Busy earlier, now a chance to reply. I am actually not any kind of photographer, camera is a bridge camera, and the norm is for it to be set on auto. I think with that shot, I was only looking at the magnificent moon, it is only when I down loaded image to laptop, I then realised what a great and lucky pic, as the camera screen is obviously limited when looking at a 3" screen.
When underwater, camera a Nikonos with a powerful flash strobe similar to image, non digital, the norm was to take two shots, shot one, readjust, then shot two.
I have attached what IMO is my best underwater shot of the attached pic of a Lionfish. Taken when our film crew were out in the Red Sea. Taken on a night dive. When film camera double lights were turned on, I knew my camera man had viewed something interesting, which was the Lionfish.
Weeks later after our return to UK, film developed to what you see. Beyond the Lionfish, you can see the coral rock to left and right, which gives an looking through a tunnel and up to the stars, the little light dot, which looks like a star, which in reality is just a piece of stored light energy picked up by the Nikonos. In this image case, another shot you don't realise how good until developed.
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