Which small power bank is best for us?


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Or head out of rooflight and a short trip to the pub. Winner Winner 😁
Do you mean the blown air heating, you need to make sure it's very well cleaned out before trying to dry your hair for the 30 seconds you realise it won't really do much Liz had that idea in the self build it does work but a 12v dryer would be quicker.
Do you mean the blown air heating, you need to make sure it's very well cleaned out before trying to dry your hair for the 30 seconds you realise it won't really do much Liz had that idea in the self build it does work but a 12v dryer would be quicker.

No my heater pick up from drivers door.. so not a dust grabber !

Just a thunk what about air Conpresser like what I use in lorry! Its a Bit loud but lol
I've speed watched it and flicked through to the power bank bits, but ugh...!

Is "Becktoria" an actual girl's name these days, or is he just taking the pee? :unsure::rolleyes: 🤷‍♀️
WHAT! Cant believe you pair havent watched it, you're really missing out honest...there's one bit where she goes ........ No I'm not saying...you're just going to have to watch it, you'll regret it if you dont, that's all I'm saying. ;)

No Merl, I watched the Sausage Queen bit and same as Mark had to switch off.

As Popeye would say "I can't stands no more!"

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