Sorry about that Rob, but as I have said before, winding up idiots is a fault I readily own up to. We all have our weaknesses and I can't resist that one. :cheers:
I am thinking of taking bets on this one.
Whether John H or friend Hookham eventually have the last word in their purile exchanges.
Going on past performances I think my money will go on John H.
Any takers ?
Who do you think's going to mention Hitler or the war first Dezi?
And I'm as weak as any, mind you I can't stand Jimmy Carr so I hope he get's all he deserves!
I happen to think he's very funny but even if I didn't I can't condemn anybody who acts within the law. Condemn the law if you like (and in this case I do) but don't condemn those who keep to it. After all, as I and others have said before, we'd all be tempted to do the same if we had his money. The selfish gene strikes again!
Btw, did I hear somebody fart? Oh no, it was another pointless comment from I'll **** 'em. (I hope you don't mind but my weakness struck again!).
Can't help yourself can you...weirdo
Can't help yourself can you...weirdo
Well, you were warned that he'd want the last word!
I find him pathetic, a very sad and probably lonely individual.
You see, teachers never leave school do they, so they always have the 'playground' mentality
I don't mind him having the last word, as long as it is not his usual drivel, he has a talent for typing lots of words but saying very little.
He is very irritating, read his posts, his views are always 'right'.
I have enjoyed winding him up, I am sure it won't be the last time either...if he can handle it without spitting his dummy out!
I just find it odd that the moderators on this site allow him to get away with his behaviour, I can only think that he has some hold over them.
Now, lets see what nonsense follows from him next...:lol-053:
I just find it odd that the moderators on this site allow him to get away with his behaviour, I can only think that he has some hold over them.
Hypocrisy of the highest order..........Well done that man!
Oh my god, JOHN H's twin is on to me now.
Take a closer look and tell me just how many times I tried to get this disagreement back on track....GO ON... I am here all night.:sleep-040:
You may be here all night but my pies still haven't arrived......:mad1::dance: