Thought for the day (back by request from Scampa)

Thought for the day - Friday 17 February

It is a grave error to allow any mechanical device to realise that you are in a hurry.
mechanical items do have feelings find if you give it a name then it behaves better

that's so true,oldish chap,when i call my vw a *******ing kraut barsteward it usually does what its told[mind you, so does my wife and she's not german]
It is a grave error to allow any mechanical device to realise that you are in a hurry.

This is so true of computer printers. I really dislike printers, they drive me mad. I've worked with many and I've never found one that didn't pull dirty tricks. Sometimes asking them nicely works but mostly it doesn't! I'm sure they're responsible for many of my grey hairs.
This is so true of computer printers. I really dislike printers, they drive me mad. I've worked with many and I've never found one that didn't pull dirty tricks. Sometimes asking them nicely works but mostly it doesn't! I'm sure they're responsible for many of my grey hairs.

Ditto, somehow they seem to know that the right time to inform you that the ink is low is when it's actually running out (or run out) and you desperately need to print that very important document. My current printer (Epson) is probably the best I've had but when the black ink runs out, it won't print at all until the empty cartridge is replaced, and I can't even print the document in coloured ink.
I got the new Kodak one because they claimed it was cheaper on ink and actually it goes through black cartridges like nobody's business. Does give you fairly good warning that you need a new one, to be fair.
I got the new Kodak one because they claimed it was cheaper on ink and actually it goes through black cartridges like nobody's business. Does give you fairly good warning that you need a new one, to be fair.

I buy ink in a job lot through Amazon, usually about a dozen each time, it usually works out about £1 per cartridge. I did try refilling them but, yes, you guessed... there was more ink all over me than there was in the cartridge.... :mad1:
Yes, you are definitely another member of the printer fan club!:mad2:
And why is that if you have some printed papers in your hand whilst dashing 10 foot to the car in the rain, the ink runs and smudges everywhere but when you try refilling cartridges and get black ink all over your fingers, down the sides of the nails etc, the damn stuff won't wash off for days??? :confused: :mad2:
And why is that if you have some printed papers in your hand whilst dashing 10 foot to the car in the rain, the ink runs and smudges everywhere but when you try refilling cartridges and get black ink all over your fingers, down the sides of the nails etc, the damn stuff won't wash off for days??? :confused: :mad2:
Ha! Never really thought about that but you are absolutely right. Must be designed only to be water-soluble on paper, neat chemical trick, that.
And why do printers hate envelopes so much? They get stuck, they crinkle up, they slip to the side so that the address is skewed, they print on the wrong side, they miss off the bottom line with the postcode - and on and on and on!

Think this should have gone in Rants, really!
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Saturday 18 February - Thought for the day

No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man (Heraclitus)
well it cant be the same as the water flows ,and the man gets older so that is common sense.

as regard printer got old epson 6600 in cupboad dont use it that often cheap ink cart work ok in it only about£7 for both it does what it suppose to no fancy gizmos dont need it for photos as they cheap enough to get printed off these days and how may people still have photo albums ,tend to store mine online and on dvd
Sunday 19 February - Sunday Special Thought for the day

Especially for our wild camping canine friends...

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring - it was peace.” - Milan Kundera (Czech Novelist, Playwright and Poet, b.1929)
Will somebody please tell my dog that she doesn't know evil, jealousy or discontent!
That is such a lovely thought. I have to say, however, that our little old terrier Sky seems to get jealous when we fuss our greyhound, Breeze. He always pushes in and demands a fuss too. If my husband sits next to me on the sofa, he jumps up between us and wants to be included. He just wants to join in any love that's going, he's so lovable.
Monday 20 February - Thought for the day

"Cainophobia" is the fear of newness.

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