Scarborough traders complain

Who are these faceless, nameless traders that are in despair?

Is it the man I buy newspaper from?
Is it the café I get my Coffee and Bacon Sandwich from?
Is it the garage I get a tank of petrol from?
Is it the shop I buy provisions from?
Is it the girl I buy an Ice cream from?
Is it the Chippie I get my supper from?
Perhaps it,s the pub that I have the odd pint in.

Or is it some money grabber who wants me to spend £30.00 to park on soft grass and maybe I will get a few gallons of water and empty my tanks which I can do for free elsewhere.

If a hundred motorhomes (not the dozen or so I have seen) parked along Marine drive at night, you could still do it without blocking anyones view and there will still be masses of space for other people to park at night.

I admit that I am not putting money directly in the hotel owners pockets but after a great weekend in Scarborough, I go back to work and tell friends and colleagues what a wonderful time I had in Scarborough. Not going to do them any harm is it?


Cayton bay caravan park, £38 per night peak, ****, and they wonder why no one wants to use them,

your spot on Tbear, i do same, come home and tell everyone how lovely it is, its the locals that do all the complaining, i was talking to a chap at scalby and he said it was the locals in general that hated MH, he was a local himself and was wanting a MH but darent buy one for fear of upsetting the neighbours,:mad1: i asked him what their problem was, he said its because we are all freeloaders, dont spend any money, enjoy THEIR facilites and put nothing back in the pot, its a bloody joke,
we go to the coast line very little durein the holiday season but when we have been this year we are noticing far more vans parked up than ever before and in places that are sure to upset the locals causing them to involve the council
Scarborough like most other coastal resorts no longer rely on tourism for their income they rely on benefits they get them all year round go into any town centre and it looks like jeremy kyles waiting room

Very true old UN, Unfortunately when we get a serious topic, such as this, & contributors start using hyperbole such as – ripped off/bled dry/ money grabbers etc then you realise that a rational conversation is unlikely to follow.

I have been wilding for well over 20 years, but take a very pragmatic approach. If I can discreetly arrive late somewhere & spend the night, leave no sign of my visit, then fine. However if I cannot find anywhere & I need to pay, then equally fine. Personally I am looking to relax & enjoy myself; I am not looking for charity.

Surely the only thing they need to sell is space !


If only they realised that. I wouldn't pay £25 to park my car overnight (or anywhere, come to that).

This is the thing...if parking (and water and waste) were provided at sensible prices, MHers would use them. Most don't mind paying a sensible amount, but get a little upset at being ripped off. And if those spaces (and services) were provided, most MHers would stop parking in inconsiderate places. In France, perhaps 25% of aires are free, so providers need to be sensible about pricing and costs. The win/win/win is that MHers have somewhere tailored to their needs, business get tourist business and residences are save from the eyesores.

what could we do to stop us being banned, segregated and dare I say victimized..for owning a campervan/motorhome.

talking about who has moaned lately only highlights the problem, we need to come up with a solution or solutions to this.

the obvious is for everyone to follow a set code, like a the guide, but how do we get everyone to follow it.....:hammer:

what do you think?

I'll get my coat now:danger:

Very true old UN, Unfortunately when we get a serious topic, such as this, & contributors start using hyperbole such as – ripped off/bled dry/ money grabbers etc then you realise that a rational conversation is unlikely to follow.

I have been wilding for well over 20 years, but take a very pragmatic approach. If I can discreetly arrive late somewhere & spend the night, leave no sign of my visit, then fine. However if I cannot find anywhere & I need to pay, then equally fine. Personally I am looking to relax & enjoy myself; I am not looking for charity.



Just because one person exaggerates something does not mean that the rest of our brains turn to mush. May I suggest you look up pompous in the same dictionary you found hyperbole.

what could we do to stop us being banned, segregated and dare I say victimized..for owning a campervan/motorhome.

talking about who has moaned lately only highlights the problem, we need to come up with a solution or solutions to this.

the obvious is for everyone to follow a set code, like a the guide, but how do we get everyone to follow it.....:hammer:

what do you think?

I'll get my coat now:danger:

Hi Al n Sal,

I agree totally but what to do short of having a profesional register, where members are struck off if they deviate from the code. Even then how would you identify registered members. All we can do is try to set a good example and show our displeasure to people like the chap that just dumped his waste tank on the beach at Huttoft. He would not even have bothered to try to cover it over had he not seen my wife watching him. There was a public loo 200 meters away.


Just because one person exaggerates something does not mean that the rest of our brains turn to mush. May I suggest you look up pompous in the same dictionary you found hyperbole.


There is no need to become offensive simply because you are inarticulate.


May I ask in which way I failed to express myself and as far as being offencive I was not the one saying, "then you realise that a rational conversation is unlikely to follow". Thus implying the rest of us are incapable of rational. Unlike in your opinion, your pragmatic self

I live in Scarborough and believe me if the local traders and public have only this to moan about then i must be really missing something!We have many issues in the town at the moment so just carry on enjoying the parking on Marine Drive and if you get a little of something for nothing then good on you!:lol-053:
I live in Scarborough and believe me if the local traders and public have only this to moan about then i must be really missing something!We have many issues in the town at the moment so just carry on enjoying the parking on Marine Drive and if you get a little of something for nothing then good on you!:lol-053:

thank you, but..... it isn't really for nothing, i think most MH's put £5 in the machine, i know i do even after 6, i feel this way i am making a contribution, i also spend loads at the shops, more than i do at home, if they continue to moan peeps will jsut stop going and it will end up like mablethorpe,

Why dont we arrange a large meet on North Marine Drive. Then invite the press to join us as we go for fish and chips etc. Would the chip shops and gift shops turn us away?
I doubt it.
Why dont we arrange a large meet on North Marine Drive. Then invite the press to join us as we go for fish and chips etc. Would the chip shops and gift shops turn us away?
I doubt it.

Think thats a fantastic idea, they would complain that we'd cleared them out of f&c, :dance:
Once you have got your £5 ticket from the machine does this entitle you
to park up for the night ?

I have not visited for years.

For 7 euro you can park up in the Aire in the centre of Fort
Mahon Plage in France, stroll down for a beer and a meal and when caught short
in the night nip over to the toilets.

Don't go over around 0730 cus the cleaner is in doing a grand job.

I think the UK towns, resorts etc are missing out on our cash, not in
Car Parks though as we cannot get under the Height Barriers. pmsl
what could we do to stop us being banned, segregated and dare I say victimized..for owning a campervan/motorhome.

talking about who has moaned lately only highlights the problem, we need to come up with a solution or solutions to this.

the obvious is for everyone to follow a set code, like a the guide, but how do we get everyone to follow it.....:hammer:

what do you think?

I'll get my coat now:danger:

The short answer is that, unfortunately, you will never persuade everybody to follow it; there will always be the inconsiderate minority who spoil it for the rest of us. My approach is to avoid the trouble by not parking up in popular spots in high season and where there are lots of other motorhomes. For example, I love touring around Spain and Portugal, using official aires and out-of-the-way wilding spots; but I have visited the Algarve and Costa Del Sol once each and would never go back. It is in those overcrowded areas that the problems tend to arise. In all my years of wilding I have only been asked to move on twice (and very apologetically!).

Having said that, it is a source of constant amazement to me that English towns do not know what towns in other countries have known for years - that we are a boost to not a drain on the local economy. It is Scarborough that will lose out if they follow through on this. There's nowt so queer as folk!

yes i am with them as we had a day over thar one park up orning out tabel chares on other parking bays can they not use just use one bay not tack so meaney up diggdeep north yorks motorhome her
this weekend on marine drive 2 new vans were parked up with a space between them and an awning out complete with bistro set up :scared: the hottest busiest day of the year so far, these guys weren't site dodgers who had been there all night they had come into town from their site for the day:drive: but we are all classed the same motorhomers when people start to complain:mad2:
p.s. these guys are more than likely on the forums for the righteous this morning calling us in the vans still parked up for the night when they left to go back on to their pitches:lol-061:

May I ask in which way I failed to express myself and as far as being offencive I was not the one saying, "then you realise that a rational conversation is unlikely to follow". Thus implying the rest of us are incapable of rational. Unlike in your opinion, your pragmatic self


By misquoting my comments [ More than 1 person used hyperbole ] & associating me with implications that I did not make.[ I did not remotely imply the rest of this community brains had turned to mush]

I suggest we leave it at that.

Doesn't "Wild Camping" mean staying out in more "Wild" places not seaside towns along the prom.

Probably because I live by them, I want to avoid them like the plague.

But there are always some undesirable people who come to them, The Towyn area of North Wales has the dubious acclaim of having the greatest concentration of static caravans in Europe. Why anyone wants to park there beats me, but each to their own.

If you have a motor home I thought the idea was that you arrived, stayed the night then moved on, not stay in one spot for up to two weeks.
what could we do to stop us being banned, segregated and dare I say victimized..for owning a campervan/motorhome.

talking about who has moaned lately only highlights the problem, we need to come up with a solution or solutions to this.

the obvious is for everyone to follow a set code, like a the guide, but how do we get everyone to follow it.....:hammer:

what do you think?
I'll get my coat now:danger:

Hi, I do not accept that motorhome owners are victimised any more than the average motorist,we do however need to more discreet if we wish to continue our lifestyle. Here on the south coast there is a real problem with 10 /15/ 20 motorhomes parking up for days on end during the holiday season.
Recently Bournemouth council had to fork out several £ thousands to have a large group of travellers moved on. Then several more £ thousands to clear up the site. Of course locals are going to complain. Unfortunately, in the case of motorhome owners we are being judged as travellers when we turn up en masse at the weekend.
All the local campsites charge upwards of £25 per night in the high season & judging by the “full up” signs are doing very well. If we do not wish to use then, then that’s fine, but do not expect to stay in the best spots in full view of the locals.

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