I assume it has them probably just going on the Alko manual that came with the van but as said, some don't now apparently. I've lost a bit of weight so watch it! :poop:
I asked at the service desk whether the ALKO axle greasing was included in servicing when i bought this motorhome new ?

The guy laughed and said he hadn`t a clue what i was on about so i asked him the get the service manager which he did.

The manager told me " get up to date pal " we haven`t used grease guns for donkies years because everything that used to need greasing is now sealed for life.

I tried explaining that certain ALKO axles still needed greasing and this one was one of them because i`d already had a look, he then suggested Specsavers.

I told him in my best Lancashire accent to GO AWAY or words to that effect and never went back, i did it myself every year.

Just make sure whoever does it for you that they leave the wheels on when jacked up which opens up the torsion bars then the grease gets right area.
I only asked as some garages even for long term customers do still cut corners, also servicing is generally passed down to the apprentice as it's a simple task, and also things you ask for don't always get get done because of laziness or just get forgotten, I used to do servicing in a garage when I was younger, and it was only a two bay place part of a petrol station, the owner always said you may forget to do part of it sometimes, but you must never forget to empty the ashtray and clean it and always grease the door hinges and stays as the owner will notice those things and use us next time.

So I'll ask again, did you look under and check, even ask do you know how to check if they greased it properly?
I think I can be pretty certain it wont have been done. Ill see if Armitages can do it tomorrow, if not ill have to try and fit it in somewhere else. I think it has to be special Lithium hot grease or something like that.
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