Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance

Am I really reading what is written by adults, this is like a couple of kids trying to have the last word. Please let's get back to the original topic!
Sorry about that Rob, but as I have said before, winding up idiots is a fault I readily own up to. We all have our weaknesses and I can't resist that one. :cheers:
And I'm as weak as any, mind you I can't stand Jimmy Carr so I hope he get's all he deserves!
Sorry about that Rob, but as I have said before, winding up idiots is a fault I readily own up to. We all have our weaknesses and I can't resist that one. :cheers:

You simply cant stop can you. And you claim to be a teacher?
I have met some strange people but you really are the top one.
Any chance of getting back to the topic yet, or do you want to show just how immature you are to more people?
I am thinking of taking bets on this one.

Whether John H or friend Hookham eventually have the last word in their purile exchanges.

Going on past performances I think my money will go on John H.

Any takers ?

Dezi :pc:
I am thinking of taking bets on this one.

Whether John H or friend Hookham eventually have the last word in their purile exchanges.

Going on past performances I think my money will go on John H.

Any takers ?

Dezi :pc:

I think you're right, he seems to be a control freak, he thinks he is talking to one of his pupils:lol-053:
And I'm as weak as any, mind you I can't stand Jimmy Carr so I hope he get's all he deserves!

I happen to think he's very funny but even if I didn't I can't condemn anybody who acts within the law. Condemn the law if you like (and in this case I do) but don't condemn those who keep to it. After all, as I and others have said before, we'd all be tempted to do the same if we had his money. The selfish gene strikes again! :)

Btw, did I hear somebody fart? Oh no, it was another pointless comment from I'll **** 'em. (I hope you don't mind but my weakness struck again!).
I happen to think he's very funny but even if I didn't I can't condemn anybody who acts within the law. Condemn the law if you like (and in this case I do) but don't condemn those who keep to it. After all, as I and others have said before, we'd all be tempted to do the same if we had his money. The selfish gene strikes again! :)

Btw, did I hear somebody fart? Oh no, it was another pointless comment from I'll **** 'em. (I hope you don't mind but my weakness struck again!).

Can't help yourself can you...weirdo
Can't help yourself can you...weirdo

No :lol-061:

.....and I'll have two minced beef and one steak and kidney (sorry Robmac et al but I just can't resist!)

.....and, Dezi, I'll have a fiver on me - what are the odds? :lol-049:
Well, you were warned that he'd want the last word!

I find him pathetic, a very sad and probably lonely individual.
You see, teachers never leave school do they, so they always have the 'playground' mentality
I don't mind him having the last word, as long as it is not his usual drivel, he has a talent for typing lots of words but saying very little.
He is very irritating, read his posts, his views are always 'right'.
I have enjoyed winding him up, I am sure it won't be the last time either...if he can handle it without spitting his dummy out!
I just find it odd that the moderators on this site allow him to get away with his behaviour, I can only think that he has some hold over them.

Now, lets see what nonsense follows from him next...:lol-053:
I find him pathetic, a very sad and probably lonely individual.
You see, teachers never leave school do they, so they always have the 'playground' mentality
I don't mind him having the last word, as long as it is not his usual drivel, he has a talent for typing lots of words but saying very little.
He is very irritating, read his posts, his views are always 'right'.
I have enjoyed winding him up, I am sure it won't be the last time either...if he can handle it without spitting his dummy out!
I just find it odd that the moderators on this site allow him to get away with his behaviour, I can only think that he has some hold over them.

Now, lets see what nonsense follows from him next...:lol-053:

Yes, I admit it......I am the saddest person you could ever wish to meet. I have no friends but I do have a hold over the moderators of this site (I won't reveal what it is but don't mention sheep when you next see them). My only desire in life is to be accepted by right-wing bigots and I get very upset when they write nasty things about me...............:sleep-040:

Btw, Northerner, the last time Alf pieeater was on this forum you were bitter enemies. I'm heartened to see you have kissed and made up. :D

Apologies, Phil for the sheep comment but my fingers just won't listen to me when I tell them to stop ;)
I just find it odd that the moderators on this site allow him to get away with his behaviour, I can only think that he has some hold over them.

Hypocrisy of the highest order..........Well done that man!
Hypocrisy of the highest order..........Well done that man!

Oh my god, JOHN H's twin is on to me now.
Take a closer look and tell me just how many times I tried to get this disagreement back on track....GO ON... I am here all night.:sleep-040:
Oh my god, JOHN H's twin is on to me now.
Take a closer look and tell me just how many times I tried to get this disagreement back on track....GO ON... I am here all night.:sleep-040:

You may be here all night but my pies still haven't arrived......:mad1::dance:

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