The insurance search

Last year the average motor insurance produced a 13% loss for the underwriters, so quite why people are so upset with them I don't understand. Maybe we should be more unset with the fact the UK has some of the highest dubious claims in Europe
You're right there. Repairers are the culprits. They are in league with the car hire companies and get a rake off when the repairer takes far longer to do a repair than necessary, just to get extra commission from the car hire company. Futhermore they write off cars that can be repaired, and in one instance I had someone dent my wing. All it needed was a bit of filler and a respray, but the repairer charged the insurance company for a new wing, respray and headlight. They fitted none of them.
In fact when I was running a little garage I did a repair job for an insurance company. All it needed was a new wing and spray. The insurance inspector said I couldn't possibly be that cheap, I had to re-think my idea of the value of repairs. He made me double the quote and then I got the job. It would have made the other repairers gang up on me if I just charged the reasonable cost.

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