Scarborough traders complain

Thank you, would you mind if i copied this and send it to Mr Watson?, i am hopeing to gather peoples views and send them all together, it seems the traders are getting their say and no one is speaking up for us, i dont think for one minute anything will change but we should at least put our point accross.

Jen xx

Go for it jen
That is a great reply to him!! Brilliant.

I think we could build on Fylde to get something going, here. Perhaps not in Scarborough, but starting in our home towns.

No one has pointed out that Aires exist and are not abused in a number of places already in the UK. Canterbury, Northern Ireland (2), etc.

Flyde coast has decided to put a number of Aires in. This is a tourist area like Scarborough but with a different approach. It wasn't always this way but they had a change of opinion.

Quoting the French as an example is OK but let us not forget the UK examples as well.
I didn't know about the one in Canterbury.

As part of the process, we perhaps should encourage them to get a listing in the Aires book.

The CS & CL sites are fantastic (Oh Dear! Is this more Hyperbole?) and very good value for money but not always in the right place When you are sat in a perfectly good car park which you have payed to park in. Its got a smashing view, a public loo and a nice café just down the road. Why should we travel 10 or 15 miles away to come back and park in the same place the next day. It makes no sense.

No one has pointed out that Aires exist and are not abused in a number of places already in the UK. Canterbury, Northern Ireland (2), etc.

Flyde coast has decided to put a number of Aires in. This is a tourist area like Scarborough but with a different approach. It wasn't always this way but they had a change of opinion.

Quoting the French as an example is OK but let us not forget the UK examples as well.


All the forward thinking people that have been involved in the setting up of anything like an Aire in this country are to be congratulated. However the wealth of evidence for Aires, social and economic must be available somewhere in France. I just wish I new how to get at it.

This time of the year is known as 'the silly season' for news articles and I suspect this is one of them.

If anyone needs a good telling off, it is the journalist who ran the story and his/her Editor.

If you want to fire off any emails, address them to The Yorkshire Post. Ask them to investigate the conflict of interest between the Council and caravan site ownership. If they are interested in investigative journalism then they will look into it.

My personal view is that I will only go to Scarborough out of season. I do not want to spend my time in the company of mindless drunken idiots, boy racers and chavs. If it winds up like the ghost town down the coast (Bridlington) then I will not miss it at all.
This time of the year is known as 'the silly season' for news articles and I suspect this is one of them.

If anyone needs a good telling off, it is the journalist who ran the story and his/her Editor.

If you want to fire off any emails, address them to The Yorkshire Post. Ask them to investigate the conflict of interest between the Council and caravan site ownership. If they are interested in investigative journalism then they will look into it.

My personal view is that I will only go to Scarborough out of season. I do not want to spend my time in the company of mindless drunken idiots, boy racers and chavs. If it winds up like the ghost town down the coast (Bridlington) then I will not miss it at all.

I intend to do Maingate, but first, as suggested by cllr watson i am going to contact Stuart clarke, see what he has to say, I have been going to scarborough for 20+ and have never experience what you have, but like you say, if they carry on the way they are it will be like brid, hornsea, mablethorpe cleethorpes etc

jen xx
Spoke recently on this issue and it isn't a silly season rash column to fill a page it's an issue that's been brewing for some time. We have a 4 year old who loves his walking but nowhere is close to the front and West Pier, which on an evening is empty except for a few motorhomes (and local fisherman's vans(they don't pay for their parking)) is perfect for luring us into the chip shop, wet fish shop, cafe, ice cream parlor, chinese take-away and arcades. This won't happen if they want to push us out onto a bland site 4 miles out of town. 2 weeks ago I witnessed a Mhomer outside picking up all surrounding litter (none of which was their own) and within the hour witnessed a number of young chavs tipping rubbish out of their cars. We also had to dodge the guy beating his girlfriend and the hen night gone wrong resulting in a brawl (this was at 6.30), great family events the Council should be worrying about. If the insular and ignorant Counsilor who doesn't see all people in Scarb' as important whether local or visitors then we've one message for him, "go and treat yourself to an hour stood on West Pier one nice evening observing the emptiness of the carpark with no people spending no money with your precious traders". A fellow Mhomer told me when last there that Blackpool was putting in hookup points and water to encourage vans, who will be out of pocket, trader or mhomers out having a good time. I'll happily entertain the Yorks Post and aforementioned Councilor on West Pier one evening to discuss, although doubt they could be bothered as it is really a non-issue brought about by a few bored fisherman and locals with nought best to do.
Spoke recently on this issue and it isn't a silly season rash column to fill a page it's an issue that's been brewing for some time. We have a 4 year old who loves his walking but nowhere is close to the front and West Pier, which on an evening is empty except for a few motorhomes (and local fisherman's vans(they don't pay for their parking)) is perfect for luring us into the chip shop, wet fish shop, cafe, ice cream parlor, chinese take-away and arcades. This won't happen if they want to push us out onto a bland site 4 miles out of town. 2 weeks ago I witnessed a Mhomer outside picking up all surrounding litter (none of which was their own) and within the hour witnessed a number of young chavs tipping rubbish out of their cars. We also had to dodge the guy beating his girlfriend and the hen night gone wrong resulting in a brawl (this was at 6.30), great family events the Council should be worrying about. If the insular and ignorant Counsilor who doesn't see all people in Scarb' as important whether local or visitors then we've one message for him, "go and treat yourself to an hour stood on West Pier one nice evening observing the emptiness of the carpark with no people spending no money with your precious traders". A fellow Mhomer told me when last there that Blackpool was putting in hookup points and water to encourage vans, who will be out of pocket, trader or mhomers out having a good time. I'll happily entertain the Yorks Post and aforementioned Councilor on West Pier one evening to discuss, although doubt they could be bothered as it is really a non-issue brought about by a few bored fisherman and locals with nought best to do.

yep, i can relate to all you say, many times i have litter picked, the ignorant cllr hasnt got a clue whats going on, they use their spin to get elected and thats it, i contaced cll blunkett last week regarding another issue, i got a full explaination and even a thank you for contacting them, keeps me happy, Mr watson is a tit, i have emailed Stuart clarke, as suggested, lets see what he says, i know some on here will say i'm wasting my time, but its my time to waste, i can try for nowt, i am off to Scarborough in the morning for a few days, i will do my own research,

The council busybodies need an excuse for failing to improve trade in their town

What they should do & Torquay is a prime example where its got beyond a joke (visitor numbers are down because of the adverse publicity about parking), is stop waging war on ALL motorists & that includes MH's. Make ALL visitors welcome & see the pick up in trade. Also its been found (in Denmark I think) that in roads without restrictions motorists police themselves
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Refurbisher has added another dimension to the discussion and one which is worth putting to the council and to the councillors who have ears.

There will always be some motorhomers who leave rubbish, but that applies to all users. One answer is to leave a commercial waste bin nearby...seems to work much better than inadequately size litter bins.

I can feel a campaign coming on. Start with my local authority and learn from the experience before moving on to other authorities.

I am going away from three months at the end of the week, so I may wait till I get back in September.

Refurbisher has added another dimension to the discussion and one which is worth putting to the council and to the councillors who have ears.

There will always be some motorhomers who leave rubbish, but that applies to all users. One answer is to leave a commercial waste bin nearby...seems to work much better than inadequately size litter bins.

I can feel a campaign coming on. Start with my local authority and learn from the experience before moving on to other authorities.

I am going away from three months at the end of the week, so I may wait till I get back in September.


I was in the Coach Park at Warkworth last September. That had big bins and a recycling facilities.

The ground was covered in take away containers and other rubbish dropped by the bus passengers. So providing big bins didn't work for that parking area.

The council came to empty the bins while we were there but just left the other rubbish to blow about. If it wasn't in the bin it didn't get removed. We picked it up and put it in the now empty bin.
@John Thompson and Refurbisher - may I quote from your posts in something I am thinking about putting together?

At the risk of breaking forum rule, I found this about UK aires UK Aires - Motorhome Stopovers & Service Points
Unfortunately that page is seriously outdated. Motorcaravan Magazine ceased publication last year I think, and they had lost interest in their 'Stopovers Campaign' long before that. The listing of stopovers is very incomplete. I list the ones I know about here: Overnight stopovers for motorhomes in the UK and Ireland

Trouble is, most are not really 'aires'.

@John Thompson and Refurbisher - may I quote from your posts in something I am thinking about putting together?

At the risk of breaking forum rule, I found this about UK aires UK Aires - Motorhome Stopovers & Service Points

To get the tourism benefits, these aires should really be thinking about getting themselves entries in camping-car : The best European guide to motorhome sanistations and Vicarious Books motorhome aires stopovers, caravan camping site guide books ACSI Camping Card.


No problem in quoting me. Have you checked out Motorhome Friendly and Unfriendly Parking
It has information from councils on their policy and provision.
If I go away for a weekend I take say £200, whatever we can afford at the time. This money usually always get spent. If I have to pay £50 for a campsite then fish and chips it is, if we camp free then we will sit down and eat. Either way the local traders get £200 from us. If they expect us to pay £50 camping fee and still spend £200 in the shops then for us it simply cannot happen.
we used to visit the east coast often when we lived up north :dance: and i have always been of the oppinion that the traders have never been bothered about vans parked up ,but things may have changed now .i dont know about anyone else on the site but ,whenever we visited a resort or realy anywhare we used to get there early ,and find a parking place ,if you get there nice and early you could always find a free place before the other day trippers found them and as we had a van capable of being able to cook in in it and make tea why would we want to visit overpriced ,caffs food was taken with us again baught from cheap supermarkets not overpriced local shops ,and then at night a couple of miles drive to the outskirts to find a layby and then a couple of drinks from a reasonably priced off licence and a meal cooked in the van not in a pub that charges max they can for a pint and a bar snack a good time is had and thats the way to beat the camp sites and the ungratefull local traders. after all is that not what we are supposed to do when we go off in our vans thats why they are fitted with cookers and fridges to use . and as for wanting toilets open 24 hours dont our van come equiped with loos oh and showers too and the money we save on spending our hard earned cash on people that dont want us arround we will have more left for fuel ,to give to an ungratefull government ..... we cannot win can we

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