Special Message for David ( Yorkslass Husband )

Brilliant news Sue.

Please wish David all the best from me. (and to yourself of course!).
Wow, superb information. We hope and wish everything keeps moving in that same positive forward direction. David up and at em mate, you are doing a great nursing job Sue. Hope you both will be back on the road soon.
.... Tom ....
It sounds really positive news Sue, once he is home even though it is more work for you it will be less stressful for both of you, give him our love and we can't wait to see you both again
such good news sue, amazing what can be achieved...onwards and upwards now....you both have had a lot to cope with and hope that things will continue to improve for you.........cos YOU ARE BOTH WORTH IT......good luck trixie
Pleased to hear your good news, I am sure once he is home it will be better for you both. :wave:
So pleased to hear such good news and positivity, Sue. We're all here and rooting for you. It's amazing how sharing something can make such a difference so thanks to Jeff from me too.
Sue this is fabulous news.
If his recovery rate is anything to go by, the graft will just have to be a success.
Think positive, stay strong and your futures so bright, you're gonna have to wear shades!

Rog and Chris, xx
I hope Davids recovery continues at speed.

Sue and David, typify what I love so much about the people who make up this fantastic group.

They are both honest, funny and have a real and genuine respect for everyone they meet. No need for a facade, what you see is what you get and what you get is an awesome couple.

Hope to see you both at a meet sometime soon.


A week has passed since David's op and the rate he's recovering is amazing.
He no longer has any drips, drains or monitors attached to him. The only thing he has now is a feeding tube. They plan to do a test on Friday to basically check whether the graft in his throat has healed enough to enable him to start eating again, or as I put it, to see if he's waterproof yet. Apparently it's 50/50, but cos I can see to the tube feeding they may let him out anyway. I'll be honest, I'm sitting here like a dog with two tails. So far we have been so lucky, it must be all the good wishes you sent our way.

Someone else I have to thank is JEFFMOSSY for starting this thread. I probably wouldn't have said anything, but I'm glad he did cos your messages were a real help.

Thank you all. Sue and David. Xxx

Awww thanks sue , but I am not the one to take all the praises , it is this superb community that has got together and got 100% behind one of ourselves that needed our love and thoughts , that is why we are the number 1 motorhome forum , when a member is down and wounded EVERYONE stops what they are doing and helps out in their own Special way . THANK YOU THE W/C COMUNITY it is a pleasure to be part of your superb friendship and forum
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Hi everyone,

David came home on Friday. The procedures he had seem to have been successful. It's truly amazing what modern medicine can do. After 10 days he was allowed to eat and drink again. Cos of the laryngectomy we are finding new ways to communicate, writing, he's getting a clearer whisper and,when the swelling goes down an eletrolarynx, oh and a few hand gestures:lol-053:

R and R now, hopefully ready for the off next year.:camper:

I did think I might have more time once he was home, no trekking to the hospital and back, fat chance.:raofl:
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That's such great news Sue. Bet you're secretly loving the opportunity to spoil him rotten! Just watch out for rogue hand gestures now that he's feeling better Shock.gif
Keep the good news coming, Sue.
Don't spoil him too rotten.
See you next summer.
Thrilled to bits for you both! Keep the news coming, we all need to be kept up to date!
R&C xx
very good news sue, been thinking of you both and wondering if david had returned home after last weekend.......

every good wishes that things continue upwards and onwards.......take care.

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