Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance

Thank you for that wise and intelligent response. My wife worked in partnership with a man who was about as right-wing as they come and, as solicitor, he had to appear in front of magistrates and tribunal chairmen of all shades of opinion. He always said that appearing in front of Dennis was a pleasure because he was a gentleman, always weighed up the argument on the facts not on prejudices and took his job very seriously. You don't get higher praise than that - but of course, he's a socialist, so that makes him a person to be dismissed by the Alfs of this world.

...and Alf is a capitalist!! And proud to be one too!

Remind me John H...was it the dumb Lefties that gave all our Gold away? That was a good move wasn't it?
Do your self a favour and keep quiet, you are looking like you should be in the class, not at the front of it!:lol-053:
Thank you for that wise and intelligent response. My wife worked in partnership with a man who was about as right-wing as they come and, as solicitor, he had to appear in front of magistrates and tribunal chairmen of all shades of opinion. He always said that appearing in front of Dennis was a pleasure because he was a gentleman, always weighed up the argument on the facts not on prejudices and took his job very seriously. You don't get higher praise than that - but of course, he's a socialist, so that makes him a person to be dismissed by the Alfs of this world.

...and by the way JOHN H, Dennis Skinner IS another Arthur Scargill isn't he, so, thanks for acknowledging my wisdom and intelligence.
1. Depends on your definition - in my book, selfish = putting yourself and your loved ones above others.

2. Should have said - buying stuff on the continent to bring back because the tax is less - ie saving money and denying the Exchequer. We all do it with wine; Carr did it on a larger scale, but it is only a difference of scale.

3. Don't follow this - how does the Aung San Suu Kyi bit relate to what I said about blaming others for your own faults?

As usual John you have slightly changed tack halfway through. You did not mention blaming others for your own faults, you specifically stated we would all act the same in similar situations.

My reply mentioning Aung San Suu Ky made perfect sense.

However long experience also reminds me that you will continue to prevaricate ad nauseum, so I will leave you to it.

Dezi :pc:
As usual John you have slightly changed tack halfway through. You did not mention blaming others for your own faults, you specifically stated we would all act the same in similar situations.

My reply mentioning Aung San Suu Ky made perfect sense.

However long experience also reminds me that you will continue to prevaricate ad nauseum, so I will leave you to it.

Dezi :pc:

No change of tack - check what you quoted from me again. Your comment about Suu Ky immediately followed you quoting me about being fed up with people blaming others for their own mistakes.
Have I got this right JOHN H?
Putting your own flesh and blood above others is selfish?? Is this what you are really saying?? I would ALWAYS put my own above others. I also believe, so would every normal person who is reading this article right now. Who wouldn't?

Yes it is. What you seem unable to grasp is that the selfish instinct is not always a negative one. Indeed, if you actually read what people posted instead of exploding, Pavlovian style, when you see certain key words then you would be aware that I said that we (that includes me) would all do the same.

Btw, the comment about wisdom was sarcasm (look it up in the dictionary). ;)
Yes it is. What you seem unable to grasp is that the selfish instinct is not always a negative one. Indeed, if you actually read what people posted instead of exploding, Pavlovian style, when you see certain key words then you would be aware that I said that we (that includes me) would all do the same.

Btw, the comment about wisdom was sarcasm (look it up in the dictionary). ;)

you strange person.
How can selfishness not always be negative??? EXPLAIN!
Exploding? Who? ME? When?
I am sat here all calm, wetting my self laughing AT you, along with many others.
I am not sure how you choose to use the word Pavlovian? As in Ian Pavlov and his treatment of laboratory animals? Or, automatic reaction? You are a very clever man if you can tell my reactions over the internet, are we connected cam 2 cam? I hope not, my wife will kill me if she finds out I have been watching www.sillyoldselfishmen.co.uk :lol-053:
Typical of you.
You accuse the man of a bitter and abusive speech and then admit to not reading it all. How daft can one person be?
You then claim to be in the top 2% of the population according to IQ!!I don't think so!
Why not read the full piece BEFORE knocking the man.
Very stupid, I would call you.

Because I know more or less what he will say from past exchanges. You seem to be a clone of his also.

I will now stop feeding your ego and join dezi somewhere calm and peaceful for a cool libation.

ps, it will not be in the Conservative Club. :D
Yes it is. What you seem unable to grasp is that the selfish instinct is not always a negative one. Indeed, if you actually read what people posted instead of exploding, Pavlovian style, when you see certain key words then you would be aware that I said that we (that includes me) would all do the same.

Btw, the comment about wisdom was sarcasm (look it up in the dictionary). ;)

Just a thought JOHN H, I am going to build a website just for you
www.deluded-motorhomers.com you and you leftie followers can ramble on all night to each other about Dennis Skinner and Arthur Scargill and the good old days of coal mining. You could all bleet on about how miserable your public sector pensions are, you could always strike again, just like your hero miners from the past!:lol-053:
You could even chat about how the labour government messed up the UK and got us into the mess we now find ourselves in.
That would save the non-selfish motorhomers to get on with some decent conversation without your constant interruptions about what YOU think. Thank God you don't run the country, sadly similar minded people did for the last 13 years, look what happened to the UK under that lot!

Still sat here enjoying myself, wondering just how high your blood pressure must be by now, BUT don't go to your Doctor, he will also be striking due to his poor pension too....just wondering JOHN H, does that make the Doctors selfish?
Because I know more or less what he will say from past exchanges. You seem to be a clone of his also.

I will now stop feeding your ego and join dezi somewhere calm and peaceful for a cool libation.

ps, it will not be in the Conservative Club. :D

One down...are you REALLY sure that you are going?
Cross your heart and hope to die?


Just the other leftie loonie to go

You know what they say...."When the going gets tough....":lol-053:
One down...are you REALLY sure that you are going?
Cross your heart and hope to die?


Just the other leftie loonie to go

You know what they say...."When the going gets tough....":lol-053:

I was given some good advice a while back

"Never argue with a fool because he will drag you down to his level, where he has more experience than you".

BTW, you have never posted anything regarding motorhomes or wildcamping. You really need to now because you look like 'the nutter on the bus'. Go on, pull back some credibility. :wave:
I get the feeling that all this cheap wine and cheap fuel from France or wherever isn't doing some of the characters on here much good in the mental health department.

Sure, I realise that a few just love the wind-up and we do get the usual quota of keyboard warriors, but, actually, this thread has quite an important topic, especially for those who would appear to be in the majority here - the wealthy, middle-aged, English middle-class.

For those of you who have prospered under the "System" ( and don't forget that most of the so-called "prosperity" was, indeed, under the reign of Thatcher and Blair ( not Gordon or Dave), the glaringly obvious point is that

IF you accept that TAX is a necessary evil, because it's needed to fund things that are deemed essential to modern society,
then, surely, you can see that spreading the load and sharing the load IS the least damaging to the individual
the fairest way to go.

Now, as it happens, I don't accept myself that there is this need for a powerful costly State with its protective legal and military back-up, but, for the majority of you who probably do,
I'm sure you can see that
letting some clowns dodge their moral payments is NOT helpful, and throws a bigger burden on the poor bstds who have to cough up.

That's point one.

Point two concerns education, "wisdom", and being "clever".
Now here, I gave the wrong impression to JOHNH, for one, when I mentioned teachers.
Today, we know, more than ever, just how vitally important is EDUCATION., and, obviously, for good education we need good TEACHERS and good Universities.

Again, these things cost money and have to be paid for by somebody. Surely, this is a "given" that is accepted by most on here?

Now, my lot didn't like teachers bc they were part of Authority; that's why i told you that I didn't go to school as much as I should.
It's nobody's fault but my own, and I ain't crying about it.
Naturally, I'm never going to be such a self-styled cleverclogs as the likes of some on here, who come across as right snobbish tosspots who seem to think they're successful bc they're so flipping much cleverer than ordinary mortals.

Yet, we read:

" very many successful people who give away large percentages of the fortunes that they've been lucky enough to amass." from Northener.

? Lucky enough? I thought these rich folk were rich bc they were so much cleverer? I didn't think "luck" would be part of their vocabulary.

Anyway, perhaps we are all talking in terms that are far too general. Generalisation always masks several important exceptions.
On this note, it is an eye-opener for me to witness the wealthy on here getting at each others throats. Quite amusing, really, with VWalan and Runnach coming in for some quite unjustified stick, imo.

Ho, well, I can see now that I've been equally unfair in lumping all non-travellers into one huge category. There are huge differences among them.
In the final analysis, we are all human beings, or, as the jockman says: " all jack thampson's bairns".:D

Good luck to ye all, and don't get too worried about Dave C. He ain't going to rule for much longer. The next bggr could be far worse!

sean rua.
Last edited:
you strange person.
How can selfishness not always be negative??? EXPLAIN!
Exploding? Who? ME? When?
I am sat here all calm, wetting my self laughing AT you, along with many others.
I am not sure how you choose to use the word Pavlovian? As in Ian Pavlov and his treatment of laboratory animals? Or, automatic reaction? You are a very clever man if you can tell my reactions over the internet, are we connected cam 2 cam? I hope not, my wife will kill me if she finds out I have been watching www.sillyoldselfishmen.co.uk :lol-053:

Ok, so you need to have the obvious pointed out to you. I will try not to use too many long words.

The selfish gene is the reason why we have survived and the world is not now ruled by gorillas (although some might dispute that!). Unfortunately, that same gene (positive if you think of the alternative - ie obliteration of the species) extends, in our modern society, into areas where it is no longer necessary for survival (eg trying to outdo your neighbours in the car you drive or putting all your money into offshore acounts). In other words, what was essential in primitive man is now directed partly into less savoury activities. Many of these activities are legal (which brings us back to Jimmy Carr) but of doubtful morality (and that is an individual thing); some are illegal (eg benefit fraud) as well as immoral.

As for determining your attitude and reactions over the internet, it is not hard. You see one or two key words, launch into a diatribe and fail to read what was actually said. Consequently you have picked up the wrong end of the stick from at least three different posters on this thread. It is a common fault among those of you who have apoplexy when words such as "socialism" or "public sector" are mentioned. Once again, if you are not angry then you give a pretty good impression! ......and my blood pressure is fine, thank you for asking :D
Because I know more or less what he will say from past exchanges. You seem to be a clone of his also.

I will now stop feeding your ego and join dezi somewhere calm and peaceful for a cool libation.

ps, it will not be in the Conservative Club. :D

What the hell have I done to deserve that ?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dezi :beer:

" very many successful people who give away large percentages of the fortunes that they've been lucky enough to amass." from Northener.

? Lucky enough? I thought these rich folk were rich bc they were so much cleverer? I didn't think "luck" would be part of their vocabulary.

I don't know one successful person who doesn't accept that luck has played a vital part in his achievements. Luck starts with having parents who have the work ethic, who encourage you, who ensure that you work hard at school and are themselves good examples of how we should all strive to do our best, whatever part of the labour market we choose.

Just to give one example of good luck, when David Ross and Charles Dunstone started Carphone Warehouse in 1989 they had no idea of the explosive growth that would take place a few years later in the mobile phone business. At first they expected that they'd have a warehouse selling the bulky phones that had to be fitted in cars as they were far to big to be carried around. Signals went to two places in the UK and if you lived in the north you thought twice about paying a subscription for southern England, such was the cost.

Then cellular technology came along and the whole market changed and this is where being clever paid off. They were obviously very clever and astute businessmen and capitalised on the new craze and never looked back.

Conversely, another businessman could have sunk his money into a bookshop. He could also be very clever and very good at retailing books and for some time he ran a good business with happy customers and earned a decent wage. But, ten years later, along comes Amazon and another ten years later, along comes the Kindle. That's just bad luck and no matter how clever you are it's not easy to just wrap up a business. You have staff whom you want to keep employed, you may be tied into a lease so you struggle on and hope it will improve, but it doesn't, so you lose everything.

Luck is the most important thing in our lives. Being clever is just the icing on the cake and, given two people with equal luck, the clever one will usually win, whether it's succeeding in business or remaining as a PC or school teacher as opposed to becoming a chief constable or headmaster. And that is not do denigrate PCs or teachers, if they're not clever enough or talented enough to rise to the top of the tree they are just as valuable to society.
Personally I am sick and tired of the system taking taking and taking.
Why the hell should we pay anymore than 1% tax anyway.
No matter how much tax is paid there is never enough money for education and health and this and that but always enough for wars,oh how very convienient!
Yet again the system turning us all against each other when its the system thats on the take no body else.
Personally I am sick and tired of the system taking taking and taking.
Why the hell should we pay anymore than 1% tax anyway.
No matter how much tax is paid there is never enough money for education and health and this and that but always enough for wars,oh how very convienient!
Yet again the system turning us all against each other when its the system thats on the take no body else.

Well, we have an education system and we have a health service so quite clearly there is enough money. And I hope that there will always be enough for our armed forces otherwise we'd be conversing in German or Russian today. I object to the high level of taxes but they're a necessary evil. We have to look after the weakest in society and we have to have a welfare system, and that by the way, is where the biggest slice of the tax cake goes. What we need to do is reduce the massive welfare bill by getting people back to work and clamping down hard on the scroungers, such as the bloke in Derby with sixteen kids who's never worked and recently demanded a bigger council house.

And yes, we need to clamp down on tax evasion as well before we get the usual responses, but a system where the state takes over half of what you earn in direct and indirect taxes stifles expansion and growth and then, if you've a decent sum left when you pop off, the buggers get their claws into that as well! Disgraceful!
such as the bloke in Derby with sixteen kids who's never worked and recently demanded a bigger council house. !

I think you have been away longer than I thought Northerner. If that is the man who I think it is, you'll find that sadly he doesn't have so many children any more, but he and his wife have at least been moved to larger premises.
Ok, so you need to have the obvious pointed out to you. I will try not to use too many long words.

The selfish gene is the reason why we have survived and the world is not now ruled by gorillas (although some might dispute that!). Unfortunately, that same gene (positive if you think of the alternative - ie obliteration of the species) extends, in our modern society, into areas where it is no longer necessary for survival (eg trying to outdo your neighbours in the car you drive or putting all your money into offshore acounts). In other words, what was essential in primitive man is now directed partly into less savoury activities. Many of these activities are legal (which brings us back to Jimmy Carr) but of doubtful morality (and that is an individual thing); some are illegal (eg benefit fraud) as well as immoral.

As for determining your attitude and reactions over the internet, it is not hard. You see one or two key words, launch into a diatribe and fail to read what was actually said. Consequently you have picked up the wrong end of the stick from at least three different posters on this thread. It is a common fault among those of you who have apoplexy when words such as "socialism" or "public sector" are mentioned. Once again, if you are not angry then you give a pretty good impression! ......and my blood pressure is fine, thank you for asking :D

Does anyone have any idea what this loony is bleeting on about?:lol-053:
I was given some good advice a while back

"Never argue with a fool because he will drag you down to his level, where he has more experience than you".

BTW, you have never posted anything regarding motorhomes or wildcamping. You really need to now because you look like 'the nutter on the bus'. Go on, pull back some credibility. :wave:

Oh AmI going to enjoy this bit...
I FULL-TIME in my Motorhome, I wonder if you or your followers who "liked" your post???
Maybe you could let me know...now....who's the fool again???:lol-053:

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