The insurance search

Last year the average motor insurance produced a 13% loss for the underwriters, so quite why people are so upset with them I don't understand. Maybe we should be more unset with the fact the UK has some of the highest dubious claims in Europe

I agree to some extent Colin. That and the fact that there is no deterrent to vehicle related crime.
You will find that most insurance companies now own the companies who do the repairs but will use any means to cover this up usually owning these companies through a third party that’s why premiums are high the repair companies they own inflate repair prices nearly new cars getting written off for a small dent or minor repair so the can pay out low then repair and sell on car. It’s a massive rip off.
FWIW, I can think of two things that are ramping up insurance premiums:
  1. Underwriters wanting to write off anything that their 'authorised repairers' can't deal with: In my case, I had an argument with a concrete dwarf wall and it needed a GRP specialist to fix. I had to find my own repairer or else the insurers would have written my van off at about 70% of its market value :eek: They even sent instructions on how to prepare the van for CoPart to collect!
  2. EVs: these things are being written off for even a few scratches to the battery housing and there is a shortage of garages that can deal with EVs. In consequence, insurance premiums for everyone are being pushed up simply because the chances of a third party being an EV driver is increasing in line with the greater proportion of vehicles that are EVs.
In the meantime, my insurance is up for renewal and I'm just praying I can afford it! ....
Another huge cost is “hire vehicles” provided by insurers, I had a DD run into the back of my car on the road outside my house ,next morning his insurer contacted me to discuss claim/hire car ,I said we didn’t need one and we agreed a write off price there and then over the phone at £1000 over insured value and money was in my bank inside an hour, I learned that if I had taken a hire car from MY insurer they would be expecting at least £3000 hire costs from my insurer.
Another huge cost is “hire vehicles” provided by insurers, I had a DD run into the back of my car on the road outside my house ,next morning his insurer contacted me to discuss claim/hire car ,I said we didn’t need one and we agreed a write off price there and then over the phone at £1000 over insured value and money was in my bank inside an hour, I learned that if I had taken a hire car from MY insurer they would be expecting at least £3000 hire costs from my insurer.

I thought that usually drink driving invalidates your insurance, or is that just for the damage to his own car - was he prosecuted?
Yes often puzzled by low mileage on motorhomes . One for sale on here [?] recently had averaged 5k p.a. . Quite a few commented on the high mileage .
When I took my van in for a full service the guy said to me can I ask how many miles have you done as I noticed we did a full service last year I told him about 8,000 he laughed and said I had to ask as we get motorhome owner bringing them in for a full service and they have only done 2,000 from the last full service it’s good to get one in that’s being used.
Safeguard again for us this year. No others come close on price plus we get the Euro cover/repatriation for our size of MH (5000kg and 8.7m long).
I thought that usually drink driving invalidates your insurance, or is that just for the damage to his own car - was he prosecuted?
No he walked home (400 yards) and got away with it, to be fair he was back at my door at 7 next morning to own up and give his details, the pub was only 400 yards up the road, he’d popped in after work and just overstayed. His van had continued 100 yards down the road without a front wheel which was still embedded in the back of my car so pretty indisputable, I didn’t kick up a fuss as that very day we’d bought a new car which was on the drive and the insurance was up on the old one that got hit 30 minutes after the accident as I’d transferred it to new one so I was a very happy bunny not having the bother to sell it, maybe there is a god after all. 😀
Barry, now that you have your new van and done the basic fitting out and can access your drive again, it might be worth contacting AIB to amend your policy to see if you can get a partial refund.

Martin Lewis (mse) is an advocate of cancelling policies mid year and immediately starting a new one when large increases are on the horizon. The savings on a new policy can more than make up for cancellation fees.

So let’s discuss NCB is this just a big vehicle insurance con, Bill over 50 years driving never had a claim me around 50 years just one no fault claim for the most part we had 3 vehicles his hers and a camper the last 8/10 years one car one motorhome/ camper, so fast forward to insuring new to us car and the van asked AIB for confirmation of NCB to transfer to caravan guard who now insure the van they inform me that my NCB is being used on the car insurance that is insured with AIB so the NCB on the car insurance has that gone are they all lumped into one am I being a bit thick here surely if you have two different insured vehicles insured separately then you have two acquired NCB I have never had this problem before this is all confusing, annoying, infuriating.
I'm the first name on the car and the van so Liz has zero NCB which is just wrong, if the second name is your partner then they should get the same NCB
Barry, now that you have your new van and done the basic fitting out and can access your drive again, it might be worth contacting AIB to amend your policy to see if you can get a partial refund.

Martin Lewis (mse) is an advocate of cancelling policies mid year and immediately starting a new one when large increases are on the horizon. The savings on a new policy can more than make up for cancellation fees.


What happened was I did manage to get the policy for having it either on the drive or in storage. However it became apparent very quickly that we needed it on the road outside the house for at least a couple of weeks as there was just so much to do. It's a quiet road in a tiny village but it simply wasn't worth the risk of winging it and possibly having a farmer in a 15 ton tractor take it out so I coughed up the extra £150 or whatever it was.

I did get a refund off the old insurance for Hank 1 but it was only £130 after just taking the policy out a month earlier which I think was about £300+ (might have been £400, cant remember). I guess the only refund you are due is off the actual policy and not all the other bits that are added on.

It all happened so quick I didn't have time to mess about.

In AIB's favour though they spent ages sorting it and getting alternative quotes etc.
So let’s discuss NCB is this just a big vehicle insurance con, Bill over 50 years driving never had a claim me around 50 years just one no fault claim for the most part we had 3 vehicles his hers and a camper the last 8/10 years one car one motorhome/ camper, so fast forward to insuring new to us car and the van asked AIB for confirmation of NCB to transfer to caravan guard who now insure the van they inform me that my NCB is being used on the car insurance that is insured with AIB so the NCB on the car insurance has that gone are they all lumped into one am I being a bit thick here surely if you have two different insured vehicles insured separately then you have two acquired NCB I have never had this problem before this is all confusing, annoying, infuriating.
AFAICT, it depends on whether you have a multi-vehicle policy or whether the vehicles are separately insured. If you have a multi-vehicle policy, the T&Cs might well carry forward only the longest NCD, which means that any others will expire after two years. However, if the vehicles have been separately insured (i.e. on different policies), then each should have acquired it's own NCD. Unfortunately, if they have used your van NCD for your car it might not be possible to transfer your car NCD to your van.
One insurer we tried a few years ago said that it couldn't be used as it was a different class of vehicle.

And when I was a courier he said my points on my van speeding ticket did not count to my car insurance as that was done as a company not a private individual, this was in the early noughties.
One insurer we tried a few years ago said that it couldn't be used as it was a different class of vehicle.
This depends on which way round the proposed transfer is. While some insurers allow transfer from a commercial vehicle or motorhome to a car; or a commercial vehicle to a motorhome, few all transfer the other way around. FWIW, I had an issue when I closed down my company as took personal ownership of the company panel van. Prior to that, I'd been the main driver -- but the van was insured in the company's name under an 'any driver' policy. I eventually found an insurer to give me credit for driving the company van but I (as company director) had to provide a written statement that I (as a person) had been the main driver of the van while it was owned by the company!

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