Real Ale
Only a person who knows nothing about beer would state CO2 was somehow injected into beer. CO2 is merely used as a propellant to get the beer from from the barrel to the tap, is tastless and colourless and is not absorbed in the beer. The so called 'real ale' and ordinary beers in my brewery were made in the same vat and the same equipment, so much for special treatments. The scientist or brewers are trained in one place in the UK, a Scottish University. Everybody has to use the same expertise because of the Custom and Excise rules and regs to classify such beers.
For our brewery we had to scientists/brewers employed to produce our extensive range of 'real ales'. On my 'training days' I had many long periods and chats with these people, I will not claim my self to be an expert on brewing ales because 'I knew them' but they did provide 'enlightenment' from bulsh*t. My 'claim to fame' or expertise is serveral industry standard qualifications in including 'real ale' management, I will of course bow to your superior knowledge you have been hiding from us so far. Chemic, homogoenised, pasturised, tasteless, over carbonated, sterile, disguting puke they sell as smooth flow or extra cold ......... its all global brewery P**s and if your drinking it clearly shows limited knowledge so far.
'Real ales use a simple pump device, ordinary beers use CO2 to pump the beer, it is in both cases the 'tip or valve' on the end of tap produces variations on the type 'head' on the beer. Good quality beers need regular maintainance of the serving equipment, cleaning pipes and preperation of the opening of keg as well as standing time in real ales, as mention by others. Cooling is provided by celler coolers, like giant fridge unit, for cooler largers direct coolers are used. Beers and real ales are not normally fed through direct coolers because it made them to cool and not traditional. An interesting fact has been a rise in the demand of cooler beers to match the same serving temperature of largers, tradition not always best!
At no time is this claim ''chemic, homogoenised, pasturised, tasteless, over carbonated, sterile, disguting puke they sell as smooth flow or extra cold ......... its all global brewery P**s and if your drinking it' has any trace fact. But your 'mate twice removed from your aunts great uncle' makes you the expert, I would of course bow to your questionable expert knowledge or lack of expertise!