And some say Donald T was over-reacting.
I do not like the man but he was doing his job in protecting USA..discuss ?
Tbh, it's a really hard call on what to do for the best.
With a major global emergency like this they have to tread a very dangerous line in the balancing act of how to react and when to be pro-active.
Since this pandemic is like none we've ever had before it will test most governments to the limit.
And before anyone tries to say it shouldn't be difficult and they should 'get their act together', it is NOT the same as the flu pandemics of the past.
World War I claimed an estimated 16 million lives.
The influenza epidemic that swept the world in 1918 killed an estimated 50 million people.
One fifth of the world's population was attacked by this deadly virus. Within months, it had killed more people than any other illness in recorded history.
It lasted 15 months".
In 1917 the global population was
1.9 billion. In 2020 the global population is
7.8 billion.
There were no international air flights or mass private vehicle usage in 2017, and any international travel was generally restricted to the wealthy.
I'm useless with maths, but a crude calculation based on the above suggests that possibly 200 million people could die?
I know there are a lot of "modern day" factors to throw in the mix which might alter this, but it's as good a guesstimate as any.
However, it could well be that it is under control in a lot less time than in previous pandemics, probably because the speed at which it can travel across the globe nowadays is a helluva lot quicker than in 2018. The final death toll is anyone's guess. Just have to wait and see.
Unfortunately for us Brits, we've had a fair amount of neglect/underfunding/mismanagement/profiteering going on over several years with our Health Service in particular, but also with all the other supporting services - social, police, fire, emergency etc.
When we get side blinded by a pandemic like this current one it's no wonder we're going to be caught with our pants well down.
The government are desperately trying to 'flatten the spike' to try and prevent health services being completely overwhelmed, so don't expect any Trump-like reactions from BoJo & co any time soon. As for getting enough medics in place to care for those who become seriously ill in the next few months, just have to cross your fingers and shut your eyes!
Of course it's scary for a lot of folk, me included, but I also see the very dark humorous side too.
I'm fascinated to see how it all develops as we go along - if I live long enough to see it and come out the other end, that is!