Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance

Anyone else got the slightest clue what the dizzy fella is on about?

He's good, isn't he? How long do you think he can keep it up?

:dance::sleep-040::confused::ninja::heart::cry::sleep-027::mad2::have fun::cheers::shag::mad::mad1::hammer::yeahthat::bow::scooter::lol-061::goodluck::welcome::boat::scared::lol-053::fun::blah::sad::p:lol-049::egg::rolleyes2::beer::rockroll:;):king::drive::cool1::banana::raofl::D:juggle::dnd::wacko::baby::pc::eek::idea::ditto::tongue::angel::eek:fftopic::):(:sucks::danger::idea-007::nospam::help::rolleyes::cool::eek:
Thought these, might keep you cheerful, Robmac!
He's good, isn't he? How long do you think he can keep it up?

:dance::sleep-040::confused::ninja::heart::cry::sleep-027::mad2::have fun::cheers::shag::mad::mad1::hammer::yeahthat::bow::scooter::lol-061::goodluck::welcome::boat::scared::lol-053::fun::blah::sad::p:lol-049::egg::rolleyes2::beer::rockroll:;):king::drive::cool1::banana::raofl::D:juggle::dnd::wacko::baby::pc::eek::idea::ditto::tongue::angel::eek:fftopic::):(:sucks::danger::idea-007::nospam::help::rolleyes::cool::eek:
Thought these, might keep you cheerful, Robmac!

Pride and a fiver is at stake here - surely you can do better than that :wave:

Just trying my best to get the page views up to 4000.
A teacher who is prepared to lose a fiver, you'll be striking next!!:raofl:
I think this conversation has lost some of its edge - I'm going to bed :wave:

What you really mean is, Alf isn't rising to your nonsense and you can't think of anything to say.
Your friend rubbertramp must be still counting the times I tried to get back on course with this thread, can you give him a hand please john, I don't think he can get past 3:lol-053:
What you really mean is, Alf isn't rising to your nonsense and you can't think of anything to say.
Your friend rubbertramp must be still counting the times I tried to get back on course with this thread, can you give him a hand please john, I don't think he can get past 3:lol-053:

Oh yes, it's very hard.......haven't managed to get past zero yet. Still, keep trying......you did say you were going to be up all night.
Oh yes, it's very hard.......haven't managed to get past zero yet. Still keep trying......you did say you were going to be up all night.

Its those old eyes Rubberlover, you are in denial, like rubber john(y)
Blatantly obvious to most of us who the trouble makers are, sat hiding behind their screens.
4 comes after 3 if this helps you rubberbrain
I'm new here so probably should keep my head down but I have to say, this is all getting a bit childish and tedious. Not to mention way off topic.
I'm new here so probably should keep my head down but I have to say, this is all getting a bit childish and tedious. Not to mention way off topic.

Way off topic you say?
I have tried many a time to get it back on topic, rubbergimpmask is counting the times as we speak, I am waiting for him to come back with the total.:sleep-040:
Way off topic you say?
I have tried many a time to get it back on topic, rubbergimpmask is counting the times as we speak, I am waiting for him to come back with the total.:sleep-040:

I also said "Childish and tedious"
I also said "Childish and tedious"

You have the choice not to read it, there are loads of other topics for those who wish.
I don't think it is tedious, I even think JOHN H secretly enjoys it.
With over 3000 views, someone must find it interesting??
Rubberlover must still be counting??
In my opinion, it is all light hearted banter, no racial or religious abuse, so my advice is, read something else!!:wave:
No :lol-061:

.....and I'll have two minced beef and one steak and kidney (sorry Robmac et al but I just can't resist!)

.....and, Dezi, I'll have a fiver on me - what are the odds? :lol-049:

At the moment about 3,000 to 1 on that I will die of boredom in the next 24 hours.

Dezi :pc:
At the moment about 3,000 to 1 on that I will die of boredom in the next 24 hours.

Dezi :pc:

Hello Dezi
If the entertainment on this thread is "boring" you, why are you reading it?:lol-053:
As I said to the other poster above, there are plenty of other threads...I will start one if you like for those who don't like this one..
How about...."Boring Old Men with wispy grey beards"
No, hang on, let me finish with JOHN H before he makes a nuisance of himself elsewhere!:lol-049:
I'm new here so probably should keep my head down but I have to say, this is all getting a bit childish and tedious. Not to mention way off topic.

hi all its the old sod again creeping out of the woodwork :tongue: i had forgoton how good this site was for discusions . any way here goes, arnt we all tax dodgers ,running our old diesel motors on veg oil saves on the tax and all us smokers getting cheapo baccy from our local baccy barons .i am guilty and imoral too :) any way exelent thread that man . and also now i am paying my way in world i can do the odd job ,and put the procedes in the back pocket .
Welcome back Mandrake

..........and good morning Alf/Big/Mr Hall (it's difficult to know what to call you!). I see that you've managed to upset more people and faster than in your previous incarnation (has anyone ever been banned twice from this site, I wonder?). It's a pity there isn't an Olympic category for someone with your suicidal tendancies - Britain would be sure of a gold. Perhaps we could campaign for one - javelin catching? heading the shot? synchronised drowning? Any other suggestions gratefully received............:wacko:
Cameron should have had a quick word with his mother before he opened his mouth.
She would have told him that the 300,000,00 pounds that he inherited from his late father was amassed by using similar systems.

Also the the ginger muppet (D Alexander) in the treasury department used the switching main property scam (used by MPs) to avoid paying capital gains tax when he sold his house.
Cameron should have had a quick word with his mother before he opened his mouth.
She would have told him that the 300,000,00 pounds that he inherited from his late father was amassed by using similar systems.

Also the the ginger muppet (D Alexander) in the treasury department used the switching main property scam (used by MPs) to avoid paying capital gains tax when he sold his house.

David Cameron's father was a successful stockbroker who made a lot of money in offshore investment funds. He didn't take money earned in the UK and salt it away, he actually invested in various funds which made profit and in a tax-efficient way. When he died he left £2.7 million. David Cameron received a miserable £300K, just one ninth of the legacy.

Cameron Senior wasn't a politician and has nothing to apologise for. Neither has David Cameron. Perhaps when he was nine years old he should have warned daddy that one day he might be PM so he'd better stop investing outside the UK?

And why do people have to continually talk about dipsticks and ginger muppets? I have no doubt that the money obsessed members of this forum would never have used an expenses system (legally) to maximise their benefits, they're such upstanding members of society.

Bloody hell, is that a pig flying past my window?
good morning Alf/Big/Mr Hall (it's difficult to know what to call you!). I see that you've managed to upset more people and faster than in your previous incarnation (has anyone ever been banned twice from this site, I wonder?). It's a pity there isn't an Olympic category for someone with your suicidal tendancies - Britain would be sure of a gold. Perhaps we could campaign for one - javelin catching? heading the shot? synchronised drowning? Any other suggestions gratefully received............:wacko:

Well, it seems that alfbigpieeaterhookham has been banned for a record second time, which means I have to bore you all with my usual rant that I don't approve of bannings. There are idiots in all walks of life - I would far rather they were out in the open but, clearly, Phil takes a different view. I have to admit that if anybody was going to change my mind it would be Mr Hall under whatever guise he chooses to appear but all-in-all I can't support bannings - even if they make life a lot calmer for the rest of us.

......and I won't be claiming my winnings, Dezi - if an opponent is tripped up halfway through the race I find it a hollow victory. ;)
I don't find this at all racist, merely a comparison. Please do not try to find prejudice where there is none! Merely humour!

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