You just don't get it do yo? It's nothing to do with a free market. Camp sites have lots of competition from other sites, from club sites and CLs and no one is protecting them from that or wants to. This is about denigrating a site owner because he objected to the council allowing free overnight parking for motorhomes on a large car park near his site. As a businessman who pays a lot of money to the council for the privilege of running his business he has the right to feel aggrieved if the council cuts his feet from under him by allowing such parking. Can't you understand that? It's nothing to do with fair competition. How can anyone compete with a local authority giving something away for nothing? I wish you'd answer that.
To sum up, I'm for for competition but it must be fair. Just as you have the right to protest if you think that you are being treated unfairly, so has the camp site owner and he shouldn't be branded by some of the appalling epithets that have been hurled at him on this site.
And to be honest, your Antarctica analogy just shows the depth of your argument. This site owner has been there for years and opened long before this started. And if you really believe that nothing should be able to interfere with the free market you are very deluded. Haven't you heard of the Monopolies Commission? An unregulated free market would be a disaster with the biggest growing bigger until they had total control of the market. Then there really would be no competition.
last time I replied to one of your posts you suggested I was attacking you, and yet in your world telling people they don't get it and bloody hell etc seems fair game.
You pupport to be a businessman, and in that capacity since when has business been fair.?
For what it is worth, I totally understand the point you are making and perhaps trying to provoke a little empathy within people
For better or worse I have found myself back in the licenced trade caretaking a public house.
I. Can't realistically compete with witherspoons on price as an example , but I can do my best to offer a unique selling point......I.e interact with customers and ensure they feel their custom is valued that they want to come back.
Retention is a must in my world.
The point I am trying to make, without arguing is life is rarely a level playing field, so you maximise what you have got.
I understand why a campsite owner becomes frustrated with the wildy lot considering investment
And returns on ..
I thiink or for me at least, it isn't really about saving a few quid, it is the ability to pretty much do as I want without interference.
If people choose to site their perogative , I don't knock it , but please don't berate my choice to remain self sufficient and choose not to stay on sites
Site owners naturally have their own Interests at heart, they have investment and need a return....but the bigger picture like in my work doesn't guarantee it and why should it?
Very few motorhomers in the grand scale seem to wild camp...therefore those that choose too in my book are in a minority, a minority that in real terms has minimal impact on the tourist economy