Stay clear of bolton city

  • Thread starter THE LITTLE MUTT
  • Start date
I've lived in OZ for a year and NZ for 15 years and here for 30 years.......and I'm saying nothing. Too scared!!!
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So,what you are saying is, the BBC, the Newspapers and several hundred thousand who emmigrated have ALL got it wrong this year have they?
Yeah right!
The population of the UK will hit 70 million buy 2050, a large percentage of the increase is due to Immigration...
Opps sorry, that was on the BBC News this morning so obviously it is Bo!!ocks!!
Wakey Wakey!

Do you still live in the U.K? And if it's such a terrible place, why?

For Little Mutt, Bolton by the way isn't a city. It does have a superb civic centre and is on the edge of some lovely countryside to the north. I've never found it worse than any other place and it's considerably better than some.
What the F--k is a pancake thrower?

Perhaps if you'd cool, down a little, stop the obnoxious language and start to think, you'd be able to work out what a pancake thrower is!

Here's a hint. What do they call it when you throw the pancake in the air in order to turn it over? Are you getting warm?
Do you still live in the U.K? And if it's such a terrible place, why?

Yes...and I hope to address the second question, at least partially, soon. I have ties to the UK...partner, children, parents and in or outside the UK is going to be a balancing act.

Life is like that...full of compromises.

Perhaps if you'd cool, down a little, stop the obnoxious language and start to think, you'd be able to work out what a pancake thrower is!

Here's a hint. What do they call it when you throw the pancake in the air in order to turn it over? Are you getting warm?

And "tosser" isn't obnoxious?? It doesn't really matter how much you disguise the word.
Yes...and I hope to address the second question, at least partially, soon. I have ties to the UK...partner, children, parents and in or outside the UK is going to be a balancing act.

Life is like that...full of compromises.

And "tosser" isn't obnoxious?? It doesn't really matter how much you disguise the word.

It wasn't me that used the word, in case you hadn't noticed! But one thing's for certain, tosser is far less abusive then f**k and dickhead and some of the other language being bandied about by the person in question. In fact nowadays 'tosser' is seen to be on a par with idiot, or numbskull.
I think that whether tosser is acceptable or not depends on who you are. As indeed is f*ck or dickhead.

Personally, I am not offended by any of them, unless there is a deliberate intent to offend, but I know people who are offended by all of them. In fact, I would guess that f*ck is more widely used than don't think that the French Connection UK logo came about by accident? Or how feck is used?

Abusive words often amuse me...people can get hung up on a word (even if used without offensive intent) which freely used elsewhere in the same culture, and even by the same people in different circumstances. Sometimes, perhaps even often, there can be a lack honesty and integrity in people's use or condemnation of naughty words.
And i'm down in Bolton (Tonge Moor) next Tuesday/Wednesday! Wonder how I managed to live there for so many years................................
I think that whether tosser is acceptable or not depends on who you are. As indeed is f*ck or dickhead.

Personally, I am not offended by any of them, unless there is a deliberate intent to offend, but I know people who are offended by all of them. In fact, I would guess that f*ck is more widely used than don't think that the French Connection UK logo came about by accident? Or how feck is used?

Abusive words often amuse me...people can get hung up on a word (even if used without offensive intent) which freely used elsewhere in the same culture, and even by the same people in different circumstances. Sometimes, perhaps even often, there can be a lack honesty and integrity in people's use or condemnation of naughty words.

The lesson therefore would be, that if you do not know your audience, you do not use words that most people know are considered offensive by the majority. In the company of a couple of my male friends I would use words that I would never consider using in front of people with whom I'm not so well acquainted. And this must surely apply to public forums? If you use four-letter words on forums you have no idea of the sensitivities of the other members and to use foul language is ill-mannered and to some, offensive. This to me is self evident.
Gosh, it's threads like this that certainly bring out the best of the British!

Or is that the worst?

Incidentally... the oft-cited immigration figures are all wildly inaccurate - the result, as they are, of a packet of statistics dumped wholesale into a boiling pan of media pundits and stirred vigorously, then generously served over a steaming bed of bigots.

In truth, in 2010, 12 million people emigrated from the UK to other countries, and only 206 people came in. Crikey! That means there'll be a huge shortfall in the care home sector, cleaning services, public transport and the NHS.

Better leave those doors open...
What Little Mutt says has more than a ring of truth about it.

This is where he comes from. Bolton isn't going to compete, now is it?

He's possibly heard fine stories of Britain all lhis life, spent hard earned cash to get here and look what he gets when he gets here. Oh, we're fine at defending ourselves now but where are we so keen on going? France, Spain, etc, that's where because we know the reception we get in Britain.

We hear tales every day of how hard up we all are or how hard up we are all going to be. Then why aren't we busily telling the people who are so keen to govern us that there is money to be made from tourism and why aren't they doing their damndest to get some of it for us. What are we doing to make the situation better for our visitors - and ourselves?

Little Mutt, I hope you've had a better welcome elsewhere and I'd like to hear more of your experiences as a visitor in the hope that we can learn a little of how other's see us.
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In reply to the OP, most towns and cities these days have parking wardens out at times that you would not normally expect them to be. It seems to be the only way councils can think of to raise money without putting up the council tax charges. In London, parking tickets are an occupational hazard along with the congestion charges and LEZ charges that go along with the "privilege" of owning a motor vehicle in the capital.

In most tourist areas of the UK there is a hand at your window wanting money off you as soon as you stop. Cornwall being a case in point if you want to see the small fishing port areas.

I can't speak for Australia, but my step daughter is over there in Perth at the moment, staying with her boyfriend's family, and she tells us the quality of life is far better than anywhere in the UK, and, although the wages overall are lower than the UK, your money buys you more than an equivalent amount would here.

As for your parking ticket, the system only works because people pay them! Would they chase you back to OZ to get payment off you? I don't think so.
do they still call brits who move to oz and moan about the place "whingeing poms". as for swearing i'm a londoner and didn't know it was offensive to swear till i was forty,too late to learn proper ****ing english then of course.
as for us moving abroad,all the ex pats talk about in pubs is how they hate the place and the locals and relishing the "news" in the daily mail
Do you still live in the U.K? And if it's such a terrible place, why?

For Little Mutt, Bolton by the way isn't a city. It does have a superb civic centre and is on the edge of some lovely countryside to the north. I've never found it worse than any other place and it's considerably better than some.

Yep, I live in the UK (for now) the place isn't terrible...the system is.
I can only think that you hold your arms open to all the immigrants do you?
You stick two fingers up to common sense, do you?
It is people like you who are responsible for the downfall of this country. Hope you are very happy with how the UK is turning out.
Perhaps if you'd cool, down a little, stop the obnoxious language and start to think, you'd be able to work out what a pancake thrower is!

Here's a hint. What do they call it when you throw the pancake in the air in order to turn it over? Are you getting warm?

Hello and thank you for your explanation behind your 'Pancake Thrower' in your private message.
Cool down a little?
Obnoxious language?
OK, tell you what, like the majority of you, for the good of this forum, I will accept the NO MORE COMMON SENSE POLICY
Welcome Immigrants into the country, let them live happliy in a christian country whilst slowly turning it into another Islamic state.
There, happy now Investment BANKER!! (I don't think you'll need a private message for that one!!)
Why is it that the only people who ever know how to run a country properly are either driving taxis or cutting hair?

Or maybe even driving campervans?
what any of this has to do with wild camping is beyond me,although my wife says i am quite thick,but then she married me so i can't trust her judgement.too many of these threads end up like this,i'm going to try not to get sucked in again and stay on subject,whatever that was...?
Why is it that the only people who ever know how to run a country properly are either driving taxis or cutting hair?

Or maybe even driving campervans?

I have no Idea how to run a country, but if i had the chance, I'd go back to some common sense, get out of being told what to do by Brussells and stop all foreign aid until we sort our own problems first, maybe you disagree, it wouldn't surprise me!
Common Sense?
Health & Safety Gone Mad?
And YOU think it is better now than it ever was?

Caution This Sign Has Sharp Edges.jpg
Hello and thank you for your explanation behind your 'Pancake Thrower' in your private message.
Cool down a little?
Obnoxious language?
OK, tell you what, like the majority of you, for the good of this forum, I will accept the NO MORE COMMON SENSE POLICY
Welcome Immigrants into the country, let them live happliy in a christian country whilst slowly turning it into another Islamic state.
There, happy now Investment BANKER!! (I don't think you'll need a private message for that one!!)

Private Message? I didn't send you a PM. Perhaps it's some illegal immigrants who hijacked my profile and are just trying to wind you up? And it wasn't my 'pancake thrower' either. You really should take a deep breath, cool down and start reading the posts a bit more slowly and carefully. Who knows, if you did settle down you may even be able to work out pretty obvious epithets such as 'pancake thrower'.

Anyway, I'm genuinely really sorry that you're having all these worries. It must be awful waking up every morning so full of hate and rage and I do hope that you can find some way of bringing a little calm into your life. Good luck.
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I have no Idea how to run a country, but if i had the chance, I'd go back to some common sense, get out of being told what to do by Brussells and stop all foreign aid until we sort our own problems first, maybe you disagree, it wouldn't surprise me!

In other words, clearly you know how to run a country.

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