The insurance search

AFAICT, it depends on whether you have a multi-vehicle policy or whether the vehicles are separately insured. If you have a multi-vehicle policy, the T&Cs might well carry forward only the longest NCD, which means that any others will expire after two years. However, if the vehicles have been separately insured (i.e. on different policies), then each should have acquired it's own NCD. Unfortunately, if they have used your van NCD for your car it might not be possible to transfer your car NCD to your van.
Completely separate policy but I will speak to AIB on Monday see if we can sort it out.
You will find that most insurance companies now own the companies who do the repairs but will use any means to cover this up usually owning these companies through a third party that’s why premiums are high the repair companies they own inflate repair prices nearly new cars getting written off for a small dent or minor repair so the can pay out low then repair and sell on car. It’s a massive rip off.
Your job as a punter (it's a gamble right?) is to be fleeced left right and centre. And It ain't just insurers is it?
I won't be using AIB next year Annie my quote for this year was 430 quid for 3000 miles cover I asked them to put it up to6000 mile and was charge an other 130quid so they can sod off next year
Had exactly the same with AIB this year, on moho and two cars.....the additional charges for a difference of a couple of thousand of miles on a car/year (from 7k to 9k) was frankly ridiculous.....been with them for years....but this year I sense I'll have to change.
Yes often puzzled by low mileage on motorhomes . One for sale on here [?] recently had averaged 5k p.a. . Quite a few commented on the high mileage .
Not everyone does high mileage - we average a one-month trip into France or Spain each year (from S England) and 5-6 UK trips and have 40k in 13 years (3k/year).....does that make us strange, or just busy doing lots else?
After getting my own quotes from AIB for a couple of years and seeing other's quotes on here and other forums, it's almost like they spin a wheel they vary so much, I didn't bother with them this year as I know for sure they won't match any of my lower quotes.
Not everyone does high mileage - we average a one-month trip into France or Spain each year (from S England) and 5-6 UK trips and have 40k in 13 years (3k/year).....does that make us strange, or just busy doing lots else?
Wouldn't have said strange . Just find it surprising
A story popped up today that the ABI (not to be confused with AIB) are saying one of the major reasons car insurance is going up is the cost of car crime.
A story popped up today that the ABI (not to be confused with AIB) are saying one of the major reasons car insurance is going up is the cost of car crime.

Yep cost of living. More like they write them of as only new parts fitted to ten year old vehicles.
Well good news update AIB have sorted out my NCB they were just getting the vehicles mixed up so 🤞when my insurance with them ends at the end of the month I will receive the NCB email for the past 6 years.

They only count five years NCB and what percentage is that afford to us use to be 60%. Off 300 quid policy. So 100 quid ish now min 1000 for rope
I usually alternate between brokers, last year AIB were the cheapest
My Crafter was due for renewal this coming weekend

AIB renewal £376 almost 80% more than what I paid last year
Used the performance direct comparison site
Paid £236.

I think the change of ownership at AIB and the extremely high £75 broker fee has caused a significant increase in quotes this year
Anyone getting quotes for an A series MH should check the level of windscreen cover. Some companies only provide up to £1000 cover. I am told that some A series windscreens can cost up to £3000. I am with Caravan Guard who presently don't limit windscreen value. A series MH windscreens often have slightly less angle that van screens. With the greater glass area this makes them a little more vulnerable to cracks. Fortunately so far I have only had a chip repair.
Yes they are up there with estate agents and car dealers. 😡
Only surpassed by solicitors. And job recruitment agents.
I once got a temporary contract at Barclays Bank computer centre from a local "Office Angels" agency. I later discovered that they were keeping 60% of what they were charging Barclays. I was single handedly paying the wages of two of their secretaries.

Anyway back to the subject, insurance premiums (premia?) vary enormously by other factors, primarily the value of the camper. Anything over £60k will require a tracker which is very expensive and so on. This year I tried NFU because they have a very comprehensive policy in terms of not needing a tracker and they don't charge any interest if you pay the premium in equal monthly instalments.
I will however not need it next year because I hope to sell the wagon before the curent insurance expires.
And I am swayed towards using the cheapest quote on a comparison web site. If you drive carefully and have never made a claim you are left thinking just get the cheapest, it's money going down the drain for which you are not going to get any return.

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