
Really elated, you are joking Rob.
I mean if England win the euros elated would be acceptable.
Or if you won the lottery, have a new grandchild, win an all expenses holiday to Las Vegas in a five star hotel, win a Hymer a class, but having yer van weighed at a weighbridge, come on Rob. Yer jokin man :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Well I live just outside Scotlands largest city, and my nearest one is in Riddrie 12 miles away.
Might be a typo or sticky key; Rob may have meant to type 'belated', given the time that's elapsed since the Van was acquired ... :ROFLMAO:

I had Brunhilde weighed as a condition of purchase and have since amended my running tab with the weight of each piece of additional kit., over estimating where the item is variable [boxes of food, clothes et al]. I suspect that I am within 30kg-50kg of the 35500kg limit but should still be within the axle limits. My weights list is calculated on full gas, diesel and freshwater tanks, so there should be a safety margin if I am stopped [famous last words ...]

Might be a typo or sticky key; Rob may have meant to type 'belated', given the time that's elapsed since the Van was acquired ... :ROFLMAO:

I had Brunhilde weighed as a condition of purchase and have since amended my running tab with the weight of each piece of additional kit., over estimating where the item is variable [boxes of food, clothes et al]. I suspect that I am within 30kg-50kg of the 35500kg limit but should still be within the axle limits. My weights list is calculated on full gas, diesel and freshwater tanks, so there should be a safety margin if I am stopped [famous last words ...]

35500kg. That's a lot of food. 😜 😆
Well I'm far from elated😡
Everyone talking about getting weighed for free or paying a fiver. I got mine weighed a couple of months back in Leicester at the only place available within 30 miles of me, cost me £15 per axle! Yep £30 in total. 😩
Their name..... T Watts genuinely 🤔
Might be a typo or sticky key; Rob may have meant to type 'belated', given the time that's elapsed since the Van was acquired ... :ROFLMAO:

I had Brunhilde weighed as a condition of purchase and have since amended my running tab with the weight of each piece of additional kit., over estimating where the item is variable [boxes of food, clothes et al]. I suspect that I am within 30kg-50kg of the 35500kg limit but should still be within the axle limits. My weights list is calculated on full gas, diesel and freshwater tanks, so there should be a safety margin if I am stopped [famous last words ...]

Wow, now that what I call a payload, His Barryness will be green with envy.
I got stopped in Hatfield (Welwyn Herts) about 8 years back. It was a police operation involving random multiple vehicles. Police motorcyclists scoured the nearby roundabouts for random vans, motorhomes, and lorries. Then you got an escort to the weighbridge. I wasn't too worried as I wasn't fully laden and had checked previously.

They were getting through quite a number of vehicles. I had a quick chat to police officer who was very interested in self builds!
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Wow, now that what I call a payload, His Barryness will be green with envy.

My payload is bigger than yours!
As an ex HGV 1 driver i weighed my motorhome including axles weights and very often got laughed at when i mentioned this whilst talking to other motorhomers.

Doesn`t need to be before every trip but i did do it a couple of times a year and or when items where added or removed.

It kept me within the law and my licence was clean, this was my way of doing it and it was my money being spent of the tickets.
My log book says 6.3 ton, i got here weighed and she is 4.3 ton, so i have 2 tons to play with, that meens i can help rob remove the 2 ton of £50 notes he is clearing from the loft, i like to help folk out. :)
I found the government weigh bridge site absolute rubbish, none of the ones listed were still available around here
I agree, unfortunately that is the only site for finding a weighbridge.
It's not a proper location job and uses your postcode. It referred us to the Hereford Council web site, despite our nearest weighbridge being in Wales.

When we had our last van we happened to drive past a large agricultural site advertising a weighbridge. We pulled in and happily found that we were about 300kg underweight.
My favourite weighbridge is at the Chichester Food Park on the A259 (Bognor Road). Very clean site, easy access, no dodging bits of metal and loads of room for turning and manoeuvring.
. I got mine weighed a couple of months back in Leicester at the only place available within 30 miles of me, cost me £15 per axle! Yep £30 in total.
don’t know which side of leicester your on i use hercocks dalby rd melton mowbray next to the old runway only £5 last time i used it only handwritten ticket but good for personal use
As an ex HGV 1 driver i weighed my motorhome including axles weights and very often got laughed at when i mentioned this whilst talking to other motorhomers.

Doesn`t need to be before every trip but i did do it a couple of times a year and or when items where added or removed.

It kept me within the law and my licence was clean, this was my way of doing it and it was my money being spent of the tickets.

I reckon most motorhomers dont give it a second thought and neither do most dealers. The number of times over the past decade I've enquired about payload with sellers including dealers and 100% they never know or are just are not interested. I kept finding vans that might be suitable for us and possibly capable of taking a scooter rack on the back. As soon as you mention taking it to a weighbridge they don't want to know.

It will be interesting to see what the final weight is of our new van once its got everything in it and the bike on the back and us in it. If I have done my sums right it should be fine. :D
I reckon most motorhomers dont give it a second thought and neither do most dealers. The number of times over the past decade I've enquired about payload with sellers including dealers and 100% they never know or are just are not interested. I kept finding vans that might be suitable for us and possibly capable of taking a scooter rack on the back. As soon as you mention taking it to a weighbridge they don't want to know.

It will be interesting to see what the final weight is of our new van once its got everything in it and the bike on the back and us in it. If I have done my sums right it should be fine. :D
On the continent there are new “minimum payload” rules which are forcing manufacturers and dealers to ensure that there is a minimum amount of payload after the fitting of factory extras. When ordering a new Malibu Van their system no longer allows the customer and dealer to order extras that would leave less than the minimum payload. They also have to do a final weighing at the end of the production process to make sure the minimum is still available.