Once again, quite possibly you're right. I think this council has said we have erected these barriers because of the bad behaviour of a particular race. We are on high alert for them now, This appears to be a contravention of the race relations Act quoted earlier that no such discrimination can be made. This trumps the general powers - a little more later. If the bouncer - and Karl Read (?) - had kept quiet then nothing could be done. As it stands the feeling against this racial minority is strong enough that we will accept the council breaking the law. That is our loss. Probably nothing will be done. Not by me any more anyway.
On this occasion it seems, from the council statement that this was not put to public discussion but was agreed at a meeeting of the Polce Authority and Senior Management, ie council workers. Not even put to a full council.
You're right about motorhome responses locally but only partly right. The general powers you refer to are authorised by the Localism Act of 2011, A number of councils, Brighton and Hove, Rother and one or two others used PSPOs to control traffic (specifically Travellers (and us). There was a sufficient opposition to this misuse of power (which is also prohibited in the govt guidelines for their use_ that it's now been several years since any council tried to use a PSPO to control traffic. I think the last I know of is at Leeming Bar about two or so years ago. That PSPO is still valid but, so far as I know, has never been enforced.
(Oh last thing - many of the public consultations carried out to justify PSPOs (Localism Act) used a slanted questioning to support the council's wishes. For example, in Rother, I think, the questions for a PSPO banning motorhome parking followed the lines of "Do you agree that motorhomes should be allowed to camp at the side of road for ulimited periods" Despite widespread criticism I believe some questionaires follow the same sort of bias.)