Common Sense?
Health & Safety Gone Mad?
And YOU think it is better now than it ever was?
View attachment 3541
Erm... that sign is actually in the United States...
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Common Sense?
Health & Safety Gone Mad?
And YOU think it is better now than it ever was?
View attachment 3541
what any of this has to do with wild camping is beyond me,although my wife says i am quite thick,but then she married me so i can't trust her judgement.too many of these threads end up like this,i'm going to try not to get sucked in again and stay on subject,whatever that was...?
What Little Mutt says has more than a ring of truth about it.
This is where he comes from. Urunga - Accommodation, Maps, Attractions & Events - Visit NSW Bolton isn't going to compete, now is it?
He's possibly heard fine stories of Britain all lhis life, spent hard earned cash to get here and look what he gets when he gets here. Oh, we're fine at defending ourselves now but where are we so keen on going? France, Spain, etc, that's where because we know the reception we get in Britain.
We hear tales every day of how hard up we all are or how hard up we are all going to be. Then why aren't we busily telling the people who are so keen to govern us that there is money to be made from tourism and why aren't they doing their damndest to get some of it for us. What are we doing to make the situation better for our visitors - and ourselves?
Little Mutt, I hope you've had a better welcome elsewhere and I'd like to hear more of your experiences as a visitor in the hope that we can learn a little of how other's see us.
Gosh, it's threads like this that certainly bring out the best of the British!
Or is that the worst?
Incidentally... the oft-cited immigration figures are all wildly inaccurate - the result, as they are, of a packet of statistics dumped wholesale into a boiling pan of media pundits and stirred vigorously, then generously served over a steaming bed of bigots.
In truth, in 2010, 12 million people emigrated from the UK to other countries, and only 206 people came in. Crikey! That means there'll be a huge shortfall in the care home sector, cleaning services, public transport and the NHS.
Better leave those doors open...
****** Moderation Warning ******
I have had complaints about this thread, I will have to start deleting posts if this continues. Please be try and be good campers.
Erm... that sign is actually in the United States...
As soon as i give up paying my taxes all the better and no more funding of assylum seekers and pretend disability seekers who are having the time of their lives.
So, how's the NHS going to get paid for? State schooling?
I know... let's privatise them all. Then we could have colostomies brought to you by MacDonald's and geography taught to you by NewsCorp.
I wonder if the complaints came from the people who still have their in the sand.
It does seem a shame that, a good healthy debate gets removed all the time when someone who has a strong belief in the topic is penalised because of the 'PC Brigade'
Don't know if you managed to get your head from out of the sand last night, but, did you watch Panorama last night?
Or is that full of lies too?
Don't have a telly, mate, because it lost its soul years ago. A BBC news programme doesn't necessarily mean, either, that you're getting the full, impartial picture. You have to get your information from a lot of diverse sources for that. Panorama used to be a decent programme, but it's more like info-tainment now. Question Time is probably more like it. Differing points of view.
Though, of course, some of us will still continue to listen only to what it suits us to believe... For instance, if last night's Panorama had presented a 'state of the nation' picture that was completely the opposite of the one it did present, would you then have believed it? Or would you now be on here going on about how the BBC's been taken over by the PC Brigade?
Now, where is that wall, I need to bang my head on it.
For instance, if last night's Panorama had presented a 'state of the nation' picture that was completely the opposite of the one it did present, would you then have believed it? Or would you now be on here going on about how the BBC's been taken over by the PC Brigade?
You are typical of the type of person who is in denial aren't you, along with a lot of others who appear to support your 'leftie' views, not a friend of John H are you? An ex-teacher maybe?
Try running a Business in the UK these days, not easy I'll tell you.
Paying taxes to keep the lazy sods that sit and watch Jeremy Kyle everyday is not what I set out to do, but my fellow country men (leftie socialists) seem to like it!!
Now, where is that wall, I need to bang my head on it.
So, how's the NHS going to get paid for? State schooling?
I know... let's privatise them all. Then we could have colostomies brought to you by MacDonald's and geography taught to you by NewsCorp.