Thought for the day (back by request from Scampa)

Tuesday 21 February - Thought for the day

Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.
thats a bit deep for this time of the morning,i'll give it further thought after a little snooze
I just going to be lazy and not think of a reply to the thought of the day ,got scared yesterday by big word,.
I'm still suffering from that one about mechanical devices realising you're in a hurry. Yesterday I had an urgent report to type out and edit from a dictation tape and my machine died after the first sentence! My husband managed to fix it so I got going on it this morning, only to discover that the machine it had been dictated onto had the hiccups and missed little bits here and there. I managed to invent most of them but had to send it back with a couple of holes in it. Both machines knew it was a rush job, obviously! I hate machines!!
I'm still suffering from that one about mechanical devices realising you're in a hurry. Yesterday I had an urgent report to type out and edit from a dictation tape and my machine died after the first sentence! My husband managed to fix it so I got going on it this morning, only to discover that the machine it had been dictated onto had the hiccups and missed little bits here and there. I managed to invent most of them but had to send it back with a couple of holes in it. Both machines knew it was a rush job, obviously! I hate machines!!

That reminds me of my shorthand which was part of the first year of my degree way back in the mists of time.. writing it down was ok most of the time but we were advised to leave a gap if struggling with a certain word and to go back and write it in at the end of the sentence. By the end of the sentence, I'd forgotten I'd left a gap.

Reading it back was a nightmare, a bit like text language, with all the vowels missing, just the consonants, so a hastily scribbled word such as "tell", if the vowel wasn't added, could have been tall, toll, till, tale, tail, tile etc. And then if there was a gap I had to try to guess what the missing word should be. It used to take me ages to read it back, I'm sure it would have been far quicker just to write it in longhand, and there was often much guesswork, especially if some time had passed (eg lecture notes, not looked at again until exam time months later).

Needless to say, although I scraped a pass for shorthand, I never really used it in work, although it's come in handy on the odd occasion and it's good for writing secret messages in my diary, like pin codes, passwords etc. If I can't read it back, no-one else would be able to! :lol-053:
Wednesday 22 February - Thought for the day

When everything is coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.
My Thought for the Day

It's blowing a gale and pouring down, do I really need to finish of those half done jobs outside today like I promised?

After all, they've waited so long now another couple of days won't hurt surely????
Thursday 23 February - Thought for the day

Indecision is the key to flexibility.

(I like this one :D)
Me to Husband - Do you want tea or a cold drink?
Husband to me - Cold drink please
Me - Orange juice or blackcurrant
H - Orange please - no, blackcurrant. Or shall I just have water?
Me - Which?
H - Oh, I'll have tea I think.

This is the shortened version! Don't talk to me about indecision!!
Friday 24 February - Thought for the day

Never use a big word when a diminutive one would suffice.

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