Your waste !
After reading this thread,i cant believe the way
some Wildcampers think,sound like total morons or the 'dont give a f*** brigade'.
You dont have to have a 'posh' camper to behave like a caring
human being and to think of others after you,If you cant take it home with you (****e) before getting to full,find a proper place to empty it,if you aint even got some sort of toilet and you crap like an animal,please dig a hole first...and cover over,as for women with thier 'tampons' and the like,AND another pet hate 'NAPPIES" which seem to be thrown anywhere these days which have a lifespan of about 10 years (dunno why!) put them in a plastic bag..tie the top and put IN A BIN !! stupid ! you could even do that in an emergency with a crap,at least its tied top and gone,not left about to smell,step in or people to complain.
People like you braindead morons spoil it for everyone,there always a small minority in every situaation that spoils it for the majority,hopefully you will get the message ,one way or another,before it rubs off on us.
Yet another reason for leaving the UK for pastures green(not covered in ****)