Thought for the day (back by request from Scampa)

It has been my experience that "somebody with a narrow mind often has an open mouth"

Dezi :pc:
I'm happy to do it if needed, though others have also filled in with some good ones too :)

And it got me reading this thread. It's strange how some threads you read and some you don't, but once you get into one, you tend to stick with it!
I'm happy to do it if needed, though others have also filled in with some good ones too :)

And it got me reading this thread. It's strange how some threads you read and some you don't, but once you get into one, you tend to stick with it!

:wacko: hooray! I was looking for a "shocked and horrified" smiley and meant to reply to your post admitting that you weren't a reader of this thread with it!

I know what you mean though, some threads seem to have their own little community of members. Oldish Hippy's Who's awake thread is the same. I think it's quite nice. But it's good to have fresh blood, so to speak.

There's lots of threads I don't read, unless I'm so bored that I can't find anything else to do which is rare and tends to be when I can't sleep. I don't bother with any threads about travelling abroad as I can't see myself going abroad this year in the Tranny, and I don't bother with threads specifically about certain models of MHs etc. But I usually look at anything to do with electrics, transit vans, converting, local areas, dogs etc or simply threads with a catchy or intriguing title which catch my eye.
Likewise, travel abroad is in the past and hopefully the future for me but not at the moment. I read about specific vans sometimes, but it's often too specific for me.

In a way I have a soft spot for "thought for the day" because it always used to be on Radio 4 which my parents had on in the morning in the late 70's/80's. The downside was that although they often had a good theme, it was usually delivered by an Anglican Bishop or similar, and that little threat of some stab at religious indoctrination to accompany the thought was always there in the background, if not actually exercised in every delivery.

However, I am sure thought for the day here, will go from strength to strength! Canalsman may even chip in with his POI for the day :lol-053:
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I'll make it a 'Lucky Dip' I think ...

So it'll be a mixed bag all round England, Wales & Scotland. With the present POI download file it will take rather more than 10 years before we start all over again!
Wednesday 29 February - Thought for the day

When in charge, ponder; when in trouble, delegate; when in doubt, mumble.
My youngest used to watch a cartoon called Henry's Cat and he used to say "When in doubt, go back to bed"!
When in charge, ponder; when in trouble, delegate; when in doubt, mumble.
When in charge,delegate ; when in trouble,mumble ; when in doubt, ponder.
Thursday 1 March - Thought for the day

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere
Thought for the day - Friday 2 March

New music is old music played twice as fast and half as well (James Douglass Morrison)

edit : "like" (there isn't a "like" button on your own posts)

second edit : sorry Scampa and Robmac, I've lost your "likes" after I edited this :( you'll just have to "like" it again :)
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New music is old music played twice as fast and half as well (James Douglass Morrison)

Very appropriate these days, a lot of 'new' songs are covers and youngsters have no idea that they are revamped old songs. (including Jim Morrison's).

Mind you the Doors also covered some older songs!
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James Douglass Morrison sounds a right grumpy old devil - probably that extra "s". There's nice music all the time, old and new, all different kinds. It's a good thing we don't all like the same or it would be a dull old world.
New music is old music without too much qualification.

There's only 8 notes in a western scale, and a limited number of rhythms so somewhere along the line many things will sound like previous works at least in some places.

Different bands can bring a totally different dimension to the same or similar styles though. That's the power of music, even an old tune played in a certain way can give you a new buzz. I want to choose what that buzz is myself though, rather than being hyped at about what is supposed to be the new sound.

I'm sure (well I hope!) James is being more cynical about the process of hype rather than the music itself.
well there not a lot of new music i like so dont know if it is the same, just know that i got enough here to last me ages and if i like then i buy it. so dl it first then if i going to play it it a lot then i buy it .Sorry to say this and cause a furour digital music is not the same as vinyl to harsh no warmth in it ,can tweak it but still dont get the ambeance .
Saturday 3 March - Thought for the day

The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none
(Thomas Carlyle 1795 – 1881, Scottish satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher)

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