Hello Mr Northerner Sir,
as you are hell bent in turning this into something it wasn’t, I now feel I have to respond, it most certainly wasn’t my intention to upset anyone, and my statement was meant as a fact, in regards to what I will , will not be doing, I.e, going to scarborough.
ok maybe i should of explained my words better, but you as always twist what people are saying and very often accuse them of victimizing you if they disagree, poor soul....
the use of ‘fat councillor’ which was in hindsight written wrongly (so for any councillor that is like me moving toward a more rotund appearance I am truly sorry), however it was not a reference to weight but fat cats..( I am of reasonable proportion myself nowdays)......
which links as far as i am concerned to those with a little power that push people, via what ever means available to them into their direction with the end result in making money from them......if you decided to look over the last billion threads on here and other forums including the locals rags, you would have seen there has been numerous references to councillors with vested interests, (these can easily be checked on the web , councillors with interests, providing they have listed them all, and I’m sure they have.) there are one or two in the Scarborough area who were talking in their local rags about making motorhome owners use sites, ok they didn’t say their or their families and I'm sure if i really try hard, i may have to admit they are probably trying to get people to go to camp sites other than their own, cos they are elected and have the constituents best interests at heart and would do so as you have said.
in the other thread you jumped up and down and stamped your little feet, bless you, when I replied to you.
Now I will try to explain my stance on this again, I distrust most MP’s and councillors (fat cats), but not all, majority are completely honest and straight I’m sure, I even have a friend who is a councillor and know he doesn’t claim extravagant expenses, or illegal ones. what is claimed by some of our MP’s and Councillors in the name of expenses is a lot and some would say that isn’t in line with what is actually needed to cover costs and thus isn’t in their constituents best interests?..... (Yes they are allowed to claim most of what they do I am sure, however some have feathered their nests, haven’t they. Obviously with their constituent’s interest at heart,) you demanded that I explain what I was saying so I hope I have. Maybe maybe not.
I do not either harass people for using sites and or for paying for them, I use them myself and some good ones that cost a good amount. My reference again taken from this and other forums, on costs of sites some local to Scarbororugh,
I said I will not be pushed/ bullied into using sites in Scarborough nor will I stay in the town anymore. Incidentally i only used Scarborough in the winter, I never stayed more than one two nights in one place, never left rubbish, never put out awnings chairs BB’s etc and always moved during the day to return at night and as far as I am aware caused not problems apart from being seen there parked in an unused parking spot (I certainly believe that I was trying to put the residents perspective to the fore and still trying to pursue my interests of travelling and visiting interesting and nice places) sorry shame on me. I also spent money on dining and supplies, who wants to go away and sit in the van all day and night, not me I am out and about often spending in the area, no it wont break any banks, but will definitely add to someone’s till receipt in another area.......
I said I believe I sometimes see things from other people’s perspective, but I am not even going to attempt persuading you of this as I already know you will not accept it, that is your prerogative, either way it makes little difference to me now. Unfortunately your acceptance of me isn’t very high on my list of priorities, sorry…..
reading the tripe that comes from the posters on the local rag tells me also that their are a good number of people who don't want us there-so I am happy not to go, there are plenty of places much nice and friendlier for us to visit.
While we are on the here, I also think that your style of writing is arrogant, rude often aggressive and sometimes VILE, BUT not always, I think I read once a post were you didn’t actually attack or personally insult someone, I think??
However you do attack people often for having a different opinion to yourself..and then complain they are either thick, ignorant or vindictively harassing you on every post when they bite back etc.
I will add lastly that this is in response to your attack on the other thread and I am assuming this thread is a another ploy of yours to draw others into converting to your preaching’s.
Bless you and may all your troubles be small ones and remember You are still loved. No matter what……:bow: