Its the blue stuff we use, Its bio is it, I did not realise I don't feel quite so bad now, it smells well dangerous, It bloody stains everything it touches
UNLESS your additive states it is Biodegradeable, It will contain Formaldahide, which is a most obnoxious product, used in embalming and specimin preserving. It can enter the bloodsteam through the skin and is highly toxic.
In this day and age NO ONE should be using this BLUE poison, when so many alternatives are available.
Formaldahide stops the bio action in septic tanks so is banned on many CLs and CSs.
It is better to put untreated holding tank fluids into a deep hole ( though I would never do this myself) than to pollute with formalahide. It can build up in the body and cause nerve and cell Trauma and is VERY harmfull to livestock and wildlife should it enter the water courses it is deadly to fish.
Pay the little extra and use green additives.
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