Try the phrase "those to whom it applies" abbreviate to "those"
Ok it’s Those then, long live those and all who sail in her
Now can we please get back to what I started this thread for. To update events in Fife. There are changes taking place, which will benefit us all, I have posted them on page three of this thread. Including a very interesting reply I received from Robbie Blythe head of the Trust involved in running the car parks. It’s well worth reading. Unlike some of the posts on here.
Here it is again
On 26 Jan 2023, at 17:35, Robbie Blyth <> wrote:
Dear William
Thank you for talking the time to email Fife Coast & Countryside Trust (FCCT) with your feedback and thoughts on the provision of overnight parking.
The new toilet building should be in place for the end of February, and it was always our intention to instal a chemical waste disposal point however this has been problematic as has the installation of parking meters.
Chemical Disposal Points & Public Toilets
It was our original intention to connect the new toilet block to the village utilities network thus negating the need for a septic tank and offering up an opportunity to direct all waste to the Scottish Water sewage network. After consultation with local stakeholders, we were advised that sewage network didn’t have the capacity for additional effluent and therefore a request was made to use the septic tank instead.
It’s not best practice to use a septic tank for a chemical disposal point (CDP) though we have made adaptions within the new toilet facility that’s to be installed and for a
Trial Period it will operate with a CDP. Looking ahead if there is no negative impact on the septic tank, we will keep the CDP in place however if it proves problematic and to the detriment of Public Toilet provision, we will review our options.
Once the public toilet is back in place, we will also provide overnight access to one compartment therefore giving those who park overnight the option to use their vehicle toilet or the public toilet block.
Parking Ticket Display
The introduction of the parking charge was to primarily control inappropriate parking and so far, the scheme with a few exceptions has worked well. Unlike the commercial parking sector our focus is on sustainable access for all at the minimum costs. As we are a small charity it would be quite expensive requiring a lot of back-office support to use an online platform like
“RingGo” however as we look to the future it’s not a scheme we would rule out. At FCCT it is our intention to manage our sites in a way that’s empathetic and considerate and if staff cannot see a ticket because of a window cover they make allowances.
In the spring we are looking to expand the provision of overnight parking to other locations however in the meantime this
link takes you our dedicated page that encourages sustainable overnight parking currently at 5 carparks (23 overnight bays) . We also undertook a
feasibility study several years ago now that has helped make the case for our positive approach and it is anticipated by the start of April this year we will have another 4 carparks online with an additional 24 overnight parking bays.
Should you wish to discuss overnight parking or share further please don’t hesitate to contact me and thank you for your kind words regarding the work we undertake at FCCT.
Best Regards
Robbie Blyth
Head of Operations
Fife Coast and Countryside Trust
Pitcairn Centre
Moidart Drive
Tel. 03451 55 55 55 ext. 444981
Mob. 07940774065