You think it is ok for one member to state that another members opinion is "a conspiracy theory running riot in his or her mind." ?
Well, at the risk of being banned I do believe that the following comment shows all the evidence of a conspiracy theory, and of course conspiracy theories are only in the mind, they're not in your foot or up your nose.
"I'm still happy to not spend fuel and definitely not any time or money visiting a place or area that doesn't want my custom, unless I'm happy to be bullied into using an over priced campsite belonging to a fat greedy councilor.
i don't know about my comments being racist, but it is probably fat councillor-ist."
And I ask you again. Do you think that this is a suitable comment to publish in a public forum? Can you just imagine the headlines in the Scarborough Daily Whatsit?
"Motorhomers accuse Scarborough councillors of corruption, being fat, greedy and of trying to bully them onto camp sites that they own". That would really help our cause!
And I really do think that you should read the post to which I responded! Needless to say I haven't moaned about it, or complained because it's a forum and I'm not some wimp who can't defend himself.
I find it odd that I can be mildly rude, and that's all it was, and in response to something much ruder I might add, and yet comments that are insulting, libellous and downright untrue are acceptable because it's just local councillors that are being traduced.
Finally, I admit that I am vigorous in debate and perhaps a touch arrogant! But it's my way and if I am rude it's usually in response to someone who deserves it, and in this case he or she did. If people are going to come on public forums spouting unsubstantiated rubbish that actually libels businessmen and councillors they should expect to be challenged.