I get the feeling that all this cheap wine and cheap fuel from France or wherever isn't doing some of the characters on here much good in the mental health department.
Sure, I realise that a few just love the wind-up and we do get the usual quota of keyboard warriors, but, actually, this thread has quite an important topic, especially for those who would appear to be in the majority here - the wealthy, middle-aged, English middle-class.
For those of you who have prospered under the "System" ( and don't forget that most of the so-called "prosperity" was, indeed, under the reign of Thatcher and Blair ( not Gordon or Dave), the glaringly obvious point is that
IF you accept that TAX is a necessary evil, because it's needed to fund things that are deemed essential to modern society,
then, surely, you can see that spreading the load and sharing the load IS the least damaging to the individual
the fairest way to go.
Now, as it happens, I don't accept myself that there is this need for a powerful costly State with its protective legal and military back-up, but, for the majority of you who probably do,
I'm sure you can see that
letting some clowns dodge their moral payments is NOT helpful, and throws a bigger burden on the poor bstds who have to cough up.
That's point one.
Point two concerns education, "wisdom", and being "clever".
Now here, I gave the wrong impression to JOHNH, for one, when I mentioned teachers.
Today, we know, more than ever, just how vitally important is EDUCATION., and, obviously, for good education we need good TEACHERS and good Universities.
Again, these things cost money and have to be paid for by somebody. Surely, this is a "given" that is accepted by most on here?
Now, my lot didn't like teachers bc they were part of Authority; that's why i told you that I didn't go to school as much as I should.
It's nobody's fault but my own, and I ain't crying about it.
Naturally, I'm never going to be such a self-styled cleverclogs as the likes of some on here, who come across as right snobbish tosspots who seem to think they're successful bc they're so flipping much cleverer than ordinary mortals.
Yet, we read:
" very many successful people who give away large percentages of the fortunes that they've
been lucky enough to amass." from Northener.
? Lucky enough? I thought these rich folk were rich bc they were so much cleverer? I didn't think "luck" would be part of their vocabulary.
Anyway, perhaps we are all talking in terms that are far too general. Generalisation always masks several important exceptions.
On this note, it is an eye-opener for me to witness the wealthy on here getting at each others throats. Quite amusing, really, with VWalan and Runnach coming in for some quite unjustified stick, imo.
Ho, well, I can see now that I've been equally unfair in lumping all non-travellers into one huge category. There are huge differences among them.
In the final analysis, we are all human beings, or, as the jockman says: " all jack thampson's bairns".
Good luck to ye all, and don't get too worried about Dave C. He ain't going to rule for much longer. The next bggr could be far worse!
sean rua.