I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find anything specific when I did a search, so here goes - purely for a bit of fun!
We have always squabbled about what bedding to have in the van.
I feel the cold, so have always taken 2 double quilts; 1 summer tog, 1 winter tog and a hot water bottle is an essential piece of kit.
His nibs thinks the 2 quilts take up too much storage space (they don't really, depends how well you pack 'em

Anyway, I'm solving the problem by going full-on consumer and have ordered a double silk filled multi-season duvet (£69 off eBay, highly recommend it). Have a king size one on the house bed and it is blummin' magic! Best duvet I've ever owned. Major advantage is it packs down small and you only need the one, so hopefully no more whingeing over bedding...

So, what bedding do you guys take and use in the van?